Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

@Carson_Solis congrats! So what is the decision?

@SoTxAg1 Mays is Full. They only admit 1,125.
What are your son’s stats, when did he apply?

Mays has a guaranteed pathway through Team but if it change to different major, then you’ll need to ask them if he’s able to go that route or chose a different major.

Congrats tho… team is a great route!!!

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I chose Blinn. I don’t know if this means I am for sure in. It says it’s not an offer of admission, but a consideration for admission to the program.

Stats are 3.6 uw gpa, 1260 sat, top 11% rank.


Econ is a great major. I’m not sure if it’s full yet tho. Hopefully you’ll get at least Team. There’s still time!! Gateway would be good for you too!


They review the student first. Make a decision second. Then check the chosen majors third. Then if first choice open, you get it. If not they check 2nd choice. If not open they’ll give you general studies and ask you to pick an open major.

Great job making a decision. You’ll hear within a week most likely.

Response in what form?

He applied in August
3.75 GPA
319/895 (35%) of a competitive school so the ranking could hurt
ACT score: 27
AP scores haven’t been great. He’s taken two and has 2’s on both. Taking his 3rd now.
Dual Credit:
English - 3 semesters
Pre Cal - 2 semesters
Geology - 1 semester
Gov’t - 1 semester
Econ - 1 semester

215 service hours
2 varsity sports - Varsity football captain
Honor Society
5 jobs on resume
Delegate at Texas Boys State
Yout Mens Service League (4 years)- President and other committees
2 mission trips

Essay was his experience in being stuck in a third world country on a mission trip when COVID hit (March 2020) and his leadership role within the group trying to get back to the US.

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Within a day or two. When you see extra tabs especially “Dashboard” which will be used extensively in the next 4 years.

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I saw someone on reddit say that even if you are offered, they can still deny you because it doesn’t mean admission, just consideration. What is the validity to this?

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My howdy portal updated to 6 tabs and in AIS my first choice major changes to Blinn Team, but my second choice is still econ.
does this mean i’m admitted into blinn team? And is there a chance i’m still considered for full admission into econ? (My first choice was mays)

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So I’ve been accepted to TAMU, so would I have update SRAR?

The tabs change in Howdy: See this:

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@Carson_Solis Looking forward to Friscodads reply, but consider the possibility that tamu has sent the same offer to numerous applicants and are estimating a certain % will chose Blinn. But if many more chose Blinn than predicted, then yes, not all wanting Blinn will get it. Spaces are limited for so many things at tamu. Never pays to wait…


Replying to you because you seem knowledgable! Asking on behalf of S23, who applied for psychology on December 3 and wonders whether he’s still got a chance at admission. So far, crickets. Starting to think it’s going to be a no, based on how long this is taking. I welcome your (and others’) insight!

The language of offer has to include that. In the past few cycles, if one left a Blinn Team offer open for too long without accepting, the offer would disappear. If one accepts the Blinn Team only offer and then registers for an NSC, they won’t rescind the offer unless they discover honor code violation.

That’s the reason why TAMU sent the email asking applicants to undertand the pathways so they won’t ponder the decision for too long.

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Does anyone know if Mays is full yet?

I dont…

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I got into Mays but am waiting on business honors program