Tell Us About You

<p>not necessarily, competition mightve been stiff, thats all.</p>

<p>yeah her math score pretty much hurt her, but not 75% of applicants are gonna have "average" scores of 500. In all honesty i'd think schools like nyu would have averages of alot higher than that. And with the competition for good schools like these, it's perfectly possible for 'perfect' students can get rejected. just my two cents.</p>

<p>im assuming people who take SAT II's are already well versed in their respective subjects, therefore scores in the 600-700 range, on AVERAGE...</p>

<p>ah, she told me today that she applied to tisch. that explains why she got rejected. Phew...</p>

<p>Name: Adam
Location: Right outside Philadelphia, Pa
Fav School Subjects: Film Arts, English
Fav Color: Red
Fav Dessert: Not a big dessert guy
Fav Celebrity: Jaime Foxx, Denzel
Fav Author: James Mcbride
Hobbies: Freestyle Skiing, Volleyball, Film, Music(everything cept Country)</p>

<p>Name: Maurice
Location: VA
Fav School Subjects: History & Spanish
Fav Color: Midnight Blue/Black
Fav Dessert: strawberry cheesecake
Fav Celebrity: Angelina Jolie/Angela Basset (2 very sexy women)
Fav Author: W.E.B. DuBois
Hobbies: Music (singing/songwriting)/collecting knives/Film Stuff/ Activist Stuff</p>

<p>Tell me why males find Angelina Jolie more attractive than for example...Brazilian model, Adriana Lima, Jessica Alba, J.Lo, etc.</p>

<p>For me it's just not about looks. I love that dark side to Angelina and I also love what she does (humanitarian stuff). Not to say the other women on the list are hot, I'm just not the type of person who is all about looks. But that's my opinion.</p>

<p>Also..the woman likes to have sex with knives in the bed. Ahaha That's my kind of woman.</p>

<p>I'm assuming you've watched Mr. and Mrs. Smith then? haha</p>

<p>Oh yes. I have a huge Angelina collection of movies. I mean Brad better watch his back because I might just steal her away from him and then claim the kids lol.</p>

<p>Name: Cara
Location: Houston, Texas (really missouri city but no one knows where that is)
Fav School Subjects: Journalism, Photography, and Philosophy
Fav Color: cerulean
Fav Dessert: anything. I love desert
Fav Celebrity: i'm not big on the whole celeb thing so I'll say my uncle- he does hair in the city and he's in lots of magazine's for it.
Fav Author: Ayn Rand
Hobbies: writing, reading, cheerleading, and other things that randomly catch my attention.</p>

Fav Color: cerulean


<p>ive never heard of that color</p>

<p>cerulean's such a well known color though! Shame on you ryan. </p>

<p>Socrates, claim their kids too? I think you're a little obsessed.</p>

<p>Name: Sarah
Location: Texas
Fav School Subjects: Math and Science
Fav Color: Baby Blue
Fav Dessert: New York Cheesecake
Fav Celebrity: Jerry Seinfeld, Jennifer Aniston,
Fav Author: Arthur Miller
Hobbies: Watching television</p>

<p>Ah, so no one else willing to introduce themselves? This is a bit sad.</p>

<p>oh well, i'll give it a go
Name: Nick
Location: sofia, bulgaria
Fav School Subjects: hate them all. maybe geography or modern history
Fav Color: ummmm I dunno, orange or yellow
Fav Dessert: cheesecake! yummy
Fav Celebrity: Homer Simpson :p the rest are a bunch of phonies. jennifer aniston is hot though
Fav Author: salanger, orwell
Hobbies: working out, reading wikipedia, college apps recently... i also love to wander pointlessly around the city. i'm an urban soul, that's why i really hope i see you guys around the village next fall;)</p>

<p>hey....I got accepted ED</p>

<p>Name: Laura
Ethnicity: Armenian....among other things
Location: long island
Fav School Subjects: Theatre, government, english
Fav Color: pink
Fav Dessert:brownies from the burger place at the Parker Meridien Hotel (if you end up at NYU you have to try them)
Fav Celebrity: Ewan McGregor, Billy Crudup, Nathan Lane....and Diddy
Fav Author: Jacqueline Susann
Fav Band: weezer, jimmy eat world, matt caplan
Hobbies: singing dancing acting etc,travelling, finding new music reading, messing around the city,
Quirks: i'm afraid of power outages</p>

<p>what kind of dancing, weetziebat? i love messing around in the cities too. Seoul, Pusan, and NYC are my top 3 :)</p>

<p>i'm a MT major, so basically ballet theatre dance and tap. </p>

<p>NYC is of course my favorite city, but I loooooooved London and basically any city in Germany.</p>

<p>I'm thinking we all need to meet up at some point before next year and mess around the city a bit (after everybody gets your acceptance letters, as you undoubtedly will). Anyone planning on visiting before orientation?</p>