I’m Austin, a rising senior in Alabama, who desires to go to TCU in the fall of 2022.
I’m fairly confident I will be accepted, having a 4.0 unweighted (4.34 weighted), 31 composite ACT, and will graduate with 10 AP classes. I also lead many clubs and organizations, one being First Priority, & am the NHS vice-president, etc. Enough about me, though.
My questions start with:
Why should I attend TCU?
Is the student body a positive or fun crowd?
How are the dorms, and which is the best? I would prefer to have a bathroom with my roommates, not a whole floor but I’ll take what I can get.
Will I have a good time/friends if I don’t like to party and drink?
Is there a community of Christ followers who seek to have fellowship, worship, and help others?
If my dad’s income is under 30k, do I have decent chances with financial aid?
Having a 31 ACT, will I get a good merit scholarship, or do I need to push for a 34 to get the really good chancellor’s scholarship?
Is computer science a good major to pursue at TCU?
How is the masters in divinity at TCU?
Please answer any questions you can, and ask me anything. or just feel free to have open discussion. I think I might like being a horned frog, haha.
Also adding on, is anyone familiar with Mercy Culture? I would love to make that my home church when I move to FW.
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Hey there @austinwxla! I’ll just answer your inquiries in order 
- There are many answers to this question, and actually one you should answer yourself on the supplemental part of the TCU application. Location, academics, athletics, big school feel but small classes, beautiful campus… most just think it “feels right” for them, but the deciding factors can be different for everyone
- Yes - everyone is always smiling walking around, and there is a lot of school pride. During football season local businesses will give discounts if you wear purple on Fridays!
- Dorms are consistently ranked in the top 10 in the nation. Milton Daniel is the honors dorm that probably has the best location and community for freshman. However, there’s not any bad choices out there, so don’t worry about housing until it comes up next year.
- Yes, many groups to find a place where you belong
- I think so, but it can depend. I’d call or email TCU financial aid to find out more, they can give you some helpful info.
- You would probably need to raise the score for a Chancellor’s Scholarship. Check out the chart on this page: Scholarship & Aid
- Not my area of expertise, but I haven’t heard anything bad about it.
- Really good, it is actually the Brite Divinity School, which is technically separate from TCU, but has been running for over a century.
- Not familiar with that church, it’s a little bit of a drive from campus, but there are many, many churches active throughout campus that you could explore.
Thanks for starting this thread! I might copy over some deadlines and relevant info a bit later that could be useful to applicants.
Go Frogs!
Has anyone heard? Will TCU Regular decisions be released today 3/11? …or will release occur next Friday 3/18?
From reliable sources, regular decisions will be released on Wednesday, March 16th at 5 PM.
Does this mean she’s in. It changed!
Very quiet here. Were you able to find out on getting accepted?
Have your kids check their portals!
My child applied early action and was deferred. She sent a letter of continued interest to her admissions counselor and an updated resume and transcript. On Monday, January 31, 2022 she and her dad spent the entire day at TCU attending the Monday at TCU admissions event. She spent time with her admissions counselor at that event (there was an area where the counselors were stationed in case kids wanted to talk to an admissions counselor) and at that time she in person confirmed her continued interest. She and her dad were told at that event that attendance was important, particularly for those who had been deferred. Today (3/16) TCU updated her portal to accepted status with pre-major: undecided. I am sharing in case this helps others who have been deferred (this year or in future years).
My kiddo applied broadly due to how competitive nursing programs are these days.
She has 12 other acceptances, including 4 direct-admits into 4-year BSN programs. TCU has been high on the list since we toured it a few years ago for her sibling’s college search. We knew nursing at TCU was a reach - heck, valedictorians do not make the cut! Have no idea at this point which sidelines we’ll be cheering on next fall. Stay tuned! Congrats to all who got good news tonight! Go Horned Frogs!
Yes, it is crazy competitive it is for nursing programs. The good thing is that wherever you go, you will have great job opportunities. My brother is going to UT Health Sciences in San Antonio and he loves it. It’s more of a commuter school and not for everyone but a great program.
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Do you know when information may be available on potential financial aid options?
The financial aid options are now in my child’s portal. High achieving kids are offered merit $ as set out on the TCU website. In addition, the portal sets out at least some qualifying loans. Scholarship & Aid
This might be a weird question, but anyone know people who go to TCU who are not Christians? We are of a different faith, but TCU seems to be checking al the boxes for DS24 and I am wondering how common it is for those who are not Christian to attend.
On our tour last fall the guides gave the line that “the C in TCU is as big or as little as you want it to be”. That turned my son off as he is looking for a strong faith presence on campus.
I think your D would be fine.
My son considers himself an atheist (though I am most definitely Christian). He seemed completely fine with taking one religion class from a historical perspective. While he hadn’t made his decision, TCU is currently in the lead!
As @CUBuffs1 pointed out, that is said on every tour. In my time I have met Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Mormons, and atheists off the top of my head. There are many groups you can find here: Religious & Spiritual Life | Communities
In general, the majority lean Christian, but it is not a problem to not. The metroplex in general has a variety of religious organizations readily available.
Go Frogs 
Curious - did that portal image you posted last year mean she is in?
She did not get in. She got waitlisted. However applied after 1 semester elsewhere then got in.
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