Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

Sure! If you were to ask my son, he would say his experience with Blinn Team has been up and down. His Blinn classes were small (about 20 ). Attendance is mandatory and the professors gives regular (maybe daily or weekly??) quizzes on the readings. That all sounds great to me, but my son’s conclusion is Blinn classes are harder. I think what he means is he had to work harder in his Blinn classes. Again, sounds like a good thing to me.

Blinn does 8-week intensive math courses. Not sure why. The pace and the work is a lot. He decided against taking calculus (Math 142) with an 8-week format, so he tried to take it at A&M this Spring as a full semester class. But the A&M system would not let him register b/c he did not have the Matth 140 prerequisite. Of course, he took it at Blinn in the Fall, but A&M doesn’t see that in its system. He waited until January and still not able to register. A&M advisors said Blinn needed to send the transcript. Blinn advisor said they did. A&M advisor said, well, there’s a lot and they are working on it. He just felt stuck in the middle and left to fend for himself. In general, the Blinn advisor is really good and responsive. It is the A&M advisors who are not so great, he says.

Another example, an A&M advisor told him he could take classes in his intended major - construction science (COSC). Not true. He registered for a COSC class this Spring, but was booted out of it by the COSC department earlier this month just a week or two before classes started, leaving him scrambling to find another class.

By no means is it all negative. He says everything else is great. He really likes the RELLIS buildings despite the lack of dining options. He would prefer to eat back on campus anyway. He drives over to RELLIS and says it is a super easy trip. Everything else he does is as a regular, non-TEAM TAMU student. I personally think the difficulties he has had are actually helping him learn how to manage things, and learn how to deal with systems, processes, etc. Certainly good life lessons, but these are all things his non-TEAM roommate and friends do not have to deal with.


Hi there! My son was also accepted to Team this week but he’s thrilled bc he knew his majors were likely full. It does seem like the pathway to Mays is difficult so he is going to need to rethink and at least have an alternate plan for sure. He has a couple of friends in the program this year and they are loving it. Best of luck to your son and congrats!

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Depending on what he wants to pursue as a career, there are great alternative majors for “business” intended students.


Thanks! For Team students, I see that there are several Pathway “agreements.” If son wanted to consider AgBusiness, Econ, or Communications (don’t see agreements for these) how would this work? Would he just be subject to the change of major entry requirements used for TAMU students?

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Some majors, including Mays, has guaranteed pathway. Otherwise you’ll work with advisor for intended major to make sure you are following degree plan.

Does that make sense? Feel free to message me if you want to talk offline.

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just wondering what major are full by now?

Daughter is still awaiting decision for admission. Several of her classmates ranked below her received Team admission this week. Anyone know if offers for full admission are still going out? Her choice of major is Public Health with Communications as a second.


[I am writing this message with the nicest/humorous of intentions. I can’t imagine being one of the application reviewers and having the lives/dreams of so many in their hands! I truly know they are doing the best that they can and have so much more info than any one of us does to compare.] BUT….:rofl:

This site is a blessing and a curse at the same time! Blessing in that it’s a wealth of wonderful information!!! A curse in that you see some with similar stats or even lesser stats being admitted when your child hasn’t had any movement. I know it’s not all black and white. It’s just excruciating waiting and seeing it on social media. I think this mom may have done better waiting for her daughter’s decision before social media (where we didn’t know so many were being admitted before our own)! :rofl:

We are still hopeful and praying hard for at least Blinn Team acceptance soon! My question is: Does Ag Economics and Ag Communications really make their decisions later than other majors? I’ve read that in several places but then I will see one of those come up as accepted and then that doesn’t make sense. Could that possibly be what we are waiting on?


Majors don’t make the decisions for freshman admissions. So no, that’s not the case. Only admission department makes freshman admit decisions.


Same for us, watching those with same and lower stats. Waiting on Public Health, her first and second major choices were in PH. I hear it was full in December. :smiling_face_with_tear:

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(I wrote this on another site and copied it here as I was in the same position last year waiting on the admission decision.)

Last year, I checked AIS/Howdy multiple times a day, hoping for admittance. I was first quarter, good GPA, lots of extracurricular, high-school leadership, good essays, etc. What could go wrong? But I had a backup school just in case and did room tours there. Around mid-March the change major button disappeared from my AIS/Howdy, which I’d already read meant PSA. The next day, I got the PSA notification. I debated what to do — the backup school or PSA? I was offered all the PSA school options, meaning I met all their qualifications. That isn’t a given. Some students only got one PSA school option. I visited TAMU-Corpus Christi. It had a great vibe, friendly staffers, beautiful campus — I mean it’s on its own island! So I figured two semesters would fly, especially while getting to explore the costal area. So I went with PSA at TAMU-CC. Best decision ever! I have had a blast (pulled straight As my first semester) and am now in my second semester. The living conditions will spoil you though. I am in the cheapest dorm setup, but it is better than any standard dorm I toured at TAMU. It is semi-private — you have your own room and share a bathroom and fridge area with one roommate. I also can see the bay from my window and palm trees! Not a bad spot to spend two semesters, plus more PSA students come here than any other system school. I’ll be moving onto TAMU in College Station this fall (just did a lease at The Rise across the street from campus). Go Aggies! But I would definitely recommend PSA to anyone, especially on the island. Two semesters will fly and as long as you meet the GPA qualifications (3.0 for most majors, 3.25 for engineering), it’s for sure admittance to TAMU. As my mom says, it’s not about where you start, but where you finish. Hope this helps.


Hi, all! After applying to BOTH CS and Galveston, my kid’s tabs went from 3 to many almost 2 weeks ago, but apps to both schools still say “In review”. We have also not received anything via mail or email. Has this happened to anybody else?

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That’s amazing. Congrats on a great first semester too!

I’ve heard this from many students about CC. Some even choose to stay there because they love it so much.

Have a great semester and enjoy that view!!!

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Your dashboard should be updated with major and location.


It is there! Just still no official notice. Is this typical? Or could this be because Galveston has admitted but College Station is still considering? We keep seeing friends on social media posting their Aggie acceptance packages and letters, and the same have already come in from quite a few other schools, so the whole family has been checking the mailbox 2x per day! lol

Have you checked for any letters in AIS under “My Communications”? But for sure check what Christi is saying about major and location.

Thank you!

Yes. It takes a day or so to go official. But which one is showing… Galveston or cstat?

Nothing in My Communications yet, either.

what do major and location say on AIS? It’s strange that you got the tabs two weeks ago and nothing else has changed yet.

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