Texas A&M Class of 2025...After you have been accepted...Q&A


Well… my son FINALLY told me today that he is going to A&M! Now, he immediately told me afterwards that he has not officially decided yet, then proceeded to go through the whole thing 5 different times.
I am moving forward with him going to A&M and actively buying Aggie Mom shirts! I am so excited!!! I never knew I was meant to be an Aggie until we toured… now I am looking at EdD online programs from TAMU… maybe we can do our ring dunk together! (I am kidding about that… I would not do that to him! But, he can come to my ring dunk!)
YAY!!! I am so excited for him!!!


He’s so funny. It sounds like he gets a kick out of egging you on. But keep buying those shirts. We have lots of cute boutiques here for all things Aggie!!!

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Does anyone know when Phase III opens? Any information that we need to know about Phase III? There is a video on all other Phases, but not Phase III.
Also, When does Phase IV typically open? (I know it is different for everyone, but when are the first dates?)

On a funny note, I was talking to my son about housing and he said, “I am going to live in Hullaballoo.” I told him he needed to come up with a back-up plan, and he said that he had confidence in me that I would make it happen… ummm, I don’t think he is understanding that mommy cannot make EVERYTHING happen! I am pretty sure he will have one of the earlier timestamps (at least we were the first one that said something about it on CC), but that does not mean a lot!

@tmclanton i just looked at my calendar. My ‘23 student got acceptance/paid Housing app fee on 9/19/2018 (1st 75 to pay), and had the very 1st time selection, which was May 8, 2019. That year, only 75 were allowed to select the 1st day, the number doubled the next day and kept increasing. Hullabaloo was filled by end of Day 2. Hope that helps. (Hullabaloo was filled by day 2 last year also).
They didn’t have the ‘phase thing’ for class of ‘23…you paid app fee, got time selection in the spring. I don’t get the whole phases, I think it is super misleading.

Thank you for the info. That gives me a general idea of what we are looking for.
I can’t believe they only had 75 select in one day. That does not seem like a lot. Are you told specifically what number you are “on line”? I am ready for the next phase to begin.

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@tmclanton they only did a limited amount, to try and see how the system would handle it. Sure enough, even with that small amount, the system crashed…happens A LOT (Fish Camp Reg crashed, within minutes of it opening, 1st NSC session the Reg system crashed, Sports Pass sign up crashed, etc). It took 4 of us calling-I think we tried 75+ calls, before someone answered. They were able to place us in the exact room we wanted, within minutes. They told us how many were registering that day, otherwise you are not told.

Once dorm selection slots are given, there will be all kinds of chatter on Aggie Parents FB page, and most can figure out if they’re day 1, day 2, etc. If your son is Day 3 or later, better have all kinds of back up dorms ready. Hullabaloo and Northside Modulars fill up quickest. If your son is going in as a single (meaning he doesn’t have a roommate, willing to take an open bed) his chances are greater at getting Hullabaloo. If he’s got a roommate, the roomie with the highest selection time ‘pulls’ up the other, as long as they’re formally matched (I think that takes place during phase 3?).
Easily, dorm selection has been THE MOST stressful thing about A&M so far…and we had the 1st time slot!

FWIW, my '23 son paid his housing deposit the day after @52AG82 and was able to pick his room the day after @52AG82 and I remember thinking this was the second time slot. At this point, there were even first floor empty modular rooms, in addition to higher floors.
I guess all the early ones were going to Hullabaloo! I wonder how many upper classmen stay at Hullabaloo, cause how does it fill so fast with only 75 on day 1 and 150 on day 2 freshman being allowed to pick a room and hullabaloo holding 640? Are students allowed to pull in more than one roomate?

@Eggscapgoats by end of Day 2/start of Day 3, normally Hullabaloo is full, except for random vacant beds (which doesn’t help those coming in with a roommate).
I think there is a small LLC in Hullabaloo, and I’m sure upperclassman are there, too. The handicap rooms need to stay open for true handicap students, and RA’s on every hall.
No, suites can’t be held, only the highest selection time student can pull up 1 roomie.
It’s crazy how fast the Modulars and Hullabaloo fill up!

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Three of my four felt their personalities didn’t fit the Hullabaloo reputation. I couldn’t tell you if reputation of sorority/fraternity-like, Northgate access for nightlife, and highly social like environment is the true nature of Hullabaloo, but it was enough to push three of mine to eliminate it immediately from their list.

This is why one of the best things going for TAMU is a wide variety of dorms and LLC. Everybody can find a comfort zone.

@Eggscapgoats I’m curious if there is a statistic of how many upperclassmen are on campus and where they live.

@MackAg Not that I know of, but definitely quite a few as RAs and I’d think others taking those single rooms.

Do the ring dunk together! I did my ring dunk ('95) with my Dad (Class of '64) and it was SO much fun! One of the best memories of my time at TAMU…and that’s saying something!

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My son applied to Texas A&M College of Engineering and he recently received his admission letter stating that he is admitted to the Engineering program at Galveston.

He is looking to do a Biomedical Engineering with a Premed track which is not seemed to be offered at this campus. Since he didn’t get into the College Station campus, what will be his chances to get into his choice of an engineering major. Is there any particular GPA requirement for each of the engineering majors?

Additionally, if for some reason he didn’t get into his choice of engineering major in the sophomore year can he switch out of engineering to natural sciences. He put Biochemistry as his second choice major.

I will greatly appreciate any advice.

Congrats! Galveston is a great option!

Your son has the same chance as every other engineering student to get his first choice major. Gpa requirement is 3.75. He’ll go through the entry to a major process like every eng student. 3.75 guarantees first choice. But even without it, 80% Ken percent get their top choice.

And yes, he can change majors whenever he wants as soon as he complete change of major requirements. At that time he can also transition to cstat main campus.

Please Google Tamu engineering ETaM. You’ll get so much info there as well. It will show gpa required is 3.5 but we’ve been told it’s changing for the class of 2025.

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@AggieMomhelp Thanks for your prompt response and I appreciate your guidance.

I have been reading about ETaM and hopefully, my son would be able to meet the criteria.

Can you suggest on the housing option for Galveston campus?


HI: My daughter is planning to do computer science with potential minor in art (when it opens up). We were looking at the laptop requirements for TAMU at the TAMU IT requirements webpage to see whether to get a Windows laptop or a Macbook.

Does anyone know if Macbooks are acceptable to use for comp science at TAMU? I saw on reddit and other threads that if you do engineering besides computer science, a Windows Laptop is preferred. over a Macbook…however for CS a Macbook would be sufficient???


I have heard that it is a good idea to contact 12th man technology on campus. They know what is required for each program. I think if you buy from them, there are some benefits like free loaner if your computer goes down, cheaper software downloads…
just an idea!

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Thanks! will look into this…

@Klueless yes, contact 12th Man Techology.
Might be wise to wait until NSC to purchase, speak to advisor, especially since all Engineering students enter as General, then do ETAM.
My students roommate is Comp Sci, and does not have a Mac.

This is great news! Since I’m late to this post, has he changed his mind or is he sticking with A&M???