TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@“Happy@RBeach” we are in the same situation! It is really upsetting. We heard it from many that the 6 taps meant we were accepted.
What are your thoughts on PSA?

Question! My daughter will be applying for transfer to A&M for Spring 2021 for a Bioenvironmental Science degree and will be taking classes at our community college this summer. She already has 35 hours from dual credits, and is taking 9-10 hours this summer before applying for transfer.

Our question is, does she need 12 hours AFTER high school before transferring? We have looked everywhere for this answer, and there is no mention of needing those hours anywhere?!

Also, for her degree it is recommends that she take Bio 1 & 2, Chem 1 & 2, and Business Math. She already took the Biology classes, enrolled in math for the summer, but does she really need to take both of the Chem classes to be admitted to transfer? She will even take Intro to Chem 1405 if that helps rather than the recommend 1411 & 1412 Chem classes. The reasoning for this is that on the transfer guide for her degree plan, it shows that students don’t even take those Chem classes until sophomore year. She has very good grades, lots of credits, a High gpa, and will continue to do so in her summer courses plus she surpasses the requirements of 24 hours and 2.75 gpa for transfer. Anyone have any help with that? TIA!

Edited to add: right now she has business math, govt, and Econ for her summer courses to add some hours, boost gpa, & get the recommend math and other core freshman classes out of the way. She can add Intro Chem 1405 if that helps in place of the recommended chem 1411 & 1412

I was offered PSA. Mays business school was my 1st choice major and Agribusiness was my 2nd. I chose the waitlist & blinn team option in January. My SAT was a 1330 & my gpa was a 3.85. I know about 6 people at my school who had much lower stats than mine that got in & an admissions counselor told me that it didn’t matter what major I put but it seems like it very much did. Has anyone ever done the appeal process or know of anybody that has gotten in through it? It’s my dream to go to A&M (both of my parents went there, my dad was a yell leader, & my brother is there right now). Does anybody know anything I could possible do or that could help me get in. Thanks & congrats to everyone who got in

Okay so typically they want 12 hours of graded coursework AFTER high school graduation and they will definitely want all recommended courses completed by end of Summer 2… BUT I don’t think it will hurt to apply. Worst case is they say no. Then you would just apply as Summer/fall applicant. They will not defer for fall grades. They just don’t do that. You can ask an advisor of your chances and I know several that have received a no or told not to apply for spring unless all criteria are met. But we are in crazy times and they may look at it case by case.

@AggieMomhelp Do you in your great expertise have ANY idea when the kids who applied to the Engineering Academies might know something? We have been working on this since October with the Jr College. We did get the notification that my sons info was sent over to TAMU - but Im worried we are running out of time if in the event he doesn’t get accepted! Any insight you have would be appreciated.

@mackenziefitz I am so sorry this was your result. It has become so competitive over the last few years and so many deserving and qualified students are not getting offers. Hang in there! As you probably know there are many paths to A&M and PSA is just one of them. Remember, it is where you end not where you start. You will get your ring and graduate an Aggie if your heart is in Aggieland. :slight_smile:

I’m so sorry, but I don’t know. I would think academies would have decisions by now. It is limited by space but requirements to get in aren’t as competitive I don’t believe and since you’ve been on this since October, I would think you should be good. Have you spoken with advisor at the academy? Please keep us posted as to results and journey. It will work out.

I think the reasons why it takes so long to get accepted to the engineering academy because we’re not top priority or something? I dont know. I have never heard of anybody being rejected from it

Well, hopefully that’s the case. With colleges having May 1/June 1 deadlines, how are we supposed to make wise choices if TAMU wont get back to us until the summer? We called Admissions today and according to the girl that answered the phone, they have until the END OF JULY to make decisions on the Academy students!!!??

So, my son has other options (he’s been accepted to TAMU CC and UTSA SA) but REALLY wants the Academy. If we wait on Academy answers, but we don’t hear until the end of July, we’ll have missed out on accepting other offers. I just don’t get their timing and why they do that. I guess he’d be out of luck and not get to go to college in the fall???

The deadline to be prequalified for engineering academies (except blinn bryan because they don’t do that process) is in june. so the end of july admission decision might most likely be for the people who applied for qualification in may/july. Most people who do the interest form route of engineering academy, do it during the spring semester. a Dad just recently told me that his son finally recieved acceptance for it last week

Honestly I dont know what we did. When I heard about the Academy, Immediately had my son put in his application to the JC and do the steps needed to prequalify for the Academy. We got the unique link to submit his info to TAMU on 3/20/20 and did so the same day.

