TAMU ETAM statistics

Hi all, thank you for all your feedback. My son is taking Physics 206 now and repeating Chem 107. He is currently second semester freshman hence we are very worried. He should have taken Chem 101 and 102 to help with Grades. I believe it was not available. If you can suggest some places to get help on Chem 107 will be v helpful.
Yes, he will be applying for ETAM next month.
Regarding - which majors require Chem, I couldnt find it any place. They are very generic in saying 2 science courses.
He is trying get appt with professor. I am really concerned and worried.

@ToCollege2018 All the degree plans are in the catalog: https://catalog.tamu.edu/undergraduate/engineering/#text
link should be to the engineering section for the class starting in 2018/2019. Just click on the major you want to check and then “Program Requirements” and you should see all the courses necessary for that degree each semester.

@ToCollege2018 Oh and I remember my son saying that his chemistry teacher freshman year offered suggestions for tutoring both individual and group. She did not prefer the off campus tutoring places but a lot of kids use them. Has he checked with his teacher?

Thank you for the Program Requirements link. My son is at TAMU Galveston and I dont believe the Professors offers any tutoring. Did you mean that your son’s Professor gave the tutoring or he/she recommended individual/group? Yes, it appears that kids do go for tutoring. I have asked my son to check with his teacher. Did your son do Freshman year at CS or Galveston?

@ToCollege2018 My son was at CS freshman year. The teachers should have office hours where he can show up and get help, but in my son’s case his chem teacher provided both help during office hours or by appointment, and recommendations for group and individual tutoring. Also at CS they had something called Supplemental Instruction which was lead by an undergraduate student who got an A in freshman chemistry.

This is such a tough situation, and we understand and want to support you. I don’t know your son’s current grade in that course, but there are always options although perhaps not optimal. Besides getting really good help and prioritizing this course from here, there are Q-drop and summer school or perhaps delaying another semester for ETAM. If your son’s GPA can withstand a C in that course, perhaps he could keep going and try for that? If not, I would consider dropping. The ETAM courses have to be grade of C or better. Supplemental Instruction (SI) has tremendous good results in research. My son is at Galveston, too, but I am not sure what is available there. I would be going to the prof or TA continually from here on and finding a fellow student who is doing well to work with. My son is having his struggles with one class now, and we understand only too well how high the stakes are for grades. I would consider taking another semester at Galveston and getting a good grade in that second science class, whatever class he can do well in.

@MomHopesNxtGenAg @pbleigh

I have asked my son to go and talk to Chem Professor. In general, I feel that teachers in GV are not even close to CS teachers when it comes to teaching and giving extra help. He is trying his best to make a C this sem.
Like you say, working with a team or a student good in Chem will be a better way.

@pbleigh would you mind posting the numbers for the Civil Engineering ETAM’s for Spring/Fall 2018? I’m interested to know. Thanks!

@kcavender13 Here goes:
Civil Engineering CVEN:
Spring 18 headcount was 743 including 130 spring 18 grads and 8 summer grads
Fall 18 Headcount was 800 including 13 from Blinn, 6 readamit and 16 transfer
So for the Spring 18 ETAM it was approximately 195 kids including the 35 from Blinn, transfer and readmit

The 800 Fall 18 headcount included 83 kids that graduated that semester
Spring 19 headcount is 769 including 13 Blinn, 2 Readmit and 10 transfer
implying that there was approximately 52 admitted via ETAM including the 25 Blinn, readmit and transfer

Hope that helps

pbleigh, that is certainly a drastic decline in the # of admits from Spring 2018 to Spring 2019. Am I reading that right? 143 less admits?

Could you share the numbers for BioMed Eng?

@Tam1233 If you are referring to the CVEN stats in post 48, the number of new admits into the major went from 195 in the Spring of 18 ETAM period to 52 in the following Fall 18 ETAM period. So yes the number of admits declined 143 but not in one year but in one semester. This is not alarming because in the past (this ETAM may be much different) most of the admits to engineering majors came during the Spring ETAMs so most of the spots were filled during the Spring ETAM period. The Spring 19 ETAM is going on now and we won’t be able to figure out what happened there until the end of the summer when stats are updated. However, since they have changed when students can first apply to ETAM from all their second semester to some their second semester and others their third semester, I am assuming they will adjust the ETAM spots by spreading more into the Fall ETAM, but we will see.

Biomedical Engineering / BMEN stats:
Spring 18 headcount = 404 including 82 spring graduates and 5 summer
Fall 18 headcount = 458 including 6 Blinn, 1 Readmit, 14 transfer, 12 graduates
Spring 19 headcount = 458 including 3 Blinn, 1 Readmit, 3 transfer
ETAM Spring 18 = 141 including 21 Blinn, readmit and transfer
ETAM Fall 18 = 12 including 7 Blinn, Readmit and transfer

Would you mind sharing the stats for PETE?

