Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

He needs to double check asap! He should’ve already received auto admission. I’d contact Office of Admission right now and ask/verify.


Okay…very new to this thread and I have read through several comments. But just wondering, what are the chances of my daughter get accepted to Blinn Team if she is a Business major and we choose Team only in the 3 options? Is there still hope or is it still really competitive? She is so stressed now as several of her friends have made decisions on schools.

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My son is in this SAME position… we haven’t heard anything yet on TEAM. Wondering and waiting… !!

@WBCoolMom everything at A&M is competitive…


Same boat… losing hope or thinking it’s psa at this point. Hope we don’t have to wait till mid March


Just because she chose Mays doesn’t hinder her from getting Team. I don’t know if they restrict number of mays guest breed team but to my knowledge, they do not.


Forgot to post… my son got into A&M Engineering few weeks back. His first option was computer engineering. My daughter also graduated from TAMU CE few years back. He got $5500 / year scholarship too. OOS


My friend’s son just got offered TAMU at Galveston for engineering — no other options offered. The type of engineering he wants is not offered at Galveston—-so what does that mean for him? How does that work? Is it an automatic transition/transfer to TAMU at college station as long as he meets the requirements? What are the requirements needed? Thank you!

At 7%, he should be auto admit, right?

Still trying to understand how admissions classifies applicants with regard to those who are offered team only vs given the three options.

It seems those offered the three options including waitlist for full admissions would be classified as more qualified than those offered team only? Those offered team only were no longer being considered for full admission. Correct? Is it safe to assume the group provided 3 options who selected team only or team and waitlist will at a minimum be offered team?

Last year, a bunch of PSAs came around March 13-14.

I’ve been looking at Reddit and this thread recently and I haven’t seen anyone get Blinn since the options came out. Is it safe to assume they just haven’t released them yet?

Along those same lines, those are in still review status not offered any options are less qualified than the ones offered team only or 3 options ?

@bhebert449 not safe to assume that, at all. A student last year selected Wait List and Team…he was only offered PSA.

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Why are some offered team only?

Only Office of Admissions can answer that…


Doesn’t make sense

@finbus098 - I am helping another young man with his college applications (not my son) and he wasn’t offered the 3 options… but, he is still in review. Wonder when he’ll know something/anything… or is it safe to say he will be offered NOTHING? Anyone know what typically has happened to those who didn’t get offered any options? My gut says one thing, but curious if anyone can confirm. THANK YOU! (this particular senior has put in lots of other applications, too… so, he WILL go somewhere!) <3

My understanding after being on here for a few weeks is if they are accepted to TEAM they no longer have a declared major. While at Blinn they need to follow one of the pathways shown under Admission Agreements at the following TEAM site: https://tap.tamu.edu/Programs/TEAM
So for example for her to get into Business she will need to maintain a 3.8 GPA and complete a required set of classes listed in the Pathway agreement for Business while in the TEAM program. Hope that helps.

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@college4buffs unless he submitted application late or it was never fully complete, most will receive PSA, if not TEAM, Gateway or bumped up from Wait List.