Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

@Steve6 and @sbhubbell
Way too soon to be thinking about MPE (I think), but here are the Engineering MPE deets-

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@TexAgCVEN92 MPE info, along with all other ‘must do’ items will be on your students Checklist.
Make sure your student is in the habit of checking Howdy & TAMU.edu email daily-all communication goes to student.


They will take the MPE before their NSC. Last year, my son took it in late May. Everyone takes the MPE - at least for engineering. I don’t know about other majors. It is important to take it seriously and to do well because it will impact what classes you can take the first semester, and accordingly, when an engineering student can apply for ETAM.


Does this mean blinn team is full?

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Thanks - learned something new yet again! We are in the waiting to go from 3 tabs to 7 tabs mode and it is driving us all crazy (especially since we have been cooped up at home with schools closed and roads iced over).

I’m just hoping that we go from considered to accepted. I’m a C/O '92 grad in CVEN and there is NO WAY that I would be accepted now given how competitive it is. Thankful my son is way smarter and talented than I am (or was at that age).


Thank you for this - learning something new each and every day on this site. Hopefully, he doesn’t shut off his brain after the Calc AP test in early May.

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@RBT26 all incoming freshman take MPE, prior to NSC.


@TexAgCVEN92 gotcha, hard to keep up with who has been accepted & who is still waiting.
Best of luck!! :+1:t3::crossed_fingers:t3:

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Are the TEAB program classes at Blinn/Rellis open to TEAB students only or Blinn only students can register for them, as well?

No. It’s not full yet.


Called AO today and was told more TEAM offers are going out over the next 2 weeks.


Would that mainly be the people who put TEAM only?


Not sure but stands to reason, based on what has been said on this board, that is how they have done it in past years.

COLLEGE-2026, thank you for the glimmer of hope. We are both getting very discouraged as we hear of others getting offers of some sort. There hasn’t been much chatter around science majors and more specifically, Biology majors. TAMU is the only school he wants to attend. I hope we hear something soon and that it’s good news.


It was the same last year, many bio students waiting in February.


Can someone summarize the advantages of Engineering Honors? Does it also offer additional scholarship opportunities that a non-honors student would not be eligible for?

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@Topgolf i can’t speak for Engineering Honors specifically (my daughter is Business Honors), but the biggest perk of all honors programs is early registration! Worth it!


I can’t find what/who you were replying to, but engineering students must take MPE (math placement exam) to see where they should begin. Some will be told to take Pre-cal. Some will go to calc (Math 151).

I am speaking as a parent of a non-honors aero junior. She has friends that are in Engineering Honors and here are the benefits:
*Special job fairs and access to employers- this is a pretty nice perk and one of my daughter’s friends with a much lower GPA got a pretty nice internship after her sophomore year, possibly due to this perk (but I also know she really worked hard and applied to a lot of internships).
*As someone else mentioned- early registration with access to some special “honors” sections with potentially (not always) better professors. Other times, the classes are exactly the same as non-honors and the honors students have to do something extra (like an extra paper)
*You get to put it on your resume, and it means something to some employers, because it is an extra step of vetting someone else already did for them.
I do not know regarding scholarship opportunities- though I thought I read somewhere that there might be some extra money thrown at some honors students, it definitely is not universal.


Note that one needs to keep 3.5+GPA to stay in Engineering Honor.