TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@YankeeTexan33 I agreed with the early decision deadline - but not eliminate them. Instead of saying if you “do not have a decision have been deferred to the final decision round of January”, have a more specific date like Feb. 1 or something so the students can move on - since that is why they applied early in the first place.

I have always interpret a waitlist as what it is - a waiting list to get into - like when you go to a crowded restaurant or airplane. You are in line but no guaranteed you will get in or on. I wished I could have spoken out sooner when everybody was making their selections and perhaps that would have helped.

Hopefully, with the changes to the admission criteria next year (no academic admits), that should speed things up a little more and less ambiguities.

“Waitlist” is actually a decision (in the college admissions world, any way). It’s different from being “Deferred” to a later date for decision. So, if they gave that disposition (Waitlist) by the deadline, then they met the Early Action decision commitment.

But I have to agree with you on needing clarification. IMO, they should define all of the decision dispositions on their admissions website, and in AIS.

For waitlist, what really concerns me is that I haven’t seen them define the potential outcomes. My concern is that for applicants who don’t get offered admission to one of their waitlist options, that they won’t be offered PSA either. I did some digging on the last time TAMU used their waitlist. Applicants were rejected if space for their requested waitlist option(s) didn’t materialize. For most colleges/universities, it’s clear that if you don’t get off the waitlist, you’re rejected. Because TAMU (historically) only rejects a small percentage of applications (app incomplete, applicant is a felon, unfulfilled requirements, international students who don’t meet requirements, etc…), and traditionally offers alternative paths, I don’t think that the clarity is there. I think that most applicants would still be expecting an alternate path offer.


1)Has anyone, offered waitlist options, declined all of their waitlist offers? If so, what happened? Did you get a PSA offer? Did you get a rejection? Has TAMU not responded yet?

@nomatter - my daughter is non engineering waitlisted. Her AIS states that if no TEAM or College Station offer is made. She will get PSA. Waitlisted students have until April 1 to make their choice of either waiting listing for TEAM, CS or both. If no choice is made, they automatically get PSA. My gut tells me they wont find anything out until April or even May after all decisions have been made - then they will see how many slots they have open to fill. So we patiently wait…

@nomatter @aggies8688 See, the engineering applicants that were offered the 3 choices on 1/31 were not told in their AIS that they were choosing an option that would put them on a “waitlist”, therefore there was no mention of PSA if they didn’t respond. TAMU worded the offer almost identically to the way they worded the engineering offers over the last several years, where as a student who chose their option of say Blinn Engineering Academy, they’d receive the official congratulations within 24 hours. This time though we didn’t receive anything but “you’re being considered for …” message on our AIS.

@JJJATX I honestly don’t know the difference at this point between the 1/31 offers and the “review” applicants. Was your son an auto admit to TAMU and then put into Engineering Review in October? If so, I would be hopeful that maybe you could still get full admission??? Maybe they’re waiting to see just how many full admit seats are still open.

What’s interesting is back in the earlier days of this admission process, I was told by our local admissions office that if my DD wasn’t accepted into Engineering, she would be offered the ability to change her major to something that still have open seats. Her stats would have definitely admitted her into most other majors. I now don’t see that happening, and I’m not sure she’d do that at all since she really wants engineering.

@YankeeTexan33 By chance, are you in-state or out of state?

@nomatter We are in state

Sorry this is off topic but i’m from New York so I don’t really know much about Texas A&M. I just visited this weekend for Aggieland Saturday and I loved it! But i’m currently deciding between Clemson and A&M. I was admitted into both schools for engineering with an intent on studying chemical or mechanical. Does anyone have any info or tips they could share? Thanks!!

Same! My son received PSA this past week, he was bummed but mostly because he has a couple of friends who got into A&M, he also loved LSU and was accepted! We are still debating but really really leaning towards LSU…husband and preferred it over A&M to be honest, we felt welcomed, and oh my what a beautiful campus! Good luck to everyone!

Is there an active TAMU Galveston Forum?

I got PSA on February 4th and I was soo soo devastated because TAMU is literally the only school I wanted to go to. I understand that if I go through with PSA then I will get guaranteed admittance my sophomore year. As nice as it sounds, I really wish that I didn’t have to go. Is there any possible way that I can find another way on getting in. Would maybe going to Blinn for my first year be a better option?? If anyone has any information on what would be the best thing to do I would greatly appreciate it.

