Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

That’s my understanding, but we haven’t heard anything yet, which is a bit odd.


For what it’s worth, I was told direct to TEAM admits (her phrase) showed a willingness to accept TEAM in initial application, their dual credit hours earned prior to entry were low enough that Team made sense, and in many cases the schools they were looking to be accepted to , were full or almost full. This came from a department head at TAMU so it could definitely be their insight based on past trends …


OK, application is complete and wasn’t late! So, what you are saying (maybe), is he may still have a chance at something other than a rejection! He doesn’t necessarily have a strong application, so it will be interesting to see how this unfolds for this young man. Thanks!


@dallassr23 Yes! google “Pathway to Business” Texas A&M University-Blinn Team … shows you the “Transition Academic Program” … very informative!


specifically for Mays!


He will not get straight out rejected, if application is complete, submitted on time (I mean, I guess he could, but chances are slim).
Research PSA. Many consider it a soft rejection, while others view it as a blessing!



Since my daughter’s status hasn’t changed, I’m hoping that they haven’t started sending out Blinn offers yet and they will start any minute now.

Better go log in again and check just to make sure

**Me for the last week waiting on a response to the Blinn TEAM /wait-list choice




He will do his first year at Galveston along with a few hundred other engineering that are doing the same thing. Everyone starts off in general engineering so it does not matter if the specific engineering major he wants is offered at Galveston or not. Once, he completes two semesters, he will apply for ETAM just like all the CS engineering students and will move to CS to finish his degree. I think the requirements for ETAM for 2.0 GPA and successful completion of two math and two science classes, along with the required labs, coding class, etc. The exact same as engineering students at CS. However, keep in mind that in order to spend two semesters at Galveston and not three, he will need to score high enough on his math placement exam to start off in Calc 1, Math 151.
Congratulations on this offer of admission!


I’m just wondering if you are able to change your major while you are on a waitlist. I requested Biology as my major and was waitlisted last Tuesday, and I selected the “Blinn TEAM only” waitlist, not both or just full admission waitlist. Since I wanted to change to allied health, can you do that while you’re on a waitlist or am I stuck?

Thank you! I will relay the information to my friend!! Sounds like a great option!

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Once setup complete your student will have both tamu.edu and blinn.edu email account. Make sure check both email frequently.

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No need to apply Blinn separately.

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The major code will still get recorded in Dashboard for financial aid purposes. Because financial aid requires minimum 12 credit hours towards degree plan so a major needs to be assigned for the system to automatically verify if 12 hours are going towards degree plan.

That said, one will need to register 15 hours to be safe. With only 12 hours if one drops a class it will automatically invalidate the financial aid (loan, grant, scholarship) requirements.

A lot of Blinn classes (e.g. Math) are 8 weeks, sometimes the “Dashboard” may show a student is 3/4 full time which may need clarification with Aggie One stop.

My son has 3 friends that were given the Blinn Team/Waitlist choice about 2 weeks ago and received the Blinn Team offer Monday. My son was given the Engineering Academy at Blinn, McAllen or Galveston choice last Tuesday but hasn’t heard back.


Ok that is actually the first rationale that makes sense. With almost 50 DC credits that takes the alternates off the table even though stats are high

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Don’t change your major. You’ll go general studies at blinn team but be working towards desired major of allied health.


On the Apply Texas app, you could check the box if you were interested in Blinn TEAM and RELLIS. That may be a difference. We checked those two boxes. Twin DD1 was offered. It would make sense then that could be an offer.

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Misery loves company. Just letting you (and the masses) know…same here, son received 3 options last Tues. Chose Eng. @ Blinn. AIS still reflects he’s under review for that path.


@klewis23 DANG, we just looked back and didn’t say YES to Blinn TEAM or RELLIS in applytexas - because we didn’t KNOW what we know NOW! ARGH. (for my own son, not for the other young man). Son doesn’t have a ton of DC, though. The unknown is painful… but UGH, wish I didn’t ready your post, really has me worried now.