TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

I wonder if an email went to his junk folder…

We created an outlook account just for college application stuff and I have been checking it like a freak. He checks it too but nothing yet…

Anyone else hoping to hear something this week regarding waitlist/blinn team for non-engineering majors?

@hmporter64 I would definitely call them. I’ve called on behalf of my daughter a couple of times. Don’t send a communication through AIS because your son will get an automatic email response back, responding to your question, and then your son will know you went behind his back. Just call them and simply ask about his status of admission.

@hmporter64 this happened to us last year. We got 6 tabs in December and it wasn’t until we emailed them in January, playing dumb, about the changes to his Howdy did we get the “Congratulations” and letter.
@YankeeTexan33 my son went with the Mac for engineering and has not had any issues. After speaking to the computer vendors at NSC, he chose to go with what he was familiar with.

@hmporter64 You can absolutely call, and he won’t even know you did it. You can even admit you are just the parent and you’re wondering what this means. It won’t affect anything with him being admitted except to provide clarification.

Thats so crazy… I wonder if someone is just forgetting to click the “send congrats” button at headquarters? :wink:

Oh wow - good to know. OK I got bold and just sent an email off to the admissions email I found online. Fingers crossed for a response. Toes crossed too for a positive response!!!

My daughter prefers a Mac but I’m so worried about her using one and having issues with compatibility with the software they need to work with. Plus I read that if you use a Mac then you’re cutting the battery life by a lot because of it needing to use an additional system to convert stuff over, if that makes any sense. How long has your son been using a Mac? So I take it that there will be computer vendors at NSC to ask questions of?

I receieved an email back saying my son was still under review for the Engineering Academy at Blinn. So, the six tabs must not always mean you’re in! She said they would “continue to review pathway requests through April since the deadline is not until April 1.”


@hmporter64 They are reading off script and won’t confirm any acceptance unless you have the “Congratulations! You’re admitted!” Message. Stupid, I know. I agree with @AggieMomhelp , your son is in!! How annoying and frustrating for you all!

@YankeeTexan33 For engineering, the only advice I would suggest is get a Windows laptop with plenty of memory - at least 8 GB RAM . Also, a discrete graphic card (not a built-in one) is also highly recommended - so money spent there will be worth it since most engineering apps uses lots of memory for graphics. To save money, you can go with a smaller screens, like a 13" instead of 15" or 17" laptops.

TAMU website specifically warns against a Mac since most engineering apps required a native Windows OS. Dual booting or Windows VM on a Mac is not a good idea.

@YankeeTexan33 My ds said the majority of eng. students are using windows but there are still quite a few w Macs.
There were reps from Microsoft with Surface pros to try out as well as APPLE & DELL. I don’t remember if Lenovo was there.
The gentleman at the tech store in MSC told us it’s not a big deal to run windows on it and then you’re getting the best of both worlds.
Since we are only into the second semester, I am hoping this holds true for the rest of his time at TAMU.

So I just noticed on the Howdy portal that my son’s info changed to BAC-ENGE-GV. Good 'ole Galveston. So disappointing. His friends will be in CSTAT - either full admits or Blinn Team. I’m guessing there’s no way he can get Blinn Team at this point. Wondering if he should just enroll at Blinn Bryan and start as a freshman there, then transfer into TAMU. Would he have to go two years before he can transfer? On the other hand, could he request a change of major in order to be reconsidered for full-admit or Blinn Team? I would love to speak with an admissions counselor, but every time we call, we end up w/one of the student reps and get different answers each time. It’s so frustrating because we really don’t understand his options and want to hear directly from a counselor so that we can make an informed decision. Do the counselors accept walk-in appts?
He doesn’t know this update has occurred, and I know he will be very disappointed and will not want to go to Galveston. He has scholarships to Baylor & Texas Tech, and acceptances at other Div I schools. Galveston is not appealing whatsoever. So bummed.

JJJATX, I don’t know the answer to your questions but I’m sorry to hear your son didn’t get the result he hoped for. A scholarship at Baylor is a pretty great thing. I also knowpeople at Tech love it there. So he has some great options. I have to believe that if our “six tabs” were a weird fluke and my kiddo doesn’t get in to TAMU, then it is for a reason.

@JJJATX I am no expert on engineering majors but here is a lengthy thread about alternative options for those not admitted to TAMU:


@jjjatx Galveston would only be for a year. At this point the only option to be in Cstat would be at Blinn and come as a transfer. Once he has 24 graded credits (some could be dual credit but at least 12 need to be in one post high school semester) then he could apply as a straight transfer.

I don’t think they will allow him to change his major for re-review of offer. Maybe an appeal if there’s good reason (like a change of major). What were his stats?

@JJJATX I’m sorry to hear about your situation and I also know how frustrating it is to call admissions and always get a student that can’t seem to answer your questions or they’re just guessing at the answers. Have you tried calling your local A&M admissions office? I’ve been able to get much better advice through them on what your options are with the school and how things are going to go down. If you’re from a smaller town, then call your child’s HS counselor and ask them to give you the name and number of your local A&M admissions office. Sometimes, they can even facilitate that admissions person coming to your school and meeting with you and your student. Good luck!

I definitely wouldn’t advise doing that behind your sons back! Him “know[ing]” what you did should be his right and responsibility as the applicant.

@JJJATX Almost everyone who receives a Galveston engineering offer feels initially pretty let down. After all, everyone is thinking College Station when they think of A&M. But TAMUG overall has maybe 2500-3000 students these days, There are 500-700 pre-engineering students, and they offer a pretty good set of core curriculum courses as well as three entry-level engineering courses and a number of engineering degree plan math, chemistry, and physics courses, probably about four semesters’ worth (because students can come in with different credits). If you look at their course schedule, you will get an idea of the scope. There are some sizeable nice new buildings there, and it’s a school that some students attend all their undergraduate years for marine and maritime-related majors. There are many activities available in the wider area. If your son is interested in being an Aggie, two semesters can go by quickly and enjoyably. Never hurts to check things out! It’s difficult to transfer into most major engineering programs in the state. Most of them don’t reciprocate on early engineering course credits, and not across different systems, so it’s good to start out where you hope to stay. Best wishes to your son whatever he decides. It’s an honor to get a full admission offer, and it’s wonderful that he has good offers from Baylor and Tech. Always good to have options. We try to make sure every student on this forum has an option come fall.

Just to be clear that Blinn TEAM is for non-engineering students. I think you meant TAMU Engineering Academy at Blinn-Bryan (TEAB). These are decided by TAMU admission. If you enroll at Blinn Bryan directly, your chance of being admitted to engineering as a straight transfer is very slim since they will give priorities to those general eng. students going thru ETAM process first and those transfers from the engineering academies as well.

My suggestions are

  1. take a look at the Engineering Academy at Blinn-Brenham if you want to stay close to Cstat. Similar program to Blinn-Bryan just a little bit farther.

  2. take a closer look at Galveston because that is a FULL admit (which meant instead of waiting for 2 yrs, he only has to be in Galveston for 1 yr). And he can apply in Spring and be in Cstat the next Fall.

And to be honest, Baylor engineering program is not on-par with TAMU (or Tech) for that matter.