TASP 2018

@cxnxicee The 250 word limit was tough for me, so I did maybe four-ish sentences per seminar preference. Pretty sure was borderline 250 at that one

(sorry to doublepost) but also stupid question-- is everyone doing indents on their paragraphs? I noticed the tasp application form doesn’t save the indent for the first paragraph, and was wondering would it be better to be a good human being and keep the indents on the rest of the paragraphs or just take them all out? (doubt they care too much but its still bothering me lol)

I’d put indents. Finished the first and am doing the second as of right now. Ill indent in those boxes @Sougiya

I think they just want you to skip an extra line between paragraphs.

How important do y’all think is the actual content of the media we used for the 2nd question? I’m writing about a book that hasn’t been published yet (a friend’s book), and it won’t be published until at least this summer (therefore if they do research/Google it, etc, they won’t find it, and that might seem sketchy). Should I risk it for a good essay, or should I change it? ;~;

I dont know if this is generic, but what if I stumbled upon a NY Times article and that was the one that I talked about? Like, I was just looking at the news and stuff, then this headline hit me, then I read The NY Times Article then I deepened my knowldedge on that topic?

@anxiouspanda , I think that That is fine. All it asks is for a piece of text, so just state that it is that of your friends yet to be published book.

@Acortez122 as long as your viewpoint is unique enough… then I think it doesn’t really matter much. It’s better if you have personal experience that is related to the topic

Does TASP expect the essays to be the full 1,500 words or would writing around 700-1000 suffice?

How did you guys cite your source(s) for the second question?

Also, what texts did you use? Song lyrics? Articles? Books?

@nycbell , as long as you make your point, you are fine. I know for the first essay I hit like 1300-1450 words.

Hey guys, for the list questions should they actually be in a list format? Like 1. 2. 3.? This is kind of a dumb question I just don’t want to mess up the formatting!

This is how I formatted it:

Favorite books: blah, blah and blah
Favorite whatever: blah
Favorite etc.: you get the point

from texas, submitted my application earlier today (ahhhhhh!). I thought the essays were pretty difficult to answer, but it’s all done now. best of luck to you guys!

Procrastinator here. Just to be clear, am I correct in assuming that the application is due at midnight on Tuesday, January 16th? Is that what they mean by the January 16th deadline?

@itsjustmyfuture yep 11:59 HOWEVER pay attention to the time zone! I believe they are using eastern time zone if I remember but not too sure, you should check yourself later. So if you’re a procrastinator till the last literal second like me, don’t get fooled and figure out what that means in your time

@Acortez122 hey fellow jerseyian! my second question i basically turned into a series of flashbacks and narratives explaining about how my perspective about the book and its themes i chose changed as i grew older

did anybody else have a lot of fun writing question three about the time you wronged someone? at first glance i thought it would be bad but when i figured out my approach, it was so nice to reflect about your past self’s mistakes lmao

@interstellarspaces I’m having such a hard time with the 3rd question :’( How did you approach it? I avoid a lot of conflict so I don’t have any time where I deeply hurt someone! And even if I did, I would feel like it would be too self-slandering to write about…

And how did you guys approach the first question? I’m worried that I’m going to spit out something generic.