Texas A&M - chances for admission 2019

Hi - I was wondering what my holistic chances for admission were to A&M College Sation I just missed the top 10% 47/442, (10.6%) and I have a 1100 on my SAT - I am retaking it in October. I am president of NHS, and I am in 3 honor societies, active in school clubs, and have been a 4-year varsity for 1 sport throughout high-school. Is there anything I can do to increase my chances for admissions, aside from raising my SAT? Missing auto-admit by such a small margin has really created a lot of stress for me. Any advice would be appreciated.

I have taken 21 college credit hours

It’s tough being a review applicant for full admissions to college station. 27000 review application last year and 4000 ± full admission offers.
But yes, applicants with your rank and scores have been admitted. At this point, a higher SAT is all that’s left to improve. Joining organizations now won’t have a bearing and any awards would need to be by Dec 1.

The 21 credit hours may hurt you if you were not offered full admission. Blinn Team, the co enrollment admission offer, doesn’t like applicants with a lot incoming credits, as it limits what is available to take while satisfying the requirements to transfer to A&M.

Would you be willing to retake some of those credits if offered TEAM? Depending on your major, A&M doesn’t like you accepting AP credit until it’s necessary, so that you don’t reach the hours cap should you desire to change majors.

:(…I was thinking the same thing as far as Blinn Team. Actually, most of those hours are from a community college, and dual for high school. Only 3 hrs of that is AP credit. I have two good letters from teachers. Do you think I should submit a separate resume?

@KWAGGIE Definitely send a resume. dC hours will have to transfer, so TEAM may not be an option offered.

Really study on the SAT to improve as much as possible. Being so close to top 10% is great standing, just need to get that score up.

Get that App complete and submitted with supporting docs. Mid Nov when some review applicants first begin to receive admission decisions though most are Jan/February.

What major are you applying to?

Thank You for the info - I am strongly considering TAMU Galveston over Blinn Team in the event I am offered both and am denied admission to College Station. My cousin went to TAMU Galveston and later transferred to College Station but actually preferred Galveston.

I am applying as a public health major

You won’t be offered a Galveston option for public health. Galveston admission offers for those applying to College Station, are only for review engineering applicants. The only other way to get to Galveston is to apply directly, which some do and choose to stay or put in for a change of major and transition to college station.

A new admissions decision that began last cycle is to the new Health Science Center in McAllen. Last admissions cycle, some applicants were offered admissions to College Station while others who applied to College Station were offered admission to McAllen only.

I have not read up on how that works exactly in that is it a transitional program where you end up in CStat or if is for the whole duration of major.

@KWAGGIE Have you tried the ACT? With the science portion you may actually do better. Good luck and keep us posted!!

I did ACT at my school this month and didn’t finish any section :-/ but was able to bring my SAT up to a 1210 - so hopefully that will help - application still in review

@KWAGGIE What date did you apply?

That you improved your score is GREAT. You went from 1100 to 1210. That is a huge improvement and A&M will like that. That you are so close to the top 10% is also a great benefit. It is possible you could receive a full offer of admissions in Dec, as other’s in the top 11-25% did last year. However, it could also be in Jan/Feb. My best friend’s son was a smidgen out of top 10% last year and a 1200 something SAT and received full admissions in February.

Because of the new Health and Science Center opening in Mc Allen this year, an admissions offer there could be a possibility. I’m hoping for a CStat offer for you but just wanted you to also be prepared for that possibility. PLEASE stay a part of CC and let us know your decision. What happens with each cycle helps with the next.

I applied on 9/26 but my HS transcript wasn’t received until 10/2 - LOR’s were submitted 10/15 and 10/28. I have also uploaded several awards certificates and retook SAT again this last weekend and am hoping it goes up a bit more. I felt good about it but I am not the best test taker. I am attending preview day on November 19th but am not sure if I should try and meet with an admissions officer or if it even possible on such a busy day. Thoughts?

Also - following the thread closely (noticed comments about holistic admits in regard to engineering) and one of my best friends 1 person out of the top 10% (I am 2) was already admitted. She is an engineering major but has only been admitted general at this time but she had 1220 on her SAT and received a 28 on her ACT. So her scores are pretty solid.

Realized she was 1 in front of me just made top 10% - I was 1 person out. She’s full admit to CSTAT engineering and is so excited :).