Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

don’t mean to hijack the thread, but you mention Mosher Hall. Do you have any insight on this dorm as it ECOS for fall 2023. My kids were recently accepted Gen Eng and considering ECOS (if accepted Eng Honors). We are OOS and have no idea about the dorms. Kids attended virtual housing session where they were told that Freshman receive priority housing and can even select apartment style. Planning in person visit early Feb.

@my3sons2 if you’re planning to visit in February, definitely schedule Northside & Southside housing tours (2 separate tours, both require a reservation).
If your student lists wanting an LLC, just know that they’re pretty much locked into that. That’s a little fact that many don’t realize; when it comes time to select dorm in April/May, if you decide not to go LLC route, you’re kicked to the back of the line.

I’m a Mays mom, and Mays doesn’t have LLC or any special housing. That said, I don’t really ‘get’ the need to have special Engineering only dorm? No other major has that.
There are literally students in EVERY major, living in every dorm on campus. I think that’s healthy-students meet a variety of friends, all majors & personalities. But I guess Engineering majors want to eat/sleep/breathe with each other 24/7??
Engineering honors students are NOT required to live in ECOS/Engineering Village.

Take the ResLife housing virtual tour, view campus map, look at dorm locations and amenities offered.
Southside dorms (which include Mosher) eat in The Commons, Northside dorms eat at Sbisa.
Students can eat anywhere, they’re not limited, but those are the 2 cafeterias on main campus.

Dorm selection at A&M is based on time stamp housing deposit was paid. The only apartment style dorms are White Creek Apartments, which are on West Campus (but that is considered part of ResLife). No cafeteria on West Campus, but there is a café and some other eating options. You can also sign up for a White Creek tour.

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That is good information to know. They don’t want to be locked in without checking out their options first. Thanks!


Good to see OOS acceptances… congratulations…
May i know the stats and major?

FYI there was just a post within our Aggie Parents facebook group complaining about noise in Mosher and Aston specifically. One of the staff who is in the facebook group even confirmed their staff is struggling with problems in those dorms this semester. Alarms being pulled, pranks, general noise. Hullabaloo dorm and White Creek apartments are quieter. Not sure if your child is girl or boy but also the all girls/all singles dorm (Davis-Gary) is very quiet and no pranks.

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Gen Engineering (Mechanical)
HS does not rank, TAMU placed them in 1st quarter
WGT 4.64 and 4.58/5
UWT 3.78 and 3.72/4
12 APs
15 Honors
FIRST Robotics
Varsity and Club athletes
Multiple leadership positions - honor societies and sports
STEM tutors/mentors

They don’t check their portals regularly and the only way they knew to do so was after receiving a couple of emails about applying for housing. They did not receive an email about updates or changes to their portal. Once they logged in, they saw the acceptance. Good luck to your student.


@martinezcs Mosher has had strange flooding issues every year, since my Aggie started. Quite bizarre.

To piggyback off of @martinezcs, my freshman son lives in Aston in the LLC. The rooms are very small. He says that fire alarms are pulled quite often. I didn’t ask for specifics (dates/times) but often enough for him to complain about it. There are peer mentors and peer tutors, but he’s not needed them. Bottom line, he won’t be back next year.


Thank you for the information! Maybe that will be an option. Good luck to everyone else waiting to hear back!


Thanks! I will research further so I can be better prepared when we hear back.


@my3sons2 Dunn/Aston/Mosher/Krueger are the 4 dorms that make up The Commons; they’re connected/attached to the Commons cafeteria in the middle. All 4 the same size & layout, exact furniture. Dunn is the last to be ‘renovated’…nickname is ‘Dirty Dunn’. Definitely nothing ‘special’ about them, ECOS & Engineering Village just happen to be housed in Mosher.
Highly recommend taking virtual tour, looking at EVERY dorm-read about year built, namesake, if/when it was renovated, bathroom style, cost, see photos & room dimensions. Super helpful!
Hullabaloo and Northside Modulars are the most popular, fill up the fastest during dorm selection.
My daughter lived in Hullabaloo. Her entire hall was either Mays or Engineering, and most EH and BH. So don’t think every EH will be missing out, if they don’t live in Mosher. Freshman will have classes ALL over campus, so don’t pick a dorm based on location.


They have paid Housing deposit, correct?

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Yes, she did before October 15th.

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Yes, they paid the housing deposit and are on Phase II, debating the LLC option. Thanks to all for the “inside” housing information.

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@my3sons2 whew! Paying housing deposit is the most critical!
Yep, it’s not printed, but it is true-if they list LLC, they’re bound. I see gripes every year from parents whose kids changed their mind…they got bumped to the end of the dorm selection line.
Be :100: certain they want LLC, before listing it.

Speaking of housing - do the kids who are admitted earlier get first dibs on housing? For those that don’t hear until Jan/Feb/March - are there usually on-campus dorm rooms still available?

@RachelMTAMU94 dorm selection is based on time stamp housing deposit is paid. If someone gets admitted in September, but doesn’t pay housing deposit until later, their selection time is based on when they paid deposit.
There is not enough dorm space for every freshman. The last several years, dorm space has been guaranteed until 1st week in March. After the guaranteed date, there’s a Wait List.
Students with highest dorm selection time can pull up their roommate (that’s the ‘matching’ phase 3). Roommate must be admitted to A&M by the guaranteed date.

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Hey friends. I love all the chatter about dorms res life etc, but let’s move it to the “after admitted” thread. This will keep this theead open to all those still waiting.

Congrats to all who are in the housing phase tho. It is very exciting!


My DS applied to engineering way back in early August and still has not heard anything.

We applied late August to College of A&S, still anxiously waiting. Will there be another wave before winter break?


okay so a lot of my friends are getting acceptances for a&m engineering and mine still says under review… please chance me

intended major: computer engineering
GPA: (unweighted) 3.71 (top 27% of class)
coursework: 13 APs (WHAP, APUSH, AP GOV, AP Lit, AP Calc BC, AP Chem, AP Bio, AP Psych, AP Human Geo, AP Comp Sci Principles, AP Comp Sci, AP Microeconomics, AP Spanish 4) and 5 Honors classes

SAT: 1480

extracurriculars: student council (class rep.), 7-day 6-night international volunteer trip, honor societies (math, art, history, science), python tutor, co-founder and historian of Bollywood club in school, dear asian youth (local county exec treasurer), MUN (1 year)