TAMU ETAM statistics

I forgot to mention, my son is in TAMU Galveston for his freshman year and will be applying for ETAM in the coming month.

@ToCollege2018 Spring ETAM is applied for in the spring for admission over summer into your major. Fall ETAM is applied to in the fall for admission in the spring. Historically the Spring ETAM had the majority of seats because that is when most kids were doing their first ETAM, however that may have changed for this year. Depending on which math class you start in is when your ETAM window begins either your second semester at tamu or third. The statistics you posted are for the class of 2020 that first went through ETAM in the spring of 2017 and a lot changed after that class so those statistics are a bit misleading.

Eligibility for ETAM refers not just to the C or better but also the completion of certain courses as well.

There are some majors that are very hard to get into if you do not auto admit. There are some that are very easy to get into. What majors is your son going to be applying for; he can choose 5 now?

The 300 I was referring to was the number of applicants accepted during the ETAM applied for in the spring and accepted over the summer.

Hi, thank you again for your clarification on the ETAM cycles! When you say they may have changed the Spring ETAM for this year, do you mean the # of seats were reduced or the criteria of min requirements changed?
You are right about the completion of certain courses which I pasted below.

My son wants to pursue Aero or Mech which I understand is most sought after. Don’t know if they take holistic.
I have no ideas what the “easier” to get into majors. Yes he can choose 5 now. The 300 you mentioned fr Spring ETAM (entry in fall) seems very low for a brand new class to start. Its scary.

Engineering: Two engineering courses from the following list – ENGR 111, ENGR 112
Science: Two science courses from the following list – PHYS 218, PHYS 208, PHYS 222, CHEM 107/117 or CHEM 101/111, CHEM 102/112
Students who start in ENGR 289 or MATH 150, the requirement is one science course from the above list for the first application opportunity only
Students interested in BMEN or CHEN are expected to take CHEM 107/117 or CHEM 101/111 and CHEM 102/112
Math: Two math courses from the following list – MATH 151, 152, 251, 253, 304, 308; CSCE 222 (Discrete Math)

@ToCollege2018 , we were at the admitted engineering student presentation last week at college station. The presenter stated that the stats are down to 77% that got into their first choice major, down from the previous number of 86%. I don’t recall what the percentage was for those placed in their first or second choice, but it was down as well from the previous number.

I wonder if the stats are down because the students who applied did not meet the ETAM requirements (Math 151 completion, grade C or better etc etc ) OR TAMU CS just reduced the number of available seats.

Could you please clarify the admitted engineering student presentation? I thought this would be held once the ETAM decisions are made over the summer.


@ToCollege2018 , The presentation was for admitted class of 2023 engineering students (fall 2019 freshman). It was for information sharing and a Q&A session. The presentations are in the Zachry building. The presenter didn’t say why the percentages are down. I guess just way too many students and not enough slots. It’s not a good trend.

There were four dates available:

Monday, March 4
1:30 - 2:30
Monday, March 18
1:30 - 2:30
Monday, April 8
1:30 - 2:30
Monday, April 22
1:30 - 2:30

@ToCollege2018 I mean they changed spring ETAM in that it is not every freshman’s first opportunity for ETAM now, so that reduces the amount of kids going through ETAM in the spring. In addition they made it more difficult to qualify for auto admit as well so that reduces the amount of slots that go to those guaranteed into majors. I would think that would increase overall the amount of slots available in every major for the holistic ETAM review.

300 might sound scary, but when you consider the total amount of kids in MEEN in all grade levels for 2017 which is when that statistic was posted was 1092 in the spring of 17 which increased to 1315 in the fall of 2017, it represented more then 25% of all MEEN students. This semester MEEN has 1307 total and the last spring ETAM took in approximately 391 new applicants.

If you search ETAM on the aggie reddit and notice the majors that kids were offered this last go around that did not get any of their choices, those are the ones that did not fill so are easiest to get into.

@ToCollege2018 @CamandCam My guess as to why the stats are down is because they greatly increased the pool of kids in the fall of 2017 that could auto admit through etam in the spring of 2018 through increased admissions at college station, plus Galveston, academies, blinn etc. Auto Admit at that time included any two math classes and did not stipulate you had to have calculus 1 and 2 and physics so many students did not take those to make sure they had the 3.5. That is not allowed anymore so that will likely reduce the pool of kids that automatically take up spots in the most popular majors for the next ETAM.

@ToCollege2018 I just looked at the numbers for AERO for spring 2018 ETAM a year ago
Spring 18 headcount in AERO was 527 including 83 who graduated
Fall 18 headcount was 611 including 7 Blinn transfers, 1 readmit, 10 transfers, 1 Galveston specific transfer (i am guessing this is someone who applied directly to galveston and couldn’t etam) and 1 non degree seeking student (not sure what this is)
So it looks like last years spring 18 etam admitted around 167 including the 20 blinn, transfer, etc listed above

The AERO department size is about 43% of the size of the MEEN department and took about that percentage of what MEEN took in the same semester so they look equally competitive.