I just hope we hear something before other college deadlines or he’s screwed. Doesnt seem right they wont give an answer so the child has time for other opportunities.

Does anyone else’s AIS still say “You have been placed on the waitlist and are being considered for TEAM.”? I’m still waiting to hear and I was wondering if anyone else was in the same boat.

Yes. I imagine they must be waiting to see if any spots are available once admitted students have declined their offers. What is your major? My daughter’s is Psychology.

@AggieMomhelp is correct. A transfer student must complete the recommended coursework before being considered for admission.
Coursework Timeline
 Competitive applicants will have the recommended coursework completed by the application deadline.
 Applicants to the summer/fall term may be asked to submit spring final grades, this is not a guarantee.
 Summer coursework will not be considered for summer/fall applicants.
 Fall coursework will not be considered for spring applicants.
 Applicants to the spring term should have the recommended coursework completed by the end of Summer II semester before applying.

Admission preference is given to applicants with the highest GPA and the most appropriate courses completed

According to the Data and Student Reports (DARS) for acceptance for transfer students into BioEnvironmental Science: Spring 2018 had 9 students, SPring 2019 had 3 students and Spring 2020 had 3 students. Fall saw many more acceptances. Fall transfers were 2018 had 13 students and Fall 2019 had 20 students.


Hearing that yield numbers (i.e. those planning to attend) are skewing higher than in past years. With total apps up as well I wonder where they are going to put all of the people that show up in the fall? Class registration is already a pain; especially when you need certain classes, have work constraints, etc.

@alcarson my first choice was listed as business but my second major, the one I actually want now, is HR in the education department.

@dorjwill A&M has an algorythem they use to determine their yield. I would have to look back but I am not inclined at the moment for the specific year but I beleive it was fall 2017, help me out @AggieMomhelp where more students accepted than anticipated. It impacted Mays a bit, who has a seat limit of 1000 and now had 1100 on their hands to accommodate with materials etc. They then went making less offers to review applicants in order to keep the student body down to under 10K. This has been a most unusual cycle so it is hard to predict anything and we won’t know exact numbers until the data reports are published in November.

Having record numbers apply is nothing new in the past 5 cycles. Texas adds 1500 people a day through births and relocations and it is only projected to grow. 12K students can be housed in on campus housing. Just about everything is competitive at A&M, even registration. Registration nightmares is nothing new at top tier universities. Many have horror stories. What you don’t get in your registration window usually can be worked out during add/drop. Students get used to it. Parents freak out more about it because it is “not how it was when I was in college”.

@mackenziefitz You can be an Aggie within 1 year and guaranteed acceptance in a Agribusiness.

  1. Agribusiness is in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences within Agriculture Economics http://agecon.tamu.edu/

Accept your offer of PSA alternative admission program with Ag Econ major at one of the system schools offered you. Go all in, kick butt, and get to College Station within a year. It may not be the path you planned but life happens that way. A Lot.


Be sure to read the FAQ section.

There is a PSA thread on CC from last year’s cycle and @JaceyK has another very good thread http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/texas-m-university/2164195-psa-fall-transfer-2020-updates-q-a-information.html#latest

Read through them for very helpful information. You will have lots of questions as will your parents. You can be an Aggie in no time!!

  1. You can go the PTA Program for Transfer Admission) route. Again, Ag Econ is a participating major. You would attend a community college of your choice and satisfy the PTA requirements. This could save you a lot of money if you attended a community college close to home over attending a 4 year system school for a year, if that is a consideration. PTA is guaranteed admission when you complete the program.

Check it out http://admissions.tamu.edu/PTA

You could attend Blinn Community College in Bryan if you wanted to be close to campus to do PTA. You could not live on campus and would have to find off campus housing and there are many apartments where other Blinn students live or live off campus with A&M friends. Many choices.

There are differences in the PTA and PSA programs so be sure to check out which is the best for you and with any incoming hours you may have from any Dual Credit etc.

Be sure to read all of the information on the links. You don’t want to miss any important details.

MY son accepted the TEAB offer back in February. Today we received a call from A&M offering him full admission to the College of Engineering. Whoop! I hope this also opens up a TEAB spot for someone else.


Congrats! That is WONDERFUL news! Glad to hear some great news. I know he is excited!

@AJAggie13 That is wonderful news! Congrats to your son! I was wondering if that sort of thing would happen where a few spots may open up for full admission. So happy to hear they’re bumping those students up to fill those seats.