TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

i dont think so…

I still have my “Change Major” button in Howdy and AIS too @arkeldi

Definite movement towards PSA offer when the change of major disappears.

Team gets general studies and the blessed 6 tabs.

Waitlist is new for non engineers so no info on how long those decisions will take but at least there’s still hope for freshman entrance.

I don’t believe engineering group that received offers on Friday are truly waitlisted. We shall see though. It is weird that the offers went out on 2 different days back to back. So there could be a discrepancy between the hierarchy there. Just so different this year.

Best of luck y’all. Truly whatever decision you receive doesn’t determine where you’ll graduate from. I know someone from Commerce (yes he’s fine) that has fallen in love with it this year as PSA student. No interest in coming to cstat to finish up. So really, you just don’t know. It all works out.

Change of major button is gone in Howdy for DD also. Went to recheck after reading others had disappeared. Her major is Kinesiology.

My change of major disappeared in Howdy but not AIS, what does that mean?

it wouldn’t make sense for engineering waitlist this early right? Last week was the first round of academy decison releases?

Same thing on my Howdy portal.

Where on the Howdy portal does the change of major appear?

Under Manage Application

The request change in major button appears both on Howdy portal and AIS for my son. He received the message that he had three options (McAllen, Galveston, Bryan - all engineering) on Friday, and he chose Bryan.

THIS, THIS, THIS. It honestly makes ZERO sense no matter how many times I try to think of a way that they would start an engineering wait list. It shouldn’t take them a whole month to check if there’s space and admit people. AT THE MOST, it should be 2-3 days.

I swear if I get put on a wait list and have to wait AGAIN…I might just go to UTD.

would you mind sharing your sons stats? mine are
— i am top quarter… i have taken 13 IB classes in a super rigorous high school, in state
— 29 ACT, 30 english, 34 math, 31 stem
— good essays( i changed states so i talked about that and my influence my dad had on me… hes an engineer from Albania)
— 500 job shadowing hours( my uncle is a senior engineer at Aetna), co president of rocket club, stu co-president freshmen year, engineering club, comp sci club, NHS, N french HS, over 300 volunteer and service hours( homeless shelters, peer tutoring, municipal teen court volunteer

… i selected to be part of engineering academy but i am still in review… i do not know what is wrong with my application :frowning:

Yes that’s the whole point! People who received their offers on Thursday were “considered” but then got in the next day. This is my exact situation. Offers arrived on Thursday morning, I accepted around noon. “You’re being considered” appear, and then boom! Friday morning it read “You’ve been accepted to the Engineering academy.” But it seems that people who received their offers on Friday are being left without answers.

Thanks for your clarification…that was my daughter…she is very dissapointed, but, it ain’t over 'til the Fat Lady Sings!!

My “change of major” button is gone too. So, does this mean that we are for sure getting PSA? Or is this just a theory?

@2NDGENAGGIE - love your outlook… trying to take a page out of your book!

For at least the last three years that is what it meant.

With the addition of the waitlist and now the confusion over the engineering academy selection people seem to be really questioning the HOWDY change.

But if you go back to last year’s thread - we did not question what it meant. We all knew that if the Change Major option disappeared in HOWDY - that PSA was on the way.

Not the decision we wanted. But we all knew what it meant.

I think the likelihood is that the HOWDY change means PSA is extremely high. It seems to be a technical function of not be admitted to the university.

Noticed the disappearance of the Change Major button at 10pm this evening, then came here to see it’s a thing today! Exactly what sort of a thing remains to be seen! Fingers crossed it means we’re one step closer to knowing the direction we’ll be taking!!

Biology major - 24.9%, 3.9 UW and on the bubble!!

Could no change of major button possibly mean gateway? I know that most people who have gotten gateway have seen a change in their major to the general studies, but since the general studies major is the only major you can have while in the gateway program, couldn’t it also result in the removal of change major button? Just a thought…

You do not lose your change major button. But your term changes to summer and your major changes. And you get the 6 tabs.

But the HOWDY change major remains.