TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@jumbo7 all engineering majors take the same classes their freshman year. Calc 1&2, Engineering Chem, Engineering Physics, elective and freshman engineering class. You don’t transfer via PSA into a specific major in engineering. You transfer as a general engineering student and then apply through ETAM after you have been at TAMU for at least a semester because you have to take the freshman general engineering class at TAMU. If you are interested in majoring in any engineering at TAMU, I would not go the PSA route. Instead I would choose one of the engineering academies. There is a thread on it the I reposted on the main page. We went through this process 2 years ago

You know what? I’m excited to experience Texas tech I can’t wait :smiley:

@threegirlmom PTA is where you attend a junior college in TX, complete at least 30 hours, have a certain gpa and a certain letter grade on bold letter courses and you’ll be guaranteed admission to TAMU. You can find more info on the transfer section on the admissions website.

For those who doesn’t want to take the PSA route for engineering, there are plenty of good universities in Texas that want you. I have posted this before so here it is again:

2020 Rankings for engineering:

UT (#11), TAMU (#15), Rice (#20), UTD (#75), UH (#83), Texas Tech (#93),

SMU (#108), Baylor and UTA (#120), UTEP (#153), UTSA (#170), TAMU-Kingsville and UNT (#185)

I would suggested seriously looking into UTD, UH, TTU and UTA as an option.

I know that UTA provides very generous scholarships:

Their Maverick Scholarships might provides up to $8K per year / $32K for 4-years for those who exceed the minimum of 1100 SAT or 23 ACT score and who rank in the top 50%. That’s a big chunk of change and it is still open until Feb. 14.

@threegirlmom Program for Transfer Admission. It’s is similar to PSA only you got to juco. You sign a contract and if you meet the requirements you are guaranteed admission. There are pros and cons for PSA and PTA. Pick the one that works best for you and the major you choose. Please be aware that not all majors participate in either program.

Once you accept/decline PSA offer then list of the participating schools you are eligible for will be released (I can’t remember if that only came via snail mail or if it showed up on Howdy/AIS also). There are 8 system schools and depending on your ACT/SAT sub scores you may receive notification of all to choose from or a selection. This list will be pre determined for you. It’s worth doing your homework now and finding out which ones you’d think you’d like from their websites and lots will be having Open Days over the next few months.
By accepting the PSA offer you are by no means committed …at this point it’s really just opening doors. Once you decide on which school (s) you then wish to be ‘considered’ for you then let TAMU know & they forward everything to their system school on your behalf …you DON"T need to send off a new application to each PSA school you select. The ‘considered’ here is different to the considered that has been causing so much frustration this week for Engineering Academy offers. My DS selected 4 schools from his list of 8 - we visited /toured 2 using their Open Day opportunities, then he made his final decision.

We just clicked through and were taken to his list. All were listed but the majors were limited. No Biology, closest was Biochem that would work if we he were to go that route, but will decline. Good luck to you!?

Good luck guys I guess this is goodbyes ?
Thank you to all the great people that make this thread a family of committed and understanding people!

@threegirlmom I would highly recommend PTA. I have heard so many great things about it and the fact that you are Guaranteed admission really makes it a great option. You need 30 hours of college credit and a 3.2 gpa. Any dual credit courses that your student has taken can be put towards the 30 hours, even the ones that are required! There’s typically 3-5 bolded courses that are required and that you have to make a grade of B or better in. Many of them are freshman core classes. The 3.2 gpa is relatively easy to attain if your student makes good grades! My daughter is planning on doing PTA starting this summer, she will graduate HS with 35 dual credit hours and will only be taking 16 hours in total (she is doing summer and fall semester- the 16 hours is the combined total of both semesters). Of course it all depends on what you and your student wants, but I think that it is a great option! You save money by going to community college (typically a couple $1000) and can go to ANY community college in Texas, which means the students can live in college station and go to Blinn and really get the college station/TAMU feel before they get to transfer over to A&M for good! :relaxed:

Lets assume engineering academy decisions actually do come out in mid-march, and I get accepted into their dual-enrollment program.

If I were to fill out a housing application, because I am enrolled in both Blinn and CStat, am I guaranteed a dorm/on-campus apartment?

If not, would it be safe to assume then that by mid-march (if decisions don’t come out until then), that on-campus housing is full and I would have to live off-campus?

I’m willing to live off-campus, but I just wanna know if there’s still a possibility of a dorm/on-campus apartment available for me by mid-March.

By going the PSA route, we aren’t committed to accepting an offer from one of those schools are we? Can we treat this like we would another app while working to make a decision on other schools? my DD has been accepted into Baylor with a nice scholarship offer but wants to consider all her options first. She’s a biology major which of course, is not on the list!

@kreed23 @threegirlmom when transferring for the Spring, double check with an admissions advisory for the department you are applying to. Several departments don’t accept spring transfers.

@kreed23 YES! We’re in same “offer” mode. After digging thru PSA vs. PTA, PTA (eventhough higher requirements) looks better (IMHO).

@frasertm Correct in all ways :slight_smile: It’s just another door (or set of doors) opening until you make that decision of which one you actually wish to walk thru.

@Trinity & @threegirlsmom yes, definitely see if spring transfer is allowed for your major! However, if you can’t transfer over in the spring, you can still transfer the following fall! If your students major doesn’t allow admission for the spring, then just take the time to have a great summer, choose your community college whether it be local, blinn, etc, and use the fall & spring semester to get your credits. Applications open the beginning of January, so if your student is taking classes during the spring, STILL APPLY AS SOON AS THE APPLICATION OPENS! They will send you something that looks like you got denied, but really it is just a letter saying that they are waiting for your final spring grades/transcript that you will get in May to give you a decision, which If you followed all the guidelines, is an automatic yes to getting admitted! If you do finish up your classes in time for spring semester, you can either start in the spring, or if your major doesn’t offer spring admission, you have an extra long summer break! I hope this helps! :relaxed:?

@trinley…thanks for thinking me & my daughter are NOT one of the entitled applicants. Thank you for saying she is “mature”…I am trying to communicate HOW HEARTBROKEN she is. Oh, and, she’s not a “buttercup” either. Just wants to wallow for @ 15 minutes, then develop a plan to move on…that’s Adulting in my book. Thanks to everyone on this forum…all questions/ideas help to “deep dive” and make a decision. oh, and, GIG 'EM!!!

@2NDGENAGGIE Yay!! So is your daughter doing PTA at Blinn this next fall? And I totally agree, PTA is the better choice at least for us! My daughter was so upset at first, but she quickly got over it and is now obsessing over where she will be getting an apartment near Blinn and getting to be in college station, LOL!

Hey @kreed23 please double check that on the 30 hours. I show it must be completed AFTER high school graduation and you have 3 years to do so. PSA is 24 credits AFTER high school and you have 1 year to do it. Dual credit does not count!

If you do straight transfer (no guarantee) you have 24 total graded credits to complete (Dual credit counts).

All this to say you need to do the required coursework per your degree.

WHen do dorm applications open up?

Whatever you see in portal is final for the school. You may get something from the department which comes out March-April. I wouldn’t count on it much though. My son got none merit (and need based) to this point. Not even sub loans :frowning: Good luck.