TAMU review admit?

@ATX2024 i believe your daughter will get in. I do agree that I would have had her retake act to get the extra point, but it’s a little late now. If I had to guess, students with her stats will most likely hear on the dec release. This is just my opinion based on what I’ve seen in the past.

What I meant by “trappings” here @icedmachiato is everything that goes along with a major football program in a smaller city (Think College Station, Lubbock etc). The town comes alive in support of game day. Tons of school spirit. There is no question when it is game day.

All weekend long - no matter where you are people will be talking about the win or loss.

That is not to say that there isn’t school pride on a campus like UTD, but there is no gameday comparison.

@BlueBayouAZ Thanks. I read your post and thought it might mean something negative as you were referring UTD as ethnically and culturally diverse. I’ve heard something along this line but am not sure how true it is. Tamu is a great school esp. for engineering. But we want to make sure we’re not sending our son to a “wrong” environment.