Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

Same. Anyone else still ‘in process’ register to go to Aggieland Saturday on the 11th? There are dedicated presentation times for those already admitted and those who are ‘awaiting their decision’ are put under the topic ‘Pathways (PSA, Blinn Team, Etc…)’. Seems to say if you have not been admitted the only hope is one of the pathways.

If we got the three options yesterday, gateway is out of the picture right?

Son’s friend was accepted for Biology in mid-December, full admission. 1260 SAT, first quarter, 4-year varsity sports, very strong ECs & essays. Applied in October.

My son’s stats are very similar and he hasn’t heard a peep. I’m hoping there are still some spots available, at least Blinn Team.

and @FriscoDad I guess what I’m left wondering is within the wording of “students with more than 40 hours of dual credit MAY not be a good fit for TEAM.” It’s that wording that made us think we had to choose TEAM and Waitlist. I guess the question is, would we have still gotten the TEAM option, if she has too many hours, or would they not really know she has too many hours at this point until they dive into the button we chose? Were the buttons individualized for each student?

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I don’t know the answer to at what point they know there are too many DC hours for team admissions. I can’t imagine them offering that or gateway. I think you did the right thing in choosing both at this point. What is her DC gpa?

3.7 going into this spring semester…she’ll get both Governments this go around.

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Best is check the degree plan and see how many hours can be transferred towards the target major. That’s why the word “may”. Because even with 40 hours, some student may only have 16 hours transferrable to the degree plan and there will still be a lot of classes at Blinn available.

meaning TEAM would be an option based on the number towards the specific degree plan and they don’t look at the total hours transferrable?

Thanks for all info, btw.

Also for PSA, if a student accepts that offer, can all classes be done remotely/online to fulfill the requirements toward full acceptance the following year?

JmomR, my son was in the same place last year. I hope your son gets full admission or at least a TEAM offer. I’m just here to tell you that if he gets PSA and he still really wants to be an Aggie, there are ways to get there.

My son was given PSA in mid March. We didn’t see a way to use PSA for Biology. Christi mentioned that Galveston could be a path to us and after we talked to a TAMU admissions person, we jumped on it. My son applied and was accepted to TAMUG for Marine Biology.

My son did his first semester as a MARB major then in December when it opened put in a change of major to Biology. So now, he is fully under Biology and considered a CSTAT student. The BIOL department is allowing him to stay in Galveston the Spring semester to fulfill his dorm commitments. He will move to CSTAT in the Fall.
There are requirements for change of major that have to be met in order to be approved, such as a B in their Biology and Chemistry classes. Also, MARB isn’t the only marjor that could be chosen. I remember another PSA student going Oceans and One Health route which I believe had all the same first year classes as Biology but not 100% sure.


Some DCs have matches in TCCNS

And most courses in the TCCNS list are some form of electives (core curriculum)

Having too many DCs will likely take away these easier “core curriculum” classes in the degree plan when most students count on for boosting GPA.

So check the degree plan, then compare the DCs with TCCNS and see how many can be transferred. Too many will be an issue.


Her high school has had her choose TCCNS matches with maximum transferability in mind. When comparing it to the specific degree plan, almost all slide right in seamlessly on paper. It’s just a matter of it it will be too many for TEAM offer I guess. The only saving grace might be than 15 hours are Spanish, which would be her minor and not a part of the TCMS degree plan directly…so that could be helpful?

@R2027 PSA is done at a system school (Corpus, Commerce, West Texas, Tarleton, Texarkana, and I think there’s one in the RGV).
Student enrolls at one of those campuses, stays for a year, limited majors offered, but direct admission to College Station if all requirements are met.
There’s no remote or online option.

replied to myself instead of you, accidentally, @FriscoDad regarding PSA online/remote option if offered that only, in the final days of waiting.

Thanks for the info. I understand they must enroll at a system school, but two things:

  1. Do they have to physically attend the system school or can the learning be remote/online and them live elsewhere? It seems like Covid brought about lots of changes.
  2. Is Texas A&M International University at RELLIS considered a system school for option?
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Here’s the link. Yes, looks like A&M International is one of the schools.
The remote learning is a thing of the past-thankfully-except for some classes that have always been online only.


Is there an acceptance rate on how many people get into TEAM that are offered Blinn TEAM, waitlist, and both?


Thanks for sharing that! How has your son’s experience been at TAMUG? How’s student life there? Does he need a car to get around?

Thank you! Wondering about the transfer options from RELLIS (TAMIU) to TAMU…she’s accepted to RELLIS (TAMIU) for communications and design and ultimately wants to be at TAMU for TCMS. Transfer options from RELLIS vs. Blinn or TAMIU…just trying to get plans B, C, D…in order.