Texas A&M Automatic Admissions

@Texas231343 i 2nd what @AggieMomhelp said-be SUPER careful about having too many hours. Are your hours AP or DC? I have a current Mays student, and I can tell you Mays is not a fan of students entering with lots of hours. They mentioned it specifically during our NSC Mays Parent Session. If for some reason you don’t get into Mays initially (it does fill up in October, the bulk are automatic admission kids), to transfer in is TOUGH, and no one gets in with more than 60 hours.
Having a huge amount of hours makes things tough-you are still a freshman, but trying to get upper level classes during NSC is hard because those classes are already full. Hopefully your hours are AP-definitely wait to ‘accept’ them, but if they’re DC, you are stuck with those hours.
You need minimum 30/ACT and 1400/SAT to be competitive for Mays admission.
Applying early is very important, especially if not Top 10%. Just be careful on too many hours.

Thanks for replying! My hours are duel credit. I thought that having DC classes is a good thing? With a 1400 SAT what would my chances be? What would recommend doing to improve my chances?

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@Texas231343 having ‘some’ AP and/or DC can be helpful, but unfortunately DC applies automatically. Mays definitely isn’t a fan of too many, and 50 is a LOT. It makes applying for classes difficult, and many times there are classes that are required to be taken at A&M for certain majors, that you’d have to take again.
While there is no ‘written in stone’ specific ACT and SAT scores, 30 and 1400 are definitely the minimum, if not Top Ten%. Many Mays students are National Merit, Semi or Commended scholars. It’s a small, highly competitive major, and when it fills up, that’s it. There is no waiting list.
It is possible to transfer into Mays, BUT they don’t allow transfers after 60 hours, and a list of specific classes must be taken before applying, so you would have too many hours.
Economics and AgBusiness are 2 majors many list, as their 2nd choice, if they don’t get into Mays.
With the whole holistic thing now, no one is sure what they’ll be looking for. The only sure thing is to be Top Ten% (and applying August 1-Mays is limited, so even a Top Ten%er won’t get Mays, if they apply once it is full), but that doesn’t apply to home school. Apply early.

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@Texas231343 one more thing. My Mays student is Class of ‘23/rising junior. In 2018, the first round of A&M acceptance emails went out September 19 (and the past 2 years have been that date, give or take a day). That’s why applying early is crucial. There are only 1,000 spots (last year they allowed 1,100) for incoming Mays freshman. When it’s full, it is full.
2nd major options and other school choices need to be made. UH Bauer School of Business is an excellent choice, too.
Not saying you won’t get in, but don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

Just curious how long should the application essay be?

@Texas231343 sorry, can’t help ya there, my student did theirs…with the help of a professional college guidance counselor. Money well spent, to hire someone professional-they keep you on a timeline, proof everything, know what the colleges want.
Your situation is so unique, I highly recommend hiring a college application person, or at least seek someone who is a college guidance counselor.

hi! i was reading this thread and had a few questions. I’m a high school senior right now and when I attend college I’ll be a year younger, i’ll be 17 at the time i attend but 16 when I apply. Is this a small advantage? Another thing is I really struggle w standardized testing, i’ve gotten professional help as well and for some reason i just am not the best, is there still a chance of me getting into Mays going test optional and i have a 3.71/4 uw gpa and a 4.96 weighted. I’m like top 15% and am in a few clubs. Based on this are the chances of me getting in extremely low?

Sadly Most Mays spots are taken Up by auto admits. That’s not to say it’s impossible. There were plenty that got in last year but I think many provided test scores. It fill up in October typically.

What are your scores and are you open to taking residual ACT at Tamu? This is a great option.

Ohh okay that makes sense:) I’m taking the ACT sept 11th so if i do well on that i’ll be turning that in as my test score but not exactly sure . right now i’m in the 1100’s low 1200’s. What if I submit test optional with the same stats to UTD’s JSOM business school. Do u know what my chances would be? Thank you so much i rly appreciate the response:))

I’m sorry, I don’t know anything about UTDs process and or requirements. I know it’s a good school though. Let us know how you end up. Good luck on ACt!

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If Mays fills up around October, when does Engineering typically fill up?

I wouldn’t say I’m an expert on test-taking but have tried doing practice tests for both the ACT and SAT? Maybe you’ll do better on one over the other!

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Engineering is its own beast. Most get some sort of offer either full admit, blinnacademy, Galveston or McAllen.

Last year people were still getting full admit in late January. I would have your app in my oct 15th tho. Don’t wait til after that.

Thanks for setting expectations on Engineering. She was ready to submit the Admissions application last night but got hung up on whether she can submit the Scholarship application separately or if it had to be together. It’ll definitely go by tonight or tomorrow at the latest.

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@yolo2398 i have a current Mays student. This isn’t what you want to hear, but unless you have some very strong leadership positions, a large amount of community service/volunteerism hours or have been part of drill team/band/sports for 3-4 years, Mays is probably not an option, especially test optional. It is very competitive & selective, they’re looking for a very well rounded student-top of their class-rank/gpa/scores and activity/leadership wise.
If you could score minimum 30 ACT or 1350, those scores would help.
Look into AgBusiness or AgEcon as 2nd choice majors. UTD has become very selective and competitive also, tho I don’t know specifically about their business school.

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Can the optional scholarship application (for merit scholarships) affect your admissions decisions. From my understanding the scholarship application has additional short essay responses, are the answers on those considered in the admissions decision?