Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

In AIS, Showing Mays as #2. One looked in Howdy Dashboard & don’t see anything there.

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Got my 7 tabs for general engineering, CS being the first choice major. My concern is ETAM, how hard is it to get 3.75 GPA?

I do well in STEM areas and have extensive experience in Math and CS related courses.
I can probably manage As in STEM courses, but may get Bs in general courses like English/humanities. My understanding is you can get a maximum of 2 Bs to be considered auto-admit for ETAM. Do I have a chance to get computer science ?

On the other hand, I have direct admission to CS at UT Dallas and a scholarship of 3k/semester ( not much but it’s something). I am not into partying, so I don’t mind UTD culture. I also think big city culture suits me well. Food is also a big deal for me as I can find better options in Dallas for my food restrictions.

I understand A&M is better ranked than UTD. But how much of that prestige actually translates into better opportunities down the line ? Everyone I talk to says A&M is better, but I can’t shake off the feeling that UTD might be better for my case. I feel like if I don’t fit into Aggie partying culture, I will be lonely and depressed at A&M, not to mention the stress about ETAM.

What do you all think?

Congratulations! You need to go where you feel best.

Not everyone at A&M has the party attitude, surely not those my freshman Engineering Aggie knows. There are so many tutors to ensure you understand and do well. If you don’t know Python, learn now. Engineering 102 is a python class. SO many kids don’t know and don’t do well. My son was extremely popular since he knows python. Check out rate my professor and coursicle (regardless of where you go) to learn whom to take.

Regarding ETAM, I’m sure someone here has the results, or you can do an internet search for “ETAM results TAMU Spring 2022” and find results, probably a reddit post.

Thank you. That’s good to know.
I am good at coding, have python certification myself and have taught programming to kids and offer tutoring at my school. My concern is other general non-stem classes like English/History etc… Can I skip taking them until sophomore year?

My son took 13 hours - MATH 151, CHEM 107 and 117 (lab), ENGR 102 and ARTS 150 (don’t do it). He has AP and CLEP credits he hasn’t cashed in on.

This spring, he has 12 hours, I think. Don’t overdo your ETAM year.

EDIT: ENGR 216/PHYS 216, MATH 152, PHYS 206 and CSCE 121.


Thank you.

Impacted major just means that there are many more people wanting that major than there are spots for that major. So even if admitted, may not get that major.

My two kids are in the corps and zero partying. Too busy. They do go out occasionally but nothing crazy. Aggie network is something completely unique to A&M. Engineering degree from A&M is a totally different thing from anywhere else. Having said that if you are set on your discipline make sure you know that you can never be 100% certain you’d get in. But if you’re willing to study hard it’s not too bad. I know many cadets who got into the program they wanted and their schedule is PACKED with corps activities.


Oh, my goodness! My comments above are so disjointed. So sorry!

If you are remotely thinking about A&M, plunk down your non-refundable deposit ($50, I think) for a dorm room, if you think you may want to live on campus. You will be put “in line” by your registration date and time. This is important for your time to pick a dorm/dorm room.

Please take a tour of A&M, now knowing you are admitted. Reach out to the Dining department to ask about your food restrictions. The Aggie Network is strong. I’ve heard so many stories of Aggies helping other Aggies in practically every aspect of life, career, etc. I know nothing of UTD, so I have no reference.

My son’s credits will take care of many of the Core Curriculum (English, History, etc.) requirements but not all. Save those for later or take them at community college over the summer. You can also ask around which CC classes are easier or more enjoyable to take at A&M. My son was going to take POLS 207 (Texas and Local Govt) at Austin Comm. College over the summer, but one of his suitemates just took it and had a great professor who didn’t overburden the class. So, his plan might change for Soph. year.

Tutoring is available through the University, take advantage of office hours, and if you need to invest in outside tutors, do it. There are quite a few recommended in B/CS.

Is Penn State a direct CS admit? I read conflicting information online.

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Yes it is!

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Firstly did you get your admit today?

When did you get the UTD admit and scholarship?
And also please share your stats.


You saying my post is deleted?
If so i said yes penn state gave me direct admission to cs program.

@TxSenior23 If you take the minimum classes freshman year, 1st semester will be calc, chem, eng102 (coding), and an elective. 2nd semester will be calc, phy 206(mech), eng216 (more coding), and an elective. Its great that you are good with coding and math, but there will also be chem and physics. Is it possible to find someone from your HS who is going to tamu now and see how the highschool chem/phy prepared them for the tamu classes? Its good that you are learning about ETAM now and understanding the implications - it is on all freshman engineers minds. Many dont realize the implications on GPA of getting an 89 vs 90.

Regarding electives, there are so many choices and you will have plenty of time to research best teachers, etc so I encourage you not to dwell on this detail. My senior eng son took eng103 or 104 and loved it?! (he took zero advanced english in hs cause he hated writing)- it was his favorite class Ist semester. Others love a class under creative arts ENDS 101 design process.

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sorry for the confusion, I deleted my post because it was redundant. Thank you for sharing :pray:

Thank you so much. This really helps. We have toured both schools in summer, maybe will tour again during one of the school days in Spring.

Yes, Got 7 tabs yesterday.

UTD: Back in September. Scholarship in December.
( Top 25% and 1460 SAT, CS related jobs and ECS)

Are you in-state for Texas? If not, Penn state is also equally prestigious and similar ranked for CS as A&M. You have a good backup.

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Thank you. I guess lot of misinformation and all the stereotypes of a school you hear can misguide you.

Penn State and A&M are very similar, prestige/rank wise and culturewise. Both are very large schools, have multiple campuses and more room to accommodate large student body. STEM majors are still hard to get into, both are ranked similar for CS ( penn state is 37, A&M 43). I believe international acceptance at Texas schools will be low because of the mandatory Texas law which requires schools to guarantee admission to Texas students who rank in top 10%. UTD is a good option if you already have acceptance from there. Dallas is also a big city, so much better public transport and commute options for international students.