Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

@TexAgCVEN92 i think that means, most likely, your son will be getting an offer to TEAB.
The person who posted her ‘Change of Major’ button disappeared also applied to Galveston separately-and has acceptance there. Her Change of Major disappeared for Main Campus.
It gets pretty hairy & muddy from this point on…


Got it - thanks for clarifying. Your responses through this whole thing have been invaluable!!


^^* accepted


7 tabs after TEAB offer accepted last week here too. Does the housing option not appear until after it changes to congratulations?


We did too! My son was disappointed. Can anyone shed some light on this pathway?

Don’t consider Galveston a pathway. It’s full admission just located on different campus for freshman year. They move to cstat after ETaM process


My son really wanted be on main, so now he is not sure what to do? I guess we should go visit the campus.


Many here today got TEAB (Engineering at Blinn), your student is Blinn Team. TEAB is for engineering only. Blinn Team can be any majors. TEAB was offered first this year in January so assuming Blinn Team will be next few days or next week. Good Luck!


Anyone willing to share their admitted student’s stats?
Unweighted GPA
Class Rank
ACT Scores
Dual Hours

Just trying to see where we might fall in this process.

@Julie_Mallory Galveston is full admit-same Aggie ring & diploma. Smaller classes, newer dorms, I’d go visit for sure! Great offer!

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Thanks for the advice!

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I know this is my heart hopeful thinking /feeling. BUT has there been a case in past that your student that has been offered three options, chosen Team Only suddenly and for a miracle changes to accepted at main campus college station and not Blinn Team ?

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Well now I’m more confused…AIS shows switch to Galveston but nothing has changed in Howdy??? No offer or place to accept

@FriscoDad @ChristiR93 Do y’all know when rejections typically start going out? My son hasn’t heard a peep…no waitlist or Gateway offer, so I am losing hope and just curious when the axe typically falls. He will get to Mays like his older brother who is a sophomore there now, but his path will most likely be a little different. (He will do straight Blinn in CStat if he gets rejected, so not super stressed about it, albeit we will obviously be really disappointed!!!)

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TAMU normally send PSA offer near end of March, very few full rejection in the past likely those were incomplete or non-responsive request applications in April.


I will say that my son felt the same way when he was extended the Galveston offer. He really wanted to be at College Station from day 1, as I think most all of them do. He does visit College Station often though.

I think it has been a blessing for him to be at Galveston instead of College Station his first year because he does not have to deal with so many of the hassles that CS students deal with on a daily basis. He doesn’t have to worry about catching a bus or making it to class on time. He knows all his professors because instead of a class with 300 kids, he is in a class with 50-100 kids. Its much easier to get facetime with a professor or TA. His dorm is really nice, and there are several hundred engineering students doing the same thing he is doing. He interviewed for and was selected to a Freshman Leadership Organization, and is very involved in several other on campus organizations, which will look great on his ETAM application. It would have been much harder to do this at CS as a freshman.

The first year of engineering is hard - even for the very best of students who are used to being at the top of their class in everything and have near perfect SAT/ACT scores. Galveston is less of a party atmosphere and my son does a lot more studying than I think he would do at College Station. He is excited about being in College Station in the fall and already has an apartment lined up with some other engineering freshmen he met at Galveston. He told me just last night that he feels very lucky that things worked out like they have for him.


How soon can they apply for housing? My son was accepted today but it doesn’t look like he has access to the housing application in his housing portal yet.

Check Howdy in the morning. In rare occasions Howdy may get updated in the afternoon but mostly in the morning.


Give them a day or two or check tomorrow morning. Link below use the same Howdy login.

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My son had the exact same thing (3 engineering options early last week chose Blinn, 7 tabs this morning and TEAB- CS, etc) and it updated to You’ve been Admitted to Engineering at Blinn an hour or so ago along with next steps. He applied for Industrial Engineering major. I bet if you check now it will be updated.

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