TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@AggieMomhelp Thank you so much! I got an email and my AIS updated today. I’m very excited.
Thank you for all your help and advice through this (long) process and journey of admissions! Gigs! :smiley:


Does anyone know when transfer students usually hear back at the latest? I sent my final transcript on may 15th and am an incoming sophomore electrical engineering transfer student still waiting? I have a 4.0 with all the required courses and credits completed by the way. Do I still have a chance?

6 tabs in Howdy this morning! College of Ag & Life Science.

Congratualtions @wsiler44 ! Get everything lined up, Sign up for NSC, and start looking for housing.

@WWOODS1 Will Do!

@sma1234 Congratulations on your great GPA!
You worked hard. The tough part about transferring into engineering is that there are limits to the seats in each major. I do not know the seat number.

Students who just finished their freshman year and applied to ETAM will get priority for the available spots in each major.

Applicants who qualify for auto entry to their major of choice are notified Monday June 8. Applicants under review for their list of preferred majors are notified Monday July 6. These dates were as per two weeks ago from the engineering department.

Transfers typically are notified after the current student incoming sophomores are placed into a major. But as we have learned from year to year, things can change any time.

There have been semesters in the past where there were only one or two spots open in a particular major and I can recall a semester where there were none open for transfer. At that time, I believe it was petroleum or chemical. I am telling you this that If by chance you are not admitted this semester, it isn’t that your grades were not good enough but that there was no room. Applicants here in the past who did not get in called the department to find out why and in most cases, it was a space issue. The College of Engineering has the largest number of students in all of the university and account for nearly half of the whole incoming student body.

Good luck! and let us know when you are notified!

@Thelma2 @AggieMomhelp @BlueBayouAZ Hey guys I have a question about majors at A&M. I’m interested in the field of technology and computers and am deciding between computer engineering and Management information systems(MIS). Since MIS is in the business category I as wondering if that would be easier to get into than computer engineering. Also, do all business applicants go into MAYS, or is MAYS the competitive business school, and other business applicants get into a normal business program?

ISTM is in Mays and Mays is very competitive, more so than engineering only because it has fewer spots. They accept 1000 per year and only 100 internal transfers (change of majors) and 100 external transfers.

Engineering is competitive but offers a lot more seats and options. The acceptance rate is higher. I am unsure how hard it is to transfer into the major once at tamu.

I’m sorry if I missed the discussion on this… But I am curious how common this is?

My son was offered Engineering Academy Blinn/Bryan in February. Then a few weeks ago got a call from the office of admission to ask him if he would be interested in full admission into the college of engineering instead of the academy. Has that happened to anyone else? My son’s friend is in the Academy Blinn/Bryan and is hoping to get the full admit option still… Anyone know if they are continuing to change/upgrade their offers? Thanks for the info!

There have been several on here that have received this offer. Take it and run. As far as if there are more offers out there… no idea. This is the first time we’re seeing this. Congrats to your son. So exciting.


Just read this post on FB for the Engineering students entering Fall 2021:

“Important update hot off the press! Effective immediately, students who begin in fall 2021 (class of ‘25) must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.75 to be guaranteed auto entry to their first choice via the Entry to a Major (ETAM) process. All other eligibility requirements remain the same.

This applies to all students who begin in general engineering in CS, Galveston and McAllen. Additionally, students who begin in an engineering academy must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.75 on both their TAMU coursework and respective CC coursework to be eligible.

NOTHING will change for students who begin this fall (class of ‘24).“

@22hope My daughter received that same call about taking full admission over the TEAB admission a few weeks ago. She said yes!!! Congrats to your son! I’ve heard they were doing this because they had some open seats at the main campus, and possibly because they had too many people in TEAB. Either way it’s great news for those being offered full admission.


Know that a new rule for ETAM just came out today. To be auto admit to your major of choice, beginning with class 2025, a student must have a cumluative 3.75 GPA.

