Telluride (TASS) camp vs Volunteering?

<p>I'm not sure what to do. Should I go to TASS, a camp that spans the whole summe rand focuses on black studies or should I spend my summer volunteering at the local hospital (4 hrs every Monday)? I want to do pre-med
In college, so volunteering seems like the logical thing to do, but the TASS camp sounds awesome. I've also done the camp for the past 2 summers, and it would look good on college application if I do it through out all 4 yrs, so I don't really want to skip a yr. I'm thinking I should at least APPLY to TASS?....I mean it's selective, so it's not like I'm gauranteed to get it.</p>

<p>Oops I meant: I’ve also done the volunteering for the past 2 summers. NOT THE CAMP</p>

<p>Apply to TASS</p>

<p>TASS. You can volunteer upon your return. I know a young woman who participated in the TASS program. A great experience! </p>

<p>Before deciding, I’d call the hospital and ask if your hours and duties can be substantially ramped up next summer. You’ve done it two summers only working one Monday morning a week and it’s time to ask for more responsibility that will help you better decide if you really want to be pre-med. If they tell you no, then Telluride sounds like it could be awesome. But so would a more substantial internship in a different clinic or lab in your town.</p>

<p>4 hours a week is NOT worth opting out of TASS, they will understand you could not volunteer due to the camp. Better yet, see if on your off day, you can volunteer at a local hospital where you are! 2 birds, one stone.</p>

<p>TASS all the way, not even close. If you can get in…</p>

<p>Get your app in. Also apply to some other summer programs. I will pm you with some that you may find of interest. My dd was able to do several things over her summers throughout HS. Summer programs & volunteer, part time job…her summers were replete with meaningful experiences. It doesn’t have to be either or. If you get selected for the TASS program, you will not be sorry if you attend. My friends daughter has had some wonderful opportunities because of her connection with the Telluride organization! </p>

<p>I sent you a pm…I hope it helps! Good luck!</p>

<p>Thank you all so much for your help!</p>