TCU 2021 Decision Thread

dm your email or number @palaiologos

Thank you, @getchasome !! Nice!

I’m pretty sure last year only the Deans awards were sent out this early. Other kids got theirs in January.

I asked my counselor and she said only ED were supposed to get their amounts but I got mine so I’m confused

Hi everyone! To all who got deferred, don’t lose hope! I’m a current freshman at TCU, and I was deferred last year and ended up getting accepted in March of this past year. Definitely show continued interest, but be careful about crossing the line into annoyance. You want to show them that you’re still highly interested, but you definitely do not want to constantly pester them with emails and calls every day.

I remember how I felt when I was deferred last year–it was hard, I know, I understand. It definitely was not the news I wanted to hear. I lost hope for a while and even went as far as to tell people I was going to be attending my second choice school I had been accepted to when they asked if I knew where I was going to college. I falsely believed that a deferral was a “polite rejection,” but it’s not. They deferred you because they like you and want to review your application again! I’ve met plenty of current freshmen at TCU who were accepted after being deferred/waitlisted. It’s worked out for us, and it can for you too! I wish you all the best of luck!!

Hey guys! Today I got a letter in the mail indicating I received the Dean’s Scholarship. I really thought I was competitive to receive the invite to Chancellor’s Weekend, so is this it? Or should I expect a follow up letter in the coming days?

@jsoens Receiving a Dean’s Scholarship is one of the hurdles to getting the invite to Chancellor’s Weekend. It’s all but required to first receive the dean’s and the honors college invite in order to get an invite to Chancellor’s Weekend. If you haven’t gotten an Honors college invite yet, don’t worry. With a dean’s i’m almost sure you will be invited to the honors college too. I just got received my invites to both today, so hoping for the Chancellor’s invite soon as well. Good luck to you! Hope it all works out!!

Hoping for the chancellors as well. And I’ve been told you get your invite either when you get your scholarship in the mail or not too long after. Honors college invites are in January or February right?

@GiveMeMyDecision I’ve already been invited to Honors College preview night, not sure if that means they are inviting me to the honors college or they are just considering me. Yeah I’ve heard that as well, but have also heard that they should come shortly after scholarship offers and I just got my Dean’s offer. Good luck!!

Okay sweet, thanks for the support! Hoping to hear back real soon. @AliJWalters

@AliJWalters My daughter’s acceptance letter was dated 12/15 and dean’s scholarship letter was dated 12/21 but then we haven’t heard anything else since. Her portal shows no invitation to chancellor or honors college, just some visiting dates under “events” tab. Have you received your chancellor invite yet? Was it by mail?

Can those of you who received the Deans ( or other) scholarships please post your stats? Thanks so much

@tb2000 currently TCU has offered me Deans but neither Honors College nor Chancellor’s. I’m a National Hispanic Finalist, 32 ACT, 33 Superscored ACT, top 5% of my class, 4.5 GPA weighted, 3.99 unweighted…
extra curriculars: Job at doctor’s office, honor society, started a health professional club at my school, Science Olympiad, Eagle Scout, and very involved with church
My letter of rec was probably average, and my essays were (in my humble opinion) very good

@tb2000 4.45 Weighted gpa, 3.99 unweighted, 7 APs and 3 college classes, 400+ community service hours, choir, varsity soccer 2 years and varsity football 1 year, 1420 SAT, NHS, 5-7 hrs a week for a job, and lots of church involvement. I had a fantastic rec letter and a strong essay

@tb2000 4.44 Weighted, 4.0 Unweighted, national merit commended, 3 AP’s in jr year and 3 in Sr. year, 6 honors classes. SAT 2040 and 2150, 5 SAT subject tests, ACT 33 and 35 (only submitted 35), 1 gold & 2 silvers in national latin exams, NHS, top 5% of all girl catholic school, a competitive dancer since 6 years old (a ton of hours), school clubs, community service 125 hours, attended 2 weeks summer scholar program at Pace U. in nyc.

My regret: she has leadership experience as an apprentice member of a professional dance company, travels and assists in all dance classes, works at competitions and performs with faculty in closing shows. This should have been listed under “leadership” heading. Unfortunately, her counselor lumped it all under “dance experience”. I think it would stand out more under “leadership” because she already has a ton of other things listed under “dance experience”.
Hoping she would get invited to chancellor weekend so she can elaborate about this experience.

I don’t know what her rec letter says because we can’t see, and I have no opinion about her essay because that’s very subjective.

Here is a link of 2015-2016 admission cycle . I wonder if the dean’s scholarship recipients are the semifinalists. So if you don’t get invited to the weekend, will you hear anything?

ACT: 33 GPA: 4.05 2 Varsity Athletics, captain for both. Nationally acclaimed artist, #1 ranked shooter in the state, child of immigrants, choir, president of two clubs, committee chair in NHS, over 600 hours of community service, Junior olympics qualifier. Letters of rec were from teachers who asked me if they could write them, and I’m an English major so I thought my essays were pretty okay. I only got the Deans though, and the admissions office said they already sent out all the chancellors invites meaning I’m not getting one lol

@AJRY808 does that mean the offers are out and we should’ve known by now if we were invited? You seem incredibly qualified (beyond myself I must admit) and the pool must be incredibly tough if nobody here has earned a spot

@AJRY808 @jsoens I spoke to the chancellor office and they said today they are mailing out the last batch of invitations TODAY…it’s not via email. In the invite, they explain the details, when, where, how to accept the invitation. Here is another important point: all dean scholarship recipients go into a pool and then they select who would be invited to the weekend… so NOT ALL dean scholarship recipients will receive an invite. So, based on when the last batch of invites went out, if we don’t receive an invite by end of next week, we can be sure that we are not going to the chancellor weekend.

I also asked about Honors invitation, those go out in Feb…typically dean scholarship recipients will get invited to that. Hope that helps.

Can someone with a dean’s scholarship post theirs? Wanted to see if the wordings are all generic.

@SLparent well when I called the admissions office they flat out told me all the chancellors invites were sent out at the same time as the Dean’s, so I wouldn’t be getting one. I hope you’re right though, that would be nice