Tax Returns?

<p>Has anyone been requested to send their parents income tax returns and W-2's to Tech? I got this request and i've never been asked that before. My parents did their FAFSA and oddly I haven't yet heard from Tech about acceptance - any one know whats going on?</p>

<p>Hi engrcollege! Our son was accepted to VT ENG as well (back in Feb.) and we had submitted our FAFSa back in January, well before the deadline. We, too, received an email asking for W-2’s and tax returns. I have no idea why! Our D is at W&M and two FAFSA’s for her later we have never been asked to provide this. I was planning to call Fin Aid at VT today to get clarification. I will post here what I find. And congrats on VT ENG! Only 20% who apply ENG are accepted…celebrate (and then prepare for a LOT of studying!). :)</p>

<p>Whoops…sorry! I just saw that you have NOT heard from VT re: acceptance. That is VERY odd that they would ask for those items w/o acceptance. You may want to check your online status to make sure that you are not admitted. I have NEVER heard of any FAFSA requsts if the student is not yet admitted to the college/university. Makes no sense whatsover. So do some checking on your status first. Good luck!</p>

<p>I got an email last week saying that Tech “[has] received [my] 2011-2012 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and [has] begun reviewing [my] information.” I haven’t been offered admission yet, but I went ahead and sent my FAFSA’s to all the schools I had applied to. It also said: “Should we need any documents to verify your FAFSA information, you will receive a separate email notification from our office. Please do not submit any documents unless requested as this can cause delays in awarding.” I would assume you’re in, if they’re asking and are working with your financial aid. I’d go ahead and send your tax return in.</p>

<p>Hi there…I just spoke with the Fin Aid office. Very helpful. The scoop: Va Tech is processing ALL FAFSA’s that had VT designated as a recipient. Thus, both admitted AND non-admitted FAFSA’s are rolling through their system. She explained that there are “triggers” in the FAFSA system, and if one of those “triggers” is activated, it generates an automatic request for the W2’s and signed tax return. No way around it. If they don’t receive those items, your FAFSA will not be considered for financial aid. So if you rec’d this email, TELL YOUR PARENTS so they can get these things in order if they have not already. The sooner the better, as awards are best at the beginning. Hope that I did not get anyone’s hopes up in my earlier post. And good luck to all of you who are waiting on the VT big envelope!</p>