Texas A&M admitted students for the Class of 2027

That’s exactly what I saw. I simply thought it will be better if I can get more information.

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You are right. Phase 2 is not even open to me. I was just wondering if I can hold it until next spring, probably after the dorm tour. I’ll update here if I hear anything from ResLife about the answer change. Thanks.

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Quote from the message my daughter receuved after finishing phase 1:

In Phase II of the Housing Application, you’ll have the opportunity to request membership in your top 3 LLC choices. Based on availability and eligibility, you will be placed in your highest LLC choice and receive a membership confirmation email within 5 days of completing Phase II. If you decide membership in an LLC isn’t for you, no problem, just answer ‘NO’ to the LLC question at the start of Phase II. If you end up changing your mind about LLC membership, simply email us, and we’ll help correct your Housing Application for you.


So helpful. Thank you!

So all good until you select in Phase 2.

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Does anyone know if Mays has a Business Honors program? if so, when and how do we apply to it? Also do we need to do anything more at this stage for any potential scholarhips?

@YD7788 you must complete all phases, in a timely manner, in order to keep your spot in dorm selection line. If your student decides to attend somewhere else, make sure you contact Housing prior to April 30, to get out of Housing contract. May 1 is when you are bound to fulfill the contract, and the fee starts at $500 to cancel (gets higher the later you wait).
If student lists LLC dorms/programs during phase 2, that is pretty much binding-for those particular dorms. Whatever else she lists during phase 2 is meaningless, and she will just select any bed available when it’s her dorm selection time.
If she’s not certain about A&M, if it were my kid, I wouldn’t list any LLC in phase 2.


@Collegemichmatt Business Honors/BH is an outstanding, ultra selective/competitive program.
Your student needed to check to interest box when applying to A&M. They can’t go back, if they didn’t already check the box.
BH decisions start going out early November.

Just heard back from ResLife. They said they can easily fix that. I emailed them after the working hour yesterday and got a response at 8:00 am today. In the meantime, I received 3 other e-mails telling me that they received my request, and would be working on it asap. Overall I was so impressed by how attentive and fast to one’s requests. Thank you all for your help.

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Wow, great tip! I just put down the date on my scheduler. I thought not proceeding to further stages will automatically drop us out of the contract at a certain point. Yes, after some communication with ResLife, it seems pretty sure that it’s phase 2 that binds students to the LLC choices.

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Understood. So no extra essays etc for Business honors?

@Collegemichmatt i can’t say for certain on that. My Aggie did it all, and they’re now a Senior. There may or may not be an additional BH essay, but it all would’ve been submitted at the time of A&M application. Students can’t go back and apply after initial application submission.

BH is unique, in that it’s an Honors program, but also a stand alone major. It’s the only way Mays students can double major-one major is Business Honors, the other major is their chosen business field. Over 2,000 applied last year, for 85ish spots. They’re looking for top of class (salutation/valedictorian/top 4%-type), most are NM/SF/Commended, high involvement & leadership, awards received and community service. They want a really well rounded student.
It’s a fantastic program!

Incoming freshman scholarships are dependent on selecting/checking the box when student applied (and if any additional info was required).
A&M is known for not giving out many-it seems-but most go to true need based or NM/SF. The ‘average’ student doesn’t normally receive a scholarship, certainly not a big one. Returning students-so current freshman/sophomore/juniors-apply yearly (Oct 15-Feb 1) for scholarships.
I see posts every year, by parents of valedictorians, who never receive any scholarships from A&M…if that puts things into perspective.
With 70k+ students, most high achieving, A&M doesn’t dangle or match scholarships, like many other schools do. If your student has received $$ from other schools, don’t expect A&M to match or even offer.

@YD7788 nope, you’re definitely on the hook for Housing, unless you cancel by April 30. Every school is different. Just pencil it in on your calendar, and proceed thru the phases. Phase 3 is listing a roommate, if she doesn’t have one, no big deal, she can try to match, or just grab a bed and someone else will snag the other bed in the room. For sure continue thru the phases, to keep her spot on line, should she decide on TAMU.

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Yes, NO extra essays for Business Honors. For scholarships there were a number of additional short answers/essays etc. which need to be completed at time of applying. Can not do them after applying. Used common app to apply.

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When does Phase 3 begin? I understand the specific date depends on when they put down a housing deposit. I’m mostly wondering if that happens before students may have made a final decision on attending (May 1).

@Culbreath phase 3 is matching with a roommate, if you choose to. Actual dorm selection starts mid-late April going well into May.
I would suggest nudging your student to make a college decision by spring break, if possible. Waiting much later, they really could have difficulties finding a roommate, registering for New Student orientation (getting a date that works with your summer schedule), etc.
Of course I understand if they’re waiting on schools that don’t send out acceptances until April or May; we were in that position with USC. By the time the decision came (acceptance!), my Aggie was sick of waiting, had forged ahead with A&M and never looked back.

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Sharing for holistic engineering admission:

My son applied September 26, was admitted October 13.

Not in top 10% so he did not report class rank on transcript, but rank was top 17%. TAMU assigned a 1st quarter rank.

1520 SAT, 3.7UW GPA with 12 APs. ECs include varsity choir, a capella choir, state qualifier in vocal solo last year, 4 year JV cross country, 2 years speech/debate and a state qualifier in 9th grade (then COVID). NM Commended. Other awards given by teachers (mostly choir) for being a great kid. He also studies solo piano performance. I’m sure he has a great rec letter from his physics teacher but not sure A&M even got it in time to consider it. APs include chemistry, Physics 1, Physics C:E&M, Calc AB, Calc BC. He’s an AP scholar with distinction, the only 3 was in Calc AB, the rest 4s and 5s. He also participated in 3 school musicals including this year (skipped 10th grade - COVID).

He’s interested in materials science and engineering, which is unusual for a high school kid. He attended 3 summer camps related to MSE and wrote a very detailed essay about his interest in the field. I thought his essays were compelling and probably got noticed. If anything does, I think this sets him apart from other engineering applicants.

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I hope he’ll decide by March. I think he’ll have all his apps completed by December 1. The 2 schools with January deadlines, he might skip applying. So I expect he’ll have decisions by January and have plenty of time to decide.

I’m an Aggie so it’s sad for me to say, but TAMU is not one of his top choices. But to go OOS, I’ve told him he needs funding other than mom & dad so he needs a solid in state option and I’m thrilled that he has that now.

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@Culbreath i feel your pain, my child had ZERO desire to attend my alma mater. Still makes me sad, BUT she has THRIVED at TAMU, it’s absolutely been the perfect school for her.

Is there a reason your son is waiting so long to get all apps submitted? I can’t speak for most schools, but it’s usually never good to wait, even if they say applications are open/accepted until a certain deadline.

If he does end up at A&M, he will need to be on top of things-checking tamu email & portal daily/often, paying/applying/signing up for things as soon as they open up. ‘Snooze you lose’ is definitely a thing at A&M, with such a huge student body.

He’s submitted 6 applications so far. 3 accepted, 3 pending. The remaining ones are Purdue and CO School of Mines (deadline 11/1) and VA Tech (deadline 12/1). I’m hoping he’ll wrap those up soon, but he’s very busy, and yes he’s procrastinated (nothing was ready in August). He’s obsessing over his essays. At this point he can reuse TAMU essays for most of what’s remaining but they need to be tweaked for the different prompts. He also has honors and scholarship essays to write which will be new writing.

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