Texas A&M admitted students for the Class of 2027

@Collegemichmatt all freshman will have classes all over campus-Main & West. Mays freshman may only have 1-2 at Wehner each semester.
Phase 2 of Housing is literally pointless. It does NOT matter what you list…it all boils down to what rooms/beds are open when it’s the student selection time in April/May. Promise.
There will be Mays students in every dorm (minus Engineering Village), but many Mays students do live in Northside dorms.
Don’t overthink or spend much time on Phase 2…no one will ever see what you list/rank. But if you list an LLC, you are stuck with that.

Thank you so much. Pardon my ignorance, but what is LLC?

Living Learning Center
Not offered for Mays, so you’re good :blush:
Schedule a dorm tour over Christmas break (better weather, campus not crowded). Tour Northside, Southside & White Creek (3 separate tours). Dorm tour after being accepted is the best way to really view/decide about dorms.

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I would do the tours and then pick the vibe that works best for you. Search my posts and I’ve talked about Northside/ Southside choices. You only get to be a Freshman at A&M once in your life and you’ll be stuck with Mays students for 4 years (more and more as the years go on). Pick the dorms you think you’ll have a blast at. What feels fun? What feels like home? What do you think about the location of the cafeteria? That kind of thing.

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Also, there can be a benefit from getting a little space between you and your classes/classmates. Having an agricultural development major and a construction science major as your suitemates could be fun and interesting… and allow you to meet awesome people who will be your lifelong friends and send business your way one day… I know some people must love living and learning communities but there’s a benefit to meeting people outside your bubble and Mays will give you ample opportunities to form study groups, etc.

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@LaFinalista yes! Great advice! Lechner was the Modular shown on our Northside tour. The ‘vibe’ was instant when we entered-weird, anti-social, we couldn’t wait to leave. Then we found out that’s University Honors dorm…enough said. Thanks but NO to all things UH.
And absolutely live with a mix! Can’t imagine living in Engineering Village-24/7 with the same students. But it meets a need for some, I guess…
Old Aggies are territorial about Southside vs Northside. The great thing is, once dorm selection is over, and students move in, there’s rarely ever a post about dorms.
And @Collegemichmatt be sure to research ResLife website. It lists prices, date renovated, amenities, virtual tour and more!

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I’m sorry - are you calling me OLD? lol

The thing is, the Lechner environment could also completely change every three years with a different crop of students and RAs. When I was there (in the OLD AG days), yeah it was a bunch of nerds but there were parties and people dated (it was the only co-ed dorm back in the OLDEN days) and they built Bonfire together (YES, FINE I AM OLD WE HAVE ESTABLISHED THAT) and it had its own fun nerdy vibe.

Some kids are going to walk through Lechner and love it - whatever it is in the year 2022 - and some kids (yours and MINE) are going to NOPE as fast as they can.


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Guarantee my Aggie hub is older than you are! He lived in Moore Hall…may it Rest In Peace😂
Lechner/UH does fill a need for that type of student, you are correct. But honestly, it was the one & only dorm on both Southside & Northside tours we couldn’t get out of fast enough.

Dorm tours and extensive ResLife website studying are key! That, and having a very high dorm selection time…

Just want to add freshman only have classes all over the place if they are traditional freshman coming in with little to no college credits. It’s more and more common for freshman to come in with their core classes complete or partially complete. In which case their classes will be in their major. My Aggie freshman’s classes are all in Langford (the viz building) except one. She came in with 30 dual credits ( core classes) and she is taking 12 more at community college when she comes home for the summer.

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I don’t know if I would make a dorm rec for arch/ viz majors since it’s well known they “live in Langford.” :wink:

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Yes!:grinning: My daughter is at Langford 7 days a week! 5 days a week for classes and labs and spends most of the weekend there doing projects at her art desk.

So much useful information here. I should’ve read all the threads before I completed the housing application today. Can anyone please help me figure these out?

I only completed phase I and paid a $75 deposit. Does it mean that I secured my daughter’s space or should I go ahead with phase II and the rest of the steps? She’s still applying to other colleges, so we are not 100% sure about the college choice.

Also, while we were working on phase I, I clicked “yes” to LLC interests, and picked about 3 preferences. Does it mean that it will lock her choices only to LLC?
I’m a little terrified after reading many of your posts about how many students didn’t like it there. I thought what I did was just opt in to some promotion emails from LLC.

Complete Phase 2
Better if you would have said NO to LLC. Some of the experienced members on this forum may be able to elaborate on this LLC issue

@YD7788 call ResLife and see if you can remove the LLC. You’ll be committed to LLC if you don’t.
Did you get confirmation about phase 1? If so, that’s all to do right now, phase 2 will be in several weeks.

Oh no…I just emailed the ResLife. Hope they can remove the selection from the application. Thank you so much.

You are securing her spot in line for dorm selection for April/May. I’m glad you called res Life. Figure out if you can withdraw interest. I’m pretty sure you can this early on.

Phase 2 should not be open yet. Or did you complete housing in September and phase 2 is already open to you?

@YD7788 you can add LLC later, if there’s space, but once you select it, you’re committed. If you decide later to not do LLC, you lose your place for dorm selection, and basically get sent to the back of the line for selection time. Big bummer!

On the housing application it says:
Would you like to receive more information about specific Living Learning Communities, to consider if one might be the right experience for you? Saying YES to more information does not commit you to joining or participating in a LLC, if only provides you with more information to make a better decision for yourself in Phase II.

It sounds no impact on housing selection. Is this statement false?


Thank you for your answer. I received the confirmation email. As you mentioned, it says phase 2 will be open in a few weeks. Do you usually do all phases even before college decision?

I noticed that wording on the website too. As well as a statement that expressing interest doesn’t interfere with the housing application. I could see how Phase II would be binding, because the process says you have to select and rank LLCs at that point, but to be binding when you are just expressing interest and getting sent information in Phase I doesn’t make sense.

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