TAMU (Mays School of Business) Chance?

Hello! I have recently submitted my application to TAMU College Station as a review candidate. Since I will not be hearing if I got in for a while, I was hoping to hear what y’all might have to say.

To start things off:

GPA: 3.86/ 94.8 out of 100
Rank: 32%
Sat: 1240

From what I have read on this website and talked about with counselors, Mays is extremely competitive. To “make up” for my low rank and average SAT score, I will present to you an interesting story.

My Freshman year of HS I lived in Oregon and the beginning of Sophmore year moved to Texas. In my essay, I talk about how I’ve overcome such adversity by creating an investment Club at my school. On top of that, in my essay I also talk about what it has been like growing up around my mother who suffers from bipolar disorder and dealing with the turmoil that has come from my parent’s divorce. It was a lot of info shoved into an essay but my counselors say it is an amazing essay that is sure to be remebered.

There is no doubt in my mind that I stand out the most in my EC’s:

Investment Club - founder/president (all 3 years) - Sophmore, Junior, Senior
FCF (youth group) - founder/president (all 3 years) - Sophmore, Junior, Senior
BPA (Business Professional of America) - president (Junior) - Sophmore, Junior
Soccer - Head Captain (Junior, Senior) - Freshman, Sophmore, Junior, Senior
NTHS - officer (all 2 years) - Junior, Senior
NHS - Junior, Senior

On top of those things I have many other little things like work positions (manager)… I have proven that I am great at time management.

I have two amazing letters of rec. one from my counselor and one from my soccer coach.

As a review candidate hoping to get into Mays, should I be expecting good news?


Mays is it the only thing competitive at A&M. Getting in at all as a review applicant is narrow. As a review applicant, you have about a 15% chance of full admissions to the university.

Mays is not a possibility as a review applicant. Mays takes 1000 freshmen and those spots are filled by auto and academic admits on a first come/first serve basis and in the last three admissions cycles, Mays has reached capacity by mid Nov. Top 10% and academic admits to the University are even denied Mays if they apply after the 1000 spots are filled and they get their second choice major or select another open major.

All this is not to say you won’t get into A&M. If you did, you would be given your second choice major or asked to select from open majors.

You also could be offered Blinn Team. The links are down at the moment but do search for the Blinn A&M pathway agreements. It is a path you will follow to a T and meet the requirements for guaranteed transfer admissions to Mays. They are stiff but doable.

Gateway is another admissions decision. You can find out more by googling it.

Good luck

I second what @Thelma2 said. But know that the 15% of review applicants primarily come from the top 25% and from that more in the top 15% with better than average test scores (28 plus on ACT and 1300 plus on SAT). Yes, you’re ECs and essay are sure to impress, but 50% of what determines acceptance is rank and test scores. No one sees the full file if that makes sense.

You have great ECs and should be very proud of your accomplishments and get it done attitude. You will make a great Aggie, but may have to come in a different way. Remember, it’s not where you start, but where you finish! Please keep us posted.

@Thelma2 @AggieMomhelp Hey y’all. I retook my sat got a 1300. Hopefully this boosts my chance

@texantexantexan CONGRATULATIONS! Good Luck

Nice SAT score!! Love ur ECs in spite of ur hardships!

@texantexantexan that is awesome!! Good job!