TCU 2021 Decision Thread

@gord5471 Im from chicago too, received acceptance around 7 AM

3.623 gpa with similiar sat results at prestigious high school… MANY EC and over 200 volunteer hours… deferred as well. I wish there was a malfunction : /

Got into nursing!!

I agree. I think there may have been an error after the portal crashed. I have not yet received my letter but my portal said I got deferred (after the crash) and I had a 29 act and 4.6 gpa with loads of ecs and two sports.

Still nothing…
I think I should get in though

29 act, 30 ss
3.45 and 3.6 but major upper trend
I attend a really challenging catholic school, (last years graduating class had average act of 27.7)
Varsity Football
Two years of baseball
Member of the national Chinese honor society
5 AP’s, school limit is 9
8 honors classes
Member of arrupe service program
Student council
Insignis club (helps freshman with their progression into highschool)
Killer essays
Great recs
Other colleges so far:
Indiana Kelley:accepted
Boston college: deferred
Waiting to hear back:

For anyone who got deferred and still wants to go to TCU - make sure you keep in contact with the admissions office and your admissions counselor specifically. I have one son who graduated last May, one son who is currently a junior and a daughter who is currently a sophomore. Both of my sons were accepted, but my daughter was deferred. She made sure they never forgot about her and that they knew how badly she wanted to go to TCU. She did end up getting in when many others did not. We don’t know how much her persistence played into that decision, but it certainly didn’t hurt! Good luck and Go Frogs!!

In the past they sent out scholarship letters in January and Honors College admittance letters in February or after.

did her gpa change after her first semester of high school? also, when did she find out if she was accepted or not after being deferred?

Her GPA continued to improve every semester in high school so her cumulative GPA did go up slightly after her senior year first semester. She found out she got in in late February.

Thank you for that jbtrask, I also have a sophomore at TCU , a son , and my daughter just got deferred . Really disappointed .

Is there a TCU admitted groupme?

@palaiologos yes

@TCUorBU What’s the LINK

Same situation with a sophomore sibling.

Scholarships posted today in mytcu.

Where??? @getchasome I don’t see it

MYTCU>Main Menu > Financial Aid > View your Financial Aid Account > Financial Aid Year 2017 - 2018. At this point it will list the award and amount.

Mine shows nothing there… oops

does anyone know when honors college stuff comes out?

@kate16 Jan or Feb