<p>i might visit during spring break...but not sure</p>
<p>weetziebat we're having a meet up on monday</p>
<p>fabulous! Where and when?</p>
<p>ill pm u the details</p>
<p>undoubtedly get acceptance letters? I think not (I speak for myself only). If you've seen my stats, I don't think you'd be saying that. But if I do get accepted, we'll definitely all meet up :) </p>
<p>POTENTIAL NYU STUDENTS!!! write more, we want to know more about you :)</p>
<p>Name: Ann
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Favorite School Subjects: Literature, Creative Writing, Biology II
Favorite Color: Navy, Hunter Green, Black, Beige, White
Favorite Dessert: Soy Delicious Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream
Favorite Celebrity: I cannot recall her name at the present moment, but she's the unattractive female in Welcome to the Dollhouse, Princess Diaries, and other movies that require an unattractive, albeit comedic, reasonably talented actress.
Favorite Author: Margaret Atwood, Albert Camus, Franz Kafka
Hobbies: Color-coding my closet, sleeping for extensive periods of time, reading grammar guides, feigning apathy, and constructing ridiculous, colored, themed, and unsuccessful cakes
Quirks: I do not have any specific quirks; my whole personality (and therefore my actions) are rather strange. Or at least, that's what I've been told. I'm very adept at playing board games (Scattegories and Taboo) and become overly competitive when doing so. I'm also very, very devious; I'm also extremely adept at formulating machinations and orchestrating ultimately useless schemes.</p>
<p>seeing the last name ANN, i just had to continue the thread w/ own profile... ANNE's :)
this is a rd thread? si?
Name: Anne
Location:SF, CA
Subjects: History/ govt
Color: Red
Dessert: hmm... leaves with fried worms
celebrity: maria sharapova- shes the shiznit & julia stiles- i just love save the last dance; and finally, audrey hepburn
author: ayn rand, bronte sisters
hobbies: tennis,singing, baking
quirks: can't say i'm very quirky... but i'm very fidgety, it's hard for me to sit still; i also have the best nail colors, and I can eat a whole bag of potato chips in record time</p>
<p>salt n vinegar potato chips are the best :)
and even tho im a girl, i gotta admit maria sharapova is pretty damn sexy</p>
<p>by the way, this thread is for ALL NYU applicants</p>
<p>Name: Yilong
Location: Long Island, New York
Fav School Subjects: Lunch
Fav Color: Blue, White, Black
Fav Dessert: Ice Cream
Fav Celebrity: not really into celebs, but i think jennifer aniston is really pretty
Fav Author: i don't read too many books, but i like j. k. rowling
Hobbies: ultimate frisbee, piano, trumpet, jogging, working out</p>
<p>Name: Julie
Location: Honolulu, HI
Fav School Subjects: English
Fav Color: Pink
Fav Dessert: brownies
Fav Celebrity: hmm... i have a lot. jake gyllenhaal recently.
Fav Author: Dean Koontz, Dan Patterson, Audrey Niffenegger
Hobbies: eating, cheerleading, reading writing, watching funny movies
Quirks: um, i eat a ridiculous amount of food at all times, i can wiggle my eyes and ears, and i am currently sporting a bright purple cast/splint thing on my arm. (typing has become very difficult)</p>
<p>Name: Elle
Location: San Fran, CA
Fav School Subjects: English
Fav Color: Silver
Fav Dessert: All of the above
Fav Celebrity: Angelina Jolie
Fav Author: Eoin Colfer
Hobbies: Learning</p>
<p>whoo! san fran ;)
just realized something- h20, you must be obsessed with nyu, i see you on almost all nyu threads! :)</p>
<p>Name: Trace
Location: Suburb between Ft. Worth and Dallas
Fav School Subjects: Great Religions of the World, Macroeconomics
Fav Color: Brown and Light Blue (combination)
Fav Dessert: Fudge
Fav Celebrity: Scarlet Johansson
Fav Authors: Poe, Hemingway
Other: Some would call me a health nut. I do my best work very early in the morning (2-3am) after I go to the gym. I am always in-the-know when it comes to technology and use that to make money (bought and sold a lot of xbox 360s over the holidays).</p>
<p>i love mushrooms as wel.</p>
<p>yeah im facking omnipresent on the NYU forum :) </p>
<p>and damn, I wish I was a health nut! I keep thinking working outs a chore instead of something to enjoy.</p>
<p>you are on here a lot h20nline. it would be such a waste of time if you didn't get in. i found out that SAT scores don't play much of a role in the transfer process. very good news for me :).</p>
<p>yeah i'm a loser. :P heh heh I'll pretty much lose my sanity if I don't get in. Hope you get in trace~</p>
<p>hehe i am a regular on a lot of forums so don't worry ;). the deadline for me is april 1 so i have a while to go.</p>
<p>Name: Mike
Location: Long Island, NY
Fav School Subjects: English, History, Film
Fav Color: Navy
Fav Dessert: Cheesecake
Fav Celebrity (i'm assuming this question means who you think is the hottest?): Natalie Portman, Scarlett Johansson, Keira Knightley
Fav Author: J.D. Salinger, Bret Easton Ellis
Hobbies: Movies, Books, Newspaper, Writing, Television, Skiing, Snowboarding, Eating, Drinking, Being Fun
Quirks: Too many to name. For starters, you won't see me not shaking.</p>
<p>o yea keira knightley. she is near the top of my list as well :).</p>