Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

And all green check marks in AIS? Strange to me that he’s not in… I can only imagine how frustrating that is for all of you.

All green marks as well. He goes to a super competitive 6A school in the DFW area where top 10% is ~5.4 weighted. He even had a glowing rec letter from the Superintendent. I wonder if since he listed AERO as his preferred engineering field (even though everyone has to go through ETAM), that they think he’s not smart enough so don’t offer.

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He’s “smart enough” to be in the pool for Aero. A lot of people put their preferred, specific major even though all go through ETAM. Same at Purdue with FYE.

Seems like engineering pathways just started leaking out. Your son will highly likely get a pathway but it could take some time to work through all the apps. If all auto applicants are admitted, it could be an issue this year but wait to see when non-auto applicants are posting. At a minimum maybe your kid is a full general studies admit since Mays is full.

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Thanks for the feedback - does the university offer them a change to general studies or does he go back into AIS to change his second choice? He told me that a friend of his had his major changed (from Mays to Ag Business) and swears the university did it but I don’t know what to believe.

Yeah, I don’t understand why your kid hasn’t heard. Totally should be in.

I don’t understand why kids from my kids school with no AP/DC and lower stats all around have been offered admission, but mine hasn’t heard anything, unless it’s based on her majors both being full. :woman_shrugging:t3:


They do it automatically. They check first major, then second then assign if both of top two are full. Example is Mays and psychology as top two. The Agbusiness friend likely put that down as second choice major and forgot.


It is certainly strange - he heard that they only released notifications on Thursday and that seems to correspond to when his classmates have heard but that may be urban legend for all I know. We are starting to wonder if he will just have to go to Blinn and transfer in which kind of sucks because he can’t do anything affiliated with the school. TEAB is a really good program and if they had it when I was there, it would have been good for me. I guess “under review” isn’t rejection so there’s that silver lining.


Thanks - do you know if full admit into the College of Engineering is full already?

We emailed housing@tamu.edu and they helped somewhat. The link to apply showed up but then it wanted her to log in again and wouldn’t accept her logon info. Now we have to call the IT help desk at 979-845-8300

Congratulations! Do you remember when he submitted in his application?

Received the Aggieland invite. Not sure it is targeted at any audience, still awaiting decision for engineering, which as far I know is extremely, extremely competitive if you didn’t make the EA deadline and are waiting on RD

@njdad7 Aggieland Saturday is a campus wide Open House, all prospective and admitted students are welcome to attend. No rsvp or invitation required to attend (except a reservation to take a dorm tour is needed, can’t just show up for that).

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Email says registration is required.

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Oh, then that’s new since we attended (we attended in 2019…pre Covid). Reservation would simply be to limit numbers, have enough handouts & give aways.

Usually you just register for the event as a whole. They will send a schedule of all of the events across campus for the day and you can just show up at what ever sessions you want. They don’t check attendance. We’ve been to Aggieland Saturday in 2020 & 2022 and that’s how it was run. I think the general registration is for them to track interest and total attendance. We made dorm tour appointments, but ended up showing up early and had no problem getting in an earlier tour slot.

My son had very similar stats and did not get the offer options either. He applied in early August. I feel like his app has gotten lost through the cracks or something.


Did he hear anything yet? My son’s application is still “under review” so we are wondering when/if we hear anything?

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Nothing at all. Still says “under review”. He has had the green checks since early August. When I called Admissions to ask them a question back in Dec I got the standard “he is still being considered” answer. I don’t know what to make of it.

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Did you get the email 2 weeks ago saying they are still reviewing applications and to research the alternate pathways to be prepared if you are offered one?

Those programs are TEAM, Gateway and Program for System Admission.

Also, there is TEAB for engineering.

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We did get that email. Hoping that indicates (or prepares) the applicant for admission through TEAB/TEAM. Who knows. Thanks for the reply.