TASP 2017

@erstwhile Are we going to start a shared drive or file? @smashinginkpots As for anonymity, we could make sure the essays don’t contain our names or any real names. Maybe also any specific locations?

@erstwhile Yeah do you want to make the docs? If not, if people send me their emails then I can make one!

@erstwhile @steph_sky8278 Maybe if someone makes a Google folder and then shares the link to that folder? Then people can add files to it (maybe best if everything is converted into PDF form).

how about sending all of the essays to one person and they will create a google folder and compile it. Each of the applications can be kept anonymous by assigning each of them a number i.e. 1,2,3,4,5,6 . This would allow us to comment and collaborate on them while also remaining anonymous.

@ssn365 not sure if it works as a shared folder but when you do share settings for goggle docs, you can modify it so viewers cannot download/copy/etc. your work if that was what people were worried about? As for simply making your work anonymous, names, locations can be replaced with [name] [location] :slight_smile:

@Rookieh Yeah, that works too. I don’t know about folders, but you can definitely restrict downloading/copying on Docs. Actually, I can just make a folder now if no one has done it yet.

And for the like five people who have listed Cornell II, Cornell I, Michigan II, Michigan I, same! :smiley:

@ssn365 go for it :slight_smile: I’ll pm you my email address

Here’s the link to the shared folder: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6QfdhFtLWFuYmtfS09TUUZOYnc

Can I trust you all strangers with not ripping off, sharing, or otherwise ruining my essays? :wink: Maybe I’ll share too

Hi I also applied for TASP 2017. I’m so nervous!! Wait so what are we doing with our essays?
I hope everyone here gets in (:

Hi! I applied to TASP 2017 as well! I like the idea behind sharing essays! Hopefully everything goes well for us XD

@hope469 Hey, if you go to the shared folder there is a common document that outlines how you can share your essay but prevent copying/editing access. I think you can also trust us since applications are over. Still, use you own discretion. But it’d be great if you join the party!

this is actually a really good thing though bc when it comes to the interview stage (hopefully!!!), we can elaborate on parts of our essays that weren’t quite clear. Excited!!

UPDATE: Due to privacy concerns, I will be changing access to the folder by individual tomorrow. Just send me a message with your email and I’ll add you to the list.

No googledrive doesn’t work here in China. Oh well…good luck everyone anyhow

Just wondering, but is anyone applying to any other summer programs?

@perksof1975 I am applying to MITES, Girl’s State and my state’s governors school

Can someone direct message me about sharing essays? Mine are also on Google Drive

@FreePariah Just send me your email. I’m happy to have more essays added to the folder.