TCU Class of 2025 — Admissions Date: by April 1

How fast can I expect Alpine to fill up?

Thanks so much! We’re close, but not quite ready to commit. But, Alpine sounds like a blast…especially if you’re local from Dallas!

I can’t say, but probably pretty quickly. Not sure how numbers are being limited due to COVID. Also do note Alpine is $550, whereas the rest are free, if that factors in at all.

I feel like they are both great schools and actually my sons top two also (with similar scholarships) He was sure UGA was the one ( loved the sports and Athens … along with the school itself) until the year went on and he visited TCU. We visited UGA in Feb of last year right before COVID so got a pretty good feel for it. For my son he loved the Neeley school of business and the newer buildings and opportunities TCU has to offer. (My daughter actually is in college in NY for dance…we have visited almost every state for colleges between my three kids ) I am not sure you could go wrong!

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Does anyone know if transfers are able to go to any of the frog camps? Or is there a specific camp just for transfers?

Hi @theodoretheman, typically the last Frog Camp (by date) offered is billed as the transfer and international camp. Typical domestic students also go, but the idea is to bring together those who don’t know many people at all. I’m fairly certain it is Challenge this year, but you can always call Student Development Services (in charge of running Frog Camp) at 817-257-7855! I’m sure they’d be happy to give you details :slight_smile: