<p>Ok, first off...some of you know me from this board and I have also been studying for this test and this question is for a friend who is not a board member. (This is not one of those "this is for a friend" but in reality it's for me hypothetical posts) He just asked me to see what the people here thought he could raise his scores. He said his last practice test was 690 CR, 700 Math, and (I think) 740 Writing.</p>
<p>April 2006 SAT:
CR: 640
Math: 680
Writing: 660
Total: 1980</p>
<p>He's wondering what he could bring his total up to, he's been studying hard (which is the first time I've ever seen him take an interest in anything) and he said his top scores were 740 CR, 780 Math, and 800 Writing (but that's a mix and match of the scores, he's never done that all in one sitting). </p>
<p>So please, feel free to give advice on what his December 2nd (which he will take with me (of course not with me, that would be cheating)) score will be.</p>
<p>Thanks in advance.</p>