Computer engineering is competitive to get into. There are X number of seats in many of the competitive majors. Whereas there are 4000+ seats for general engineering and incoming freshman classes are almost half general engineering students. If you like engineering and technical, Industrial Distribution might be the degree for you. It is in the engineering college and many business classes are required. Many students in this major compete in the Reynolds and Reynolds sales competition through Mays. IDIS incorporates a lot of technical classes in addition to the business classes and a business minor is easy to be had, with only 9 or so hours left to complete (because the rest are already required for the major). DIS is not as competitive as it offers more seats to students.

Computer Engineering is ABET accredited. https://engineering.tamu.edu/ce/accreditation.html

All students admitted to Mays are in the lower level of Mays. Jr and Sr year, one applies to their major of choice. From reading the literature, it does not appear to be a competitive process to get into your major of choice but that you complete the required courses. Here is a link that kind of explains it all. https://catalog.tamu.edu/undergraduate/business/
It’s kinda long and talks about other stuff but the info you are looking for I think is contained throughout this link.

Overview of MIS https://catalog.tamu.edu/undergraduate/business/information-operations-management/management-information-systems-bba/ The link above takes you to the Upper Level entry procedure that is listed on the overview page.

@thelm2 For Mays It thought you actually pick your major of choice as a freshman. But everyone gets admitted to upper level once they have completed the required courses you listed. the first two years are pretty similar as in almost identical, but when my son transferred into Mays his sophomore year, he had to select his major of Mgmt-Pre Law. Then during the semester he applied for upper level with just a click of a button.
With so many coming in with credit, its easy to knock out stuff freshman year and move into upper level and start honing in on major.

Does anyone have a link to ETAM stats for the most recent year? Does anyone know the ranking of the engineering majors in popularity? Also, what are thoughts on this new criteria of 3. 75 GPA for automatic ETAM for the Class of 2025? Do y’all think enrollment could go down as kids chose schools with a guaranteed engineering major? This poor class is getting it coming and going as many can’t even get registered to take the SAT to get a score, much less take it again to improve a score (due to Covid19).

@AggieMomhelp You’re right. I misspoke on when you chose you Mays Major. I was trying to finish my reply, look up the MIS info, while trying to run out the door. Thanks for the clarification.

The college of engineering used to post the ETAM stats but discontinued a few cycles ago. Many of the most popular majors would fill to capacity with auto admits and left very little room to no room for the review applicants. Some majors have more over all seats than others, so each ETAM cycle, the number available can be different. In the past, there have been times when some majors took zero to just a couple of transfer students.

Personally, I am glad to see the criteria be raised for auto admit into a major. That will leave more spots open for holistic review of the rest of the applicants.

Every engineering college in the top 25% rankings has a general engineering and a very stringent process to apply to upper levels or is direct admit to the major. UT, A&M and Rice are in the top 33 engineering colleges nationwide. Having this strict of process will not hinder A&M from filling their seats. Just over half that start out in engineering actually graduate with an engineering degree. Yes, if a student is desirous of a particular major and nothing else, it would behoove then to apply to a school with direct admit to the major.

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Here’s some info posted today on a FB group for parents of Aggie Engineers. The author is Jon Buchanan. He used to be an admissions officer but now works in the college of engineering at A&M. This is from a few different responses to questions.

During a spring ETAM cycle we normally have between 2500-2800 students who meet the minimum eligibility requirements. The last few cycles more than half have been eligible for auto entry.
The number of students who qualify for auto entry has more than doubled the last few ETAM cycles. This is a good thing because it means our students are high-performing from an academic perspective. However, there are some departments who have seen a rise in popularity but have not been able to grow from a faculty/staff perspective as quickly. Computer Science is a great example; 3-4 years ago, they were struggling to fill their seats and now they are one of the most popular.

It’s also important to note that if a student does NOT meet the 3.75 GPA requirement for auto entry they still have a shot at being offered entry to their first choice. About 75% of students are admitted to their first choice, regardless of GPA and almost 85% are admitted to their first or second choice.

As of right now, we will continue to target the same class size for fall 2021.

Is anybody here still waiting for a transfer decision like me? I applied for computer science, and was told the decision should be released by end of this month. But while I confirm that with Admission office days ago, they replied " we’re unable to give a definite time frame for when we anticipate returning decisions regarding admission." Does anybody have an insight on that? The wait is like forever…