@bluefordaggie Sure, here is what I found for PETE
Petroleum Engineering PETE:

Spring 18 headcount = 540 including 129 spring graduates and 4 summer
Fall 18 headcount = 496 including 4 Blinn, 3 Readmit, 12 transfer, and 1 Galveston transfer; 64 fall 18 graduates
Spring 19 headcount = 448 including 12 Blinn, 1 Readmit, 8 transfer
ETAM Spring 18 = 89 including 20 Blinn, readmit, transfer and Galveston transfer
ETAM Fall 18 = 16 including 21 Blinn, Readmit and transfer (this doesn’t add up which is likely because I do not have the available stats for how many students dropped out, transferred between fall18 and spring 19. obviously there were at least a few here)

Do you have any GPA stats for CSCE, CECN, CEEN from past years?

@cheryls00 What years are you looking for? Posts above #2 and #15 have stats for those majors.

@pbleigh Yes I saw those posts. I was actually wondering if you had any (minimum) GPA cutoff information for these ETAM majors (excluding those auto-admits).

@cheryls00 I’m sorry no I don’t have that info anymore. They used to post it but oddly removed all that information from the website. You may be able to get it by calling the departments directly.

I’ve been following this tread for a while, and have some questions. My son has just finished his first year at the Engineering Academy at Blinn, and has applied for ETAM. He has a 3.2, and has taken all the required courses. No grades are below a “B.” It is my understanding that this should easily make him “eligible to be placed.” But, in reading this thread, I wonder if he will be!

In trying to understand the situation, I’ve looked at the TAMU statistics. If you go to the “Grade Report” - http://web-as.tamu.edu/gradereport/ - you will see that there were 2867 freshmen in Engineering (Fall 2018). of these, 1746 got a 3.0 or better. Assuming that these students did just as well in the Spring semester, are there enough slots to take all 1746 in? Based on some of the numbers above, it doesn’t seem that there are 1746 slots available. (2426 students got 2.0 and above - the minimum requirement for eligibility transfer). What happenes to “eligible” students when there are no slots to fill?

The statistics I’ve read for the class of 2020 said that 100% of the eligible were placed - 86% in their first choice (if think with 2021, 77% got their first choice)

So, is it correct that if you are eligible, you WILL be placed in either 1st, 2nd or 3rd choice? Period. But how can this be true if there are fewer slots than eligible students?

Another question I have is in regards to the “Grade Report.” On the report, there is a big difference in the number of Freshmen from Fall to Spring. Why is that? I thought it might be a misprint, but it is the case for the past few years. Maybe I’m just not reading it right.

For example:

Fall 2018 - 2867 Spring 2019 - ?
Fall 2017 - 2796 Spring 2018 - 1004
Fall 2016 - 2332 Spring 2017 - 861
Fall 2015 - 2244 Spring 2016 - 869

Thanks to anyone who can clarify this for me!

@oldschool58 How competitive your son is greatly depends on which majors he applied to. I believe there is 16 different engineering departments and some have more than one major for undergraduates. Some have many more ETAM applications then spots available and some the reverse. On the ETAM application they require you to apply to at least 3 majors and at most 5. If any of those majors on your list accepts you then you are automatically put in that major. It used to be you had a choice on whether to accept but I believe last year they changed it so that you do not have a choice with those on your list. Some students have reported that they did not receive any of the majors on their list but then were offered other majors that they could choose from. Students who do not choose a major after ETAM or were not offered a major during ETAM stay in General Engineering and try again at the next ETAM opportunity. I would assume that this applies to the Engineering Academy at Blinn as well but I do not know.

The class of 2020 statistics are misleading because a lot changed after that class. The 2021 statistic of 77% got first opportunity would include all the auto admits. Any student on their first opportunity for ETAM that meets a list of requirements including a GPA of 3.5 or above is automatically placed into their first choice major. So that statistic doesn’t tell the whole picture for kids that had GPAs lower then 3.5.

It is not correct that you will be guaranteed placement in an engineering major if you meet requirements for ETAM. It all depends on how high the students GPA is and which majors they applied to. Some such as Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering are very difficult to get holistically placed into since most if not all slots are taken with auto admits during ETAM. That is not an all inclusive list its just the majors that came to mind after looking at these stats for months. Other majors seems to be regularly offered to kids who did not get any majors on their list including Ocean Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Industrial Distribution and some of the technology engineering majors. I would assume these are the easier to get into ones. Which majors did your son apply to?

In my son’s case he came in as a freshman his fall semester but was a sophomore by credit hours his spring semester because of AP credits; this could account for some of what your are seeing on the Grade Report. Typically most enter as freshman in the fall and not the spring so this also could account for some of what you are seeing.

My son applied (in order) to Aerospace, Electrical & Computer, and Nuclear.

It seems that Aerospace is difficult to get into, but Electrical & Computer and Nuclear are a bit easier.