
<p>I'm always late to class, like everyday of the year. This has been a lifelong problem (haha began in preschool). But today, my AP Chem teacher decides to email my parents telling them I've gotten 3 tardies and the next one will result in an office referral. My dad forwards the email to me and included a message:</p>

<p>Let’s have a nice talk tonight. Hope that you will pay sufficient attention to this.</p>

<p>I'm expecting 20 minutes of hardcore yelling. Any way to cope with this until he comes back from work in 2 hours? I'm a senior and I haven't been yelled at in almost a year.</p>

<p>…maybe start getting to class on time?</p>

<p>no motivation to wake up in the morning.</p>

<p>…the hell? At my school, first period teachers have to submit attendance via computer within the first 2 minutes of the school day. If someone just walked in, they’d be considered truant and get written up/reprimanded.
This is more of your school’s fault than yours… they should have a much stricter policy on when students arrive.
good luck.</p>

<p>“I come late to give you time to get ready.”</p>

<p>(Not a double entendre.)</p>

<p>i love that^ hahah</p>