TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

Does a Blinn-Bryan Engineering offer remain in force through May 1st (or at least for a couple of weeks)? If my son delays while considering which path he wants to pursue, is he risking losing his slot?

Thank you in advance for the help.

Last year I checked my daughterā€™s account the day or two after her PSA offer deadline- and when I clicked on it (where if would previously then display the system selection) it gave me some sort of ā€œyou missed the deadline to choose PSA system school).

So the stated PSA deadline was very firm. I would assume the other deadlines are too.

My son refuses! He is afraid he will make them mad and theyā€™ll change their mind. ha!

Good morning! For those of you that were on the 1/23 waitlist that were NON-ENGINEERING and got your Blinn Team offers this weekā€¦ What is the date you have to accept the offer? We are part of the 2nd wave of waitlisters, so I am just curious how much time they gave you to commit. Thank you!

I still am on the waitlist and being considered for TEAM! I still have both options to change my major and withdraw my application! When will the wait end?!

@anxiousaggie73 My son is in that boat. He has until 5/1 to accept TEAM.

What date are the second waveā€“wait listers?

My daughter got her waitlisted / blinn team response on 1/27ā€¦she is still in review.

@MommaReed6 - My son has decided he is going to explore options at other schools. He has great offers at multiple business schools and isnā€™t sure he wants to take the risk of either straight Blinn or a transfer into Mays. PSA offer will be in the background as a plan B.

what other business schools has your son gotten into?

So i was Planning on going to Blinn Bryan and doing the PTA program And transferring to A&M. But i want To do pre-med and i was Wondering if blinn is still a good option for that, even though i do plan on transfer to A&M as soon as I can.

@reaganarnold My daughter wanted to be in Cstat so she did straight transfer and was just accepted for Fall 2020. Because she wants to go to Medical School she was advised not to take any of the Medical School requirement classes (with the exception of Physics) at a CC by TAMU and other med school advisorsā€¦ so a science based major was out. She decided to pursue a Psychology BS because it is has a strong Brain Science connection and will still allow her to get those sciences classes for med school and also allowed her to do a year at Blinn and not take those science classes yet. As it turns out, she is really loving the Psychology side of things and is opening her eyes to other new possibilities.

You may get differing opinions on this topic because many people know current doctors that did classes at CC however, I suspect it was either a long time ago when it wasnā€™t as competitive or they didnā€™t take science. If you have aspirations to go to a Tier 1 school youā€™ll want to be as competitive as possible. I would recommend calling around to any prospective medical schools and ask for yourself. We received a very consistent message from all Tier 1 Med Schools we called.

One point to mention, she was told that because she will be behind in the science classes she may need a gap year to get it all in before the MCAT. However, possibly could catch up taking summer classes.

The other option is to do PSA at a 4-year school and transfer in to CStat and then you can start science right away like @JaceyK son is doing down at TAMU Corpus Christi.

Good luck! Where there is a will there is a way. ?

thank you so much for this information!! Itā€™s really helps!

Anyone? I mean, I know my son hasnt gotten the glorious 6 tabs, and wont be admitted to Cstatā€¦ but can anyone help with this question?

@kbbeale Do you mean wait until after graduation to start freshman classes (Blinn, Austin CC, etc.)? (Sorry, Iā€™m very sleep deprived just now.)

IF thatā€™s what you mean, I suppose it would be A&Mā€™s rule, since Academy students are co-enrolled at both schools, and (as far as I know) students are only admitted in the fall each year to begin the two or three semester program leading up to ETAM.

@kbbeale Did your son receive offers of Blinn-Bryan, Galveston, McAllen back in January?

No. My son received PSA recently and he chose Corpus Christi. Thats not his plan A. Of course plan A would have been Cstat - but there is an Academy in San Antonio. I knew he wouldnt get Cstat as a freshman - so we applied in October to the CC in SA. Heā€™s met all the requirements, but we have not received the ā€œlinkā€ from TAMU to apply on their end, its different from the apply Texas application we all completed back in Julyā€¦

I keep reading here that people ā€œcant apply to the Academyā€ until after graduation - is that the case? We wont have an answer to this until after graduation? Make sense? Hopefully, lol

Iā€™ve never heard that you have to wait for academy til after graduation. I know you canā€™t decide PTA route til then but had not heard this on academies. Might be considered the same tho since guaranteed admission. Very interesting.

So maybe itā€™s that you can apply but canā€™t sign the academy form. Oooh @trinley had a son that did this in blinn brenham. Maybe she can help!!! ???

You can apply to academies now. Blinn-Brenham began the pre-approval process for their applications in January.

Students apply first the academy colleges, which pre-approve applications to be considered by TAMU. Thereā€™s no application fee, so the colleges act as gatekeepers so TAMU wonā€™t be overrun with applicants.

When a student is pre-approved, the academy college will send an email with a link to the application to TAMU.

If you are saying that you applied to the Engineering Academy in the Alamo College District in San Antonio and havenā€™t gotten their further application link yet, then I would considering contacting them by phone tomorrow. Itā€™s doubtful that they would have filled up, but you want to get your son admitted to a program! Many students apply to the Engineering Academy at Blinn-Brenham, which is a residential site, so I would venture to say that most of us are more familiar with their timetable, etc. Please keep in touch with us about what you find out.