TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@galio5 - luckily, we do have backup plans. However, still disappointed and can’t understand why they are not clear about the kids being on a wait-list.

I agree with you - sounds like some new processes put into place and not a lot of thought went in to consistency of messaging to students and families. Best of luck!

Unfortunately this is so true. I will not be relying on A&M in any aspect of my decision making process, as this decision has been delayed long enough. I’ll just move on to my RD application decisions and work from there. I may check my portal once every two weeks from now on, but that is about all. I’m thoroughly disappointed in TAMU, as they seemed extremely reliable in the prior events I had attended.

I too am beginning to think this is a “sign” that our DD shouldn’t go to A&M. Highly disappointed in how they’re treating their applicants with no regard to explaining their process. Luckily we have backups that have gone out of their way attempting to recruit her.

I think it is time to read the writing on the wall that this school isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Our oldest is a graduate of A&M CS and we know first hand what she went through once she was accepted. Not sure I want to live through it all again. So sad…

OK…this is Dad. Getting pretty frustrated with the PROCESS. I will reserve judgement on the “wait list” issue for Engineering Academy at Blinn till end of week.

Just hearing over the wire that a few students were killed in a A&M residence hall at the Commerce campus. I could well imagine might throw everything for a loop within the administration. Maybe this is why there is no movement today.

Prayers for the parents and kids involved in this tragedy.

Hello everyone!
I am so sorry to read about the situation regarding the engineering offers. I believe that like @TC12Racer was saying the applicants who were notified on Friday received a different kind of offer. I was notified on Thursday (01/30/2020) regarding my offers for the engineering program, and I selected the Engineering Academy as my choice. Like some of y’all were saying, it said that I was “being considered” for the Academy, but my status changed on Friday (01/31/2020) saying that I had been accepted. Furthermore, I registered for my NSC (New Student Conference) over the weekend. I am not sure how this situation is going to work out, but I really do hope that y’all get notified soon or have a back-up plan to implement. Best of luck, my dudes!

similar feelings based on experience with a huge Big 10 school and an older child. I am paying attention to the signs as we get closer to decision time and tell my youngest to go where you feel wanted. It does make a difference. It’s the longest 4 years when things aren’t right and the fastest when the fit is good!

similar feelings based on experience with a huge Big 10 school and an older child. I am paying attention to the signs as we get closer to decision time and tell my youngest to go where you feel wanted. It does make a difference. It’s the longest 4 years when things aren’t right and the fastest when the fit is good!

Inhale, exhale.

With all the calling of local advisors who truly give out wrong information all of the time, everyone is getting a bit frustrated. I get it. But yes things seem to be different than years past, but I don’t think the Friday offer was for waitlist engineers. I do think y’all are in and the portals will open! It’s just a matter of getting everything switched over in the system. Every year we hear… you’ll her in March and it’s rarely March (BIMs and PSA was March last year) but engineering… no. If it was truly a wait list offer for engineering, it would have said it.

Now another deep breath. It’s Monday and yesterday was a long super bowl kind of day. So hang in there… Please.

I read it on the news earlier. I thought it was the College Station campus, but it was the Commerce campus, which didn’t seem like it is too far from College Station. News is saying that it is 2 women and 1 Toddler right now. Prayers to all that is involved.

I wholeheartedly agree. Our oldest graduated in 2018. Went through this agonizing admissions process, applied on day one, waited months until end of Feb., got rejected, went to Blinn freshman year, transferred in, did great once she got there, even got into PT school, doing great there as well … but the toll it all took on her (and us!) and on her self-esteem … irreparable damage. Now daughter #2 is going through the same admission process. Applied 7/1, still waiting, no change on AIS. Even if she by some miracle gets full admission, Blinn Team, Gateway, anything … I dread the next 4 years. If you think the admissions process is bad, just wait. Registering for classes is the same situation. Some students end up in mostly online classes even though they are living in College Station! It’s insane. I’m a Class of '91 graduate, but I’m telling you it’s not the same university I went to. I agree with the earlier post “A&M’s attitude seems to be we don’t need you because we’ve got thousands of other students waiting in line to take your spot”. Sad.

Just to clarify, I called both the main admissions up in CS and my local office, both telling me essentially the same thing. I do have to say that the college student I got up in CS was very rude! Maybe she had explained this issue several times today, who knows. But my local person said they’d call me back this week with hopefully an update on the timing of getting a final decision. As soon as I hear something I’ll let y’all know.

Prayers to the Aggie students and families who were involved in the shooting today.

hmmmm…please share more about the Online Classes. Are they a lower per-hour cost than “live” classrooms? I sold UC/virtual meeting rooms for years…and, know that they are 90% as “effective”, but am curious.

Prayers to the families involved in the Commerce campus shootings!

Prayers for all those frustrated on this thread, as I can only imagine what your going thru right now. The lack of communication is very frustrating for everyone.

I am by no means trying to discount anyones feelings this afternoon… but I saw a change in my sons Howdy portal. It always had either request a change in major or withdraw. Can someone please tell me their thoughts, if one is no longer there, such as request a change in major? They are both there in his AIS but not Howdy. Thank you!

OMG I ACTUALLY NEEDED THIS!!! I was freaking out so badly after I read the whole blinn waitlist thing. I personally think that the CStat people are just saying march because they don’t actually know when it’ll come out. As @AggieMomhelp said, saying march seems to be the go-to when they don’t know. I just wanna know soon due to housing (willing do live in an apartment but would rather live on-campus).

@AggieMomhelp is also correct when she says that they should specify for engineering (considering literally over 70% of each class is engineering students). Imagine how many people they would screw over if they don’t specify.

Also, prayers up to those in the shooting.

I’ll confirm the tuition rate for online classes with my niece who took them as recently as last semester, but I don’t believe there was any discount in tuition.

just called texas a&m admissions, they told me that they are just checking to see if there is enough space . For those who received 3 options on friday for engineering. From what they told me it is NOT a waitlist

@YankeeTexan33 looks like whoever you called and spoke to had NO idea what they were talking about lol, panicked, and told you some bs about a waitlist. Must’ve gotten it mixed up with the recent wait list wave they did.

@Hope2Baggie as we’ve seen, things have been different this year…but in years past the disappearance of the change major button has meant that a PSA decision is imminent. The button disappears first in howdy then in AIS. The PSA offer then follows on AIS. Hoping things are different this year…hang in there!!

Admissions told me they are just making sure there is enough space for me? But will they not give me a decision until mid march??? Am I waitlisted? Received an offer on friday. I am an OOS student and Texas a&m has by far had the WORST application process out of all the schools I applied to. They keep playing games!