@aggiefan2002 first question I would have for you is what is your ultimate goal with a BIMS degree (ie Med School, etc)? The answer would likely impact any possible advise.

@AggieDreamin My ultimate goal would to eventually go to medical school to become a dermatologist it has been a dream of mine for as long as I could remember. I just feel extremely lost because in my head I always imagined myself going to A&M after I graduate but now that I can’t, I feel like everything is so confusing. I still plan on trying my hardest to get in no matter what, but TAMU has always felt like a second home for me and no other college makes me feel the same way. I just don’t see myself anywhere else.

@aggiefan2002 I’m still waiting to hear back but if I get PSA then i’ll just go to blinn instead. I could be wrong but I think it’s cheaper, and that way you can still be in Cstat where all of the action is. PSA kind of moves you away from aggieland a little bit. Enjoy Cstat as a college student while you can!

@aggiefan2002. First of all…keep your eye on the prize!!! Your end goal is fantastic and don’t give up hope on TAMU! A couple of possible paths…one you can go PSA like @JaceyK son did (he is currently at TAMU CC). The challenge is that for medical school they don’t recommend taking any of the core medical school requirements at a Community College. If you go PSA you can go straight into a program that will allow you to start your core curriculum right away but will need to do something like BioChem because BIMS is not an option. If you really want to being College Station Freshman year you could consider adjusting your major by going straight transfer or PTA. My daughter wants to go to med school but wanted to be in CS so she is doing straight transfer and taking non-core med school classes at Blinn and planning to transfer into the Psychology BS program at TAMU. She can still get her med school requirements with a BS but she may have to take gap year because she will be a little behind on core classes in preparation for the MCAT. You can still take your Physics at Blinn just not your Biology or Chem classes. She has found this to be a great path for her so far and is loving CStat, lives in an apartment across from TAMU campus and has no issue with going to Blinn first. No one knows who is taking classes at TAMU or Blinn. So there are many paths to TAMU so please don’t get too discouraged by getting PSA. I know it is hard at first but I promise it will pass and before you know it you will be at TAMU. It happens to a lot of VERY qualified kids and you just have to adjust the plan a bit and again keep your eye on the prize. It isn’t where you start it is where you finish. :slight_smile:

@AggieDreamin Thank you so so much for your kind words and advice!! What exactly is the Straight transfer or PTA? It sounds very interesting. My Mother and I are going to try and see if we can schedule an appointment with an admissions counselor so maybe he or she could help us a little bit more. I hope your daughter gets into medical school!!

@aggiefan2002 definitely schedule time with an advisor :). Program for Transfer Admissions (PTA) is an official program through TAMU where you complete your freshman year at a Texas Community College. You will meet with a TAMU advisor and sign an agreement during the summer before Freshman year. Speaking for Psychology only…different majors have different requirements. For PSYC, you need 30 hours post HS and have to meet certain GPA and class requirements. Straight transfer is not guaranteed but you need 24 hours to transfer but only required to have 12 post HS and you can use Dual Credit as well to get to 24 hours. Also, AP can be considered but doesn’t count toward the 24 hours. I have included the links for both the PTA programs and straight Transfer and you can look over the different majors and options. Follow which ever program you pick to a tee and read the fine print. In either case, you cannot transfer to TAMU until Sophomore year.


Hey yall, havent had a chance to check here or Howdy all weekend. So catching up and logging back in. When I checked Manage Applications, I noticed the ONLY button to click under Active Applications is “Withdraw Application”. I think the other button was “Change Major”, (?) but its gone now.

Anyone know what this means?
Active Applications:
Texas A&M University - Fall 2020
Application Status: Under Review Level : Undergraduate Major: MEEN Program: BS-MEEN Location: College Station

EDIT: I think the CHANGE MAJOR buttons are gone…what does that mean, if anything?

@kbbeale I think it means PSA - usually when the change major button disappears, PSA offer follows within 24-48 hours.

would you mind sharing your stats?

Can someone tell us how the “Earning of a TAMU ring works?”
Is it by the number of course hours or is it doing Extra Curriculars at TAMU?