Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

If you get Blinn TEAM do you still have to “transfer” to mays if that’s the route you choose? I’m confused on whether it’s a guaranteed transfer or you have to go through the review process again.

Wow that’s awesome. It’s great that you have that info/experience. Sounds perfect. Does your son like that campus. I’ve only been once but really liked the atmosphere.

No. They will “review” to make sure you met the requirements, but it’s a done deal if you have!

May I ask what you want to do with business degree? Or specifically what major in Mays you’re wanting?

Yes, really pretty campus and a practically brand new dorm for the engineering students that is beautiful.


I saw people from a few years ago saying you still need to transfer. Did they change it? I would love to go into marketing!

When did you click on the Blinn only button? How long did it take for you to get the welcome email? Congratulations!!!

Merely to accelerate the notification process. If you’re willing to accept TEAM and be satisfied with that, then they will be willing to lock you in and give you clarity. For a kid with several options and a school working through offers, of which a material fraction will not end up at A&M, finalizing status is useful to both. Further, the student can move in with housing, roommate, and other subsequent decisions.

If you pick TEAM and waitlist, it takes longer for the school to know who will turn them down and , thus, what they can actually offer the student. Everyone is in a waiting game.

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@ChristiR93, did that even hold true in past years for those that got their options on this 1/31 date where A&M sent out a massive wave of notices? It just seems like EVERYONE got the 3 options yesterday, and I’m concerned because Blinn can only take so many students.

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Any dorm at all. You can do anything and everything that fully admitted TAMU students can do, except play collegiate sports.


I chose Blinn on 26-Jan and got admitted on 31 Jan


Yes, he would probably have a better chance of being in Computer Science if he goes the Galveston route because they offer that major at Galveston. My son is at Galveston this year as a freshman. He says that several CSTAT students have moved to Galveston this semester because they want Computer Science and at ETAM were offered either: 1) majors other than Computer Science or CSTAT or 2) going to Galveston and pursuing Computer Science. So those that really wanted Computer Science but did not meet the 3.75 auto admit standard choose to finish their degree at the Galveston campus.

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@devratpatel to clarify-what ‘Blinn’ did you select?
Straight Blinn College, Blinn TEAB, Blinn TEAM?

I was going to say that I think LSU / A&M have a very similar engineering outlook that is valued in the industries. An Aggie family member who also worked for Big Oil would definitely hire from LSU before say MIT or Georgia Tech. Which you probably know from your Chevron connections.


TEAB- Texas A&M Engineering At Blinn


My DD received the three options as well. Trying to decide which option to choose. She is ONLY interested A&M and only applied to A&M. She is still really hopefully for full admit but will definitely accept gateway or TEAM. Any suggestions to optimize her opportunity?

With the TEAM option I am worried about the opportunity to transfer to Mays. How likely is this? Is it almost impossible?

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@Fj23 & @Nmy once students are admitted, it’s considered a ‘change of major’. A true ‘transfer’ (at A&M) is a student entering from another institution.
You can Google any and all information that each major requires, for transfers and change of major.
Mays and Econ.
You can also Google TEAM requirements.
Don’t forget that all Dual Credit is applied automatically (you don’t have any option), but AP is applied as wanted/needed. Students entering with a lot of DC can be at a disadvantage, especially when trying to change major to Mays-they’ll end up with more than 60 hours, which isn’t allowed for transfer or change of major to Mays.

Can I ask what her second choice was? Congrats!

@aggie2027 she only applied to A&M? :scream:
What majors did she apply for?


Kinesiology 1st and Allied Health 2nd.