TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

Hey y’all, I have been following this thread for a while now, and I had been patiently waiting to hear back from TAMU. This morning I realized my “change major” was gone and at about 3:45 pm my AIS said that I have been offered PSA. This saddens me, but I’m trying to make the best of it. Can anyone explain what it is and if it is better than just doing a 2-year college and then transferring?

@kreed23 @threegirlsmom That is incorrect …

@AggieMomhelp is correct so please read the requirements very carefully and understand what they are before making your decision. Here is the quote from the link below:

  • Complete at least 30 transferable hours AFTER high school graduation at any Texas community college within three years from the date on which participation begins.


Not sure if I missed this or not, but were there any engineering students that got the PSA offer today? Or were they all non-engineering applicants?

So…what can be expected if nothing has happened or changed at all? No buttons missing or changed, nothing.

And why do you assume the scores were extremely low?

@abigailEm look at the TAMU admissions page under “alternative admissions decision” and “other pathways…”it explains the various ways to get admitted to TAMU. After reading it over, come back with questions. http://admissions.tamu.edu/freshman/admitted


@iwant2go2tamuplz In case no one answered this already:


The requirements seem to be very specific, so make sure that you use the link to talk to an admissions rep.

@burnerphone415 I appreciate you sharing that information. I believe that if my son would have known that prior, he would have just declined all academy options and rolled the dice with full admit or denial or changed his major, if that resulted in a decision sooner. This has been a clunky process with poor communication.
At this point, we will be visiting other schools and making other plans. When TAMU makes its decision, his decision will likely already be made. Too bad - we have family and friends that are alumni, and I think he would have enjoyed it there. I would have enjoyed in-state tuition.
Good luck to everyone!

@iwant2go2tamuplz Me and you are in the same boat, unfortunately. TAMU was my #1 dream school by a wide margin - unfortunately, it didn’t work out.

I’m not sold on PSA and will probably attend my #2 school while making sure I qualify for an A&M transfer in case I would still like to do that.

Anyways, to my point: the appeal process does not seem to factor anything emotional. Only things like errors appear to be taken into consideration.

@AggieMomhelp & @mikeinsugarland wow, that completely flew over my head, I feel like such a dummy now! ??‍♀️ Looks like straight transfer from blinn is what we’re going for now. We don’t care for PSA because my DD does not want to go to a different A&M school and get acclimated there and not be able to be in college station. If they had a campus closer to college station or Bryan that would be a different story. Transfer admission was always a contender for us, but the fact that it isn’t guaranteed admission is kind of scary.

My daughter has 35 credit hours from dual credits, some of those can be used towards transfer credit right? Her dual credits are Bio, english, us history, and a couple other ones that she may be able to use towards admission. She will take the recommenced courses plus some for her major (Bioenvironmental science). So if she does all that, maintains good grades, and has a good gpa she will most likely get admission by transfer? Just want to make sure this time ?

So is it a good sign if I am an engineering major and my change major and withdrawal buttons are still on my ais and howdy portal? What should I expect? Does this mean I’ll get a decision soon?

I’m beyond frustrated with the way TAMU handled everything from the very start of the admissions cycle. You would think professionals could handle this better than they have.

I accept blinn, then I get put on a waitlist, then I have to wait until mid-march? Sorry, no. I’ve waited since september, and i’m not waiting again. Have fun with those other applicants are “dying” to go to your school. Please, don’t treat them as poorly as you treated this wave of engineering students this year.

I’ll probably be going to UTD this fall. Maybe, just MAYBE, i’ll try and transfer to TAMU my sophmore year.

Good luck to everyone else.

I would say it neither good or bad. They are still deciding on engineering academy placements. This PSA wave did not involve engineering.

@kreed23 you can verify transfer equivalence with this link for your dual credit. https://compassxe-ssb.tamu.edu/HCA/ssb/transferCourseEquivalency/#/
My daughter is at Blinn now and awaiting final word on transfer but for her that was the better path than PSA or PTA due to dual credits. She took a summer class after high school plus 16 hours in the Fall + applicable dual credit which gave her 25 transferrable credits and a 3.84 GPA so we are hoping for positive response with no deferment for spring grades ?? She LOVES it In College Station and doesn’t give a flip (nor does anyone else) that she is at Blinn. Good luck! Lots of good paths to be an Aggie depending on your personal situation.

Class of '85 here; my father was class of '58. We were hoping that our daughter would join the fighting Texas Aggie class of 2024. However, like many of you today, she received PSA. I was really hoping that the holistic review would pull her through. We would have been over the moon for Gateway and with 27 DC hours, we were hoping that she would still be considered for Blinn Team. But, those paths were not offered.