Thank you. As you said, they increased the Fall 2017 admits and that coupled with the less stringent requirements for math, Physics helped many kids to get a 3.5. It is pretty tough to get a 3.5 I think and I myself was wondering how the entire slots for ETAM was taken by auto admits. Now it makes sense. Probably this is why they don’t have a link to the Fall 2017 freshman stats (class of 2021) any more since they are changing the ETAM criteria for Fall 2018 Freshman.

Hi, where would I find those stats? I couldn’t find any on TAMU site.
I will also check Aggie reddit.
Does anyone know how many seats are open every Fall for MEEN and AERO? From your posts above I see numbers 1092, 1307 etc. Every Fall, wouldn’t all applicants be new? Not sure why you mentioned 391 new applicants. Maybe I am missing something…sorry…

1092 in the spring of 17 which increased to 1315 in the fall of 2017, it represented more then 25% of all MEEN students. This semester MEEN has 1307 total and the last spring ETAM took in approximately 391 new applicants.


@ToCollege2018 The 1097 includes the total number of kids in the AERO department seeking an undergraduate degree, so seniors, juniors, sophomores, not just the newly admitted in ETAM. So the AERO headcount for all grade levels went from 1092 in the spring of 17 to 1315 in the fall of 17.

For MEEN I was saying that this semester the department currently has 1307 kids in all grades, senior, junior and sophomore. In the spring 18 ETAM the MEEN department accepted 391 new kids into the major which are a subset of the total size of the entire department of undergraduates, since there are continuing kids in all grades.

I am deriving the information from the DARS database https://dars.tamu.edu/Student/Enrollment-Profile
and Accountability reports http://accountability.tamu.edu/All-Metrics/Mixed-Metrics/Degrees-Awarded

No one but the departments know how many seats they have open each semester and given they are now publicizing some statistics in the Admitted 2023 student presentations @CamandCam mentioned I bet you could get the info by calling the departments now.

For anyone interested in Computer Science, I saw this posted reply on the aggie reddit which gives info on the spring18 ETAM:
TAMUCSCE 1 point 1 month ago

The spring ETAM round’s “3.8” is actually more like 3.7 and actually is a median GPA and not a minimum. The evaluation is holistic so there’s not a strict GPA cutoff. The minimum accepted was around 3.0 and the maximum denied was around 3.4. About 2/3 were auto-admits, so about 1/3 were not. About 60% of the first round applicants were admitted. Effectively none of the later round applicants were admitted.

External transfer GPA medians/minimums were higher, admission percentages lower, and so on.

Do I need to worry a lot about ETAM for MEEN if I have a 1420 (750 math) and will probably get a 3 or 4 on BC calculus, as well as a 4 or 5 on physics 2? (Couldn’t take physics C)

@Utreject42069 Your SAT score really is no indication of your success during ETAM. A 3 or 4 on BC Calculus will buy you the option of using your AP credit to not take Math 151 and/or Math 152 your freshman year but you will still need to take two Math classes at tamu so you will then be forced to take Math 251 (calculus 3 ) and Math 308 (Differential equations) your freshman year. Physics 2 will not buy you anything for engineering majors, only physics C would.

If you want to have 100% assurance that you will get into MEEN then you need to get a 3.5 GPA your freshman year while taking the two engineering classes, Calc 1 and 2 , physics and likely chemistry; because that will make you an auto admit into the major of your choice. Otherwise you will have to apply and be holistically reviewed and MEEN is probably the hardest to get into.

Take one of those math classes over and get an easy A. Take AP credits for supporting classes such as English (busy work according to all my kids. Boost your GPA up and get used to your 1st year of college. My son is Blinn TEAB right now with a 4.0. He decided to retake Calc 151 (not take AP credit for it), got the easy A and boosted his confidence! Good luck! Engineering is tough!

Hi, I am wondering if Chemistry 107 is really needed for ETAM for engineering majors. Can anyone share any experiences? My son is having a tough time with Chem 107.

Two sciences are required from this list for Class of 2022 ETAM eligibility:
PHYS 206, PHYS 207, PHYS 222, CHEM 107/117 or CHEM 101/111, CHEM 102/112
Has your son completed another science course already? Is he applying for ETAM this semester? Has he tried getting Chem help in any way so far? He would not be alone in struggling with this course.

@ToCollege2018 As @MomHopesNxtGenAg has said he will need two sciences from that list in order to ETAM. Which sciences depends a bit on which major he is going for. Some such as Biomedical and Chemical require 101 and 102 both instead of 107. Chem 107 is a combo course that takes the main topics from chem 101 and chem 102 which are most pertinent to engineering majors. Search out the degree plan for the major(s) he is thinking about and look what they require. If he doesn’t have two sciences though by this semester (assuming he is second semester freshman) then he will not be able to ETAM until he does. Has he talked to his professor?

@ToCollege2018 https://engineering.tamu.edu/academics/entry-to-a-major/general-engineering-program/index.html