Top 15%, 4.75 W, 3.7 UW, lots of ECs, good LORs, and a very well-written essay. Her test scores were obviously her downfall. Her chosen major was Political Science. In fact, she was really looking at the Masters in Public Administration program.

I’m not bitter. I’m relieved. I am so grateful to TAMU that PSA was released this week. I can’t imagine suffering through another month lurking in this forum. Receiving the PSA notification was the best news we could have received. We have an answer. My daughter can move forward.

I have spent so many hours combing through every post on this year’s forum. I even read all the way through the posts on the Class of 2023 boards. For the past two years, I have been consumed with a sense of complete nervousness worrying whether TAMU would deem my daughter worthy of a spot.

Now, I feel a sense of peace. My daughter will not be taking the PSA route. She will not be enrolling in Blinn to pursue the PTA route. My daughter will be attending LSU in the fall. She’s excited. She was accepted into LSU’s 3+3 Prelaw program.

Many people have told me that a child will have a “feeling” when he/she steps on a college campus, akin to a sense of belonging. Although she’s been raised in an Aggie household and basically drank the Gig 'Em kool-aid, my DD fell in love with LSU.

I wholeheartedly wish all of you and your children the best. My blood still bleeds Maroon, but I’m now searching for a divided house flag because purple and gold are going to be sharing the space.

Congratulations to your daughter:) She will love it there! LSU is such a great school with great opportunities! I believe everything happens for a reason. Your post made me tear up idk why LOL but I wish her the best of luck in college and beyond ! It’s great that A&M is releasing decisions , esp PSA so early so we can finally move on and get a sense of peace. I, myself on the other hand, am in the Waitlisted boat waiting for possible full admit or Blinn Team. I am hoping to hear back soon, and will gladly take Blinn. It would be nice to hear back my decision :slight_smile: hopefully all waitlisted applicants don’t get PSA’d !!

Congratulations on the LSU acceptance @ssajwa1 ! That’s an amazing opportunity, at a great value, for aspiring lawyers! I really love that your daughter got that ‘feeling’ at LSU, and just knew. That’s the one! She’s gonna love it! I love your attitude and spirit too. :smile:

I truly understand all of the frustrations everyone is having. I have had 2 kids apply at A&M, one waited months to finally get accepted into engineering, the other was offered PSA. Even when you get accepted to engineering it is no guarantee you will get the engineering major you want so if you are dead set on a specific engineering major go somewhere else. You are at A&M’s will unless you get the 3.5 or higher for some majors. That’s right, you get to apply for what you want to study all over again and get what you are given. And if you plan on being in the corps while doing so, it’s a wonderful and horrible thing. The time suck of the corps can and does kill gpa’s fall semester. But the life lessons and networking are amazing!

Luckily my kid who got PSA had already decided prior to that decision that A&M really wasn’t her people. All that being said, A&M is a huge school and there are lots of pathways in if that is what’s important to you. I know it sounds harsh but 2024 was the last year for academic admits to non engineering majors, you all knew prior to applying what you had to do to get guaranteed admission. All these kids come from highly competitive schools… this is Texas, huge high schools, money and competition. I went to meetings freshman year to figure out what my dead set aggie had to have to get guaranteed admission and we made a plan and he did it instead of leaving it in the fate of some admission counselor. There is nothing wrong with a degree from UNT, Tech, Arkansas or any of the other schools. Get to school, outwork your peers and make a name for yourself. The aggie network is huge, but I promise hard work will outperform said network any day of the week. There is a place for everyone. Spend your evening mourning what you wanted to happen and make a plan for what still can happen whatever dream that may be and get out there and conquer it. 10 years from now no one will care where your 1st choice college was, they will care that you are educated and a hard worker.

@hopeTAMUengmom I 100% agree with what you said about 10 years from now no one will care. Our daughter is one who was offered Engineering Academy at Blinn last Friday, took it, only to now find out that she’s back in review! It’s just so sad that A&M couldn’t communicate their offer better. We were all lead to believe we were “in” once we made our choice. How hard can it possibly be to figure out how many seats they still have open?

For the last couple of weeks our daughter has really preferred Baylor over A&M, yet we keep trying to persuade her on the public school price tag and that A&M is simply regarded as a much better school for Engineering. But after all of these disappointments in the admissions process, I honestly am finding myself thinking that Baylor may just be her better option. They made her feel welcomed there, and I know they actually care about their students’ success. Having another child who just graduated from A&M, I can say that A&M is the complete opposite. You are just a number up in CS.

Someone already stated in the last day or so on this forum that “go where you feel welcomed.” We may just follow that advice. Best of luck to everyone still awaiting a decision.