Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

@fzy4mk he will need to sign up for NSC that has Blinn TEAM sessions. His major is TEAM, doesn’t matter what track/pathway he decides on.

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How do we know if they have Blinn TEAM sessions?

There should be something on Howdy about signing up for NSC. Check Howdy and TAMU email daily. There will be a very detailed checklist of things that must be done-checked off-prior to attending NSC.
Remember that your major is TEAM. Doesn’t matter what pathway you decided to pursue, major is TEAM. You will sign up for a TEAM NSC session, nothing with Mays or Econ, TEAM only.

We sign up for sessions afterwards correct? I chose the July 6-7 NSC date.

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@Fj23 not sure what you’re asking? Just make sure you sign up for an NSC that has TEAM offered (not every session has every major).
Highly recommend a parent(s) goes with you. Each parent must be registered, and if there’s more than 1 parent, you have to pay for the additional parent. Meals and materials are provided, very important to register.
Day 1 is large group meetings, break out sessions for both student and parent. Day 2 is major specific-meeting with TEAM advisor in the morning, everyone registers for classes at the same time after lunch.

I’m asking if TEAM sessions are only on available on certain NSC dates or are they at each date? If their are specific dates for for TEAM sessions at NSC where do we find out which ones have them?

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I’m sure there are only certain sessions where you can register, for TEAM.
My daughter did it all, so I have no idea how to direct you. I’m sure it’s on Howdy. It was listed very clearly which NSC sessions were for which majors. Go to wherever you signed up for NSC and read carefully what it says.


I’ll do that! Do you know how I can activate my TAMU and Blinn emails?

No idea…my daughter did it all. I’m sure it says on Howdy-your source for all things A&M.

You can go here and click on Freshmen. It will show you all the dates. You have click on each one to see what is offered. www.newaggie.tamu.edu

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TAMU Howdy will have “Technology Services” link that’s where you set up your email.
Blinn will email you the link to set up Blinn portal login. The login username is the handle of the Blinn email.

Thank you!

All who had been accepted recently to Blinn Team, the housing portal opened up and I just completed phase 1 this morning for my daughter.

Few questions: @FriscoDad
I chose pay by semester and don’t know if this can be changed later. It offered set of accommodation options!

Is there a need to complete phase 2 immediately while we wait to make a decision by May 1?

Thank you and good luck for Housing.

@Murprasad submit phase 2 as soon as it lets you. It’s a totally meaninglessness step-just list 2 dorms- it doesn’t mean a thing. It’s simply a formality, in order to move on to phase 3.
All dorms are paid by semester, always.
You will want to cancel Housing contract by April 30, if not attending A&M-read your contract closely. May 1st on means you are on the hook for paying, whether you live there or not.

*your student should be submitting Housing, should always be the only one logging into Howdy. A&M is very serious about this. If IT suspects more than 1 person or device is logging on, student is frozen out of Howdy.

Thank you @52AG82

Phase 2 opens on 22nd Feb and will watch out for logins.

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For some reason the email is still disabled and I can’t access the housing portal because of it. Does anyone have a way around this? I got accepted yesterday along with the 1/31 3 options batch

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Can you please call AO today for help? Hope you are using correct email ID?

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1410 really is a good score but it gets more and more competitive each year. I am not an expert by any means, but you mentioned that you have a HS Class of 2025 kiddo who would like to be an Aggie. Plus, you are noticeably an involved, supportive, and caring parent.

With that in mind, I looked back at what you mentioned about your Class of 2023. I’m guessing that with holistic review, especially for engineering, what he might have been lacking was rigor and personal ‘branding’ to use a marketing term.

He did take a substantial number of AP courses… but they weren’t heavy in math/comp sci/science courses. The engineering applicants that I personally know who had an easy time making it in holistically made it through AP Calc BC or beyond, had 2-3 years of AP comp sci credits, were taking AP Physics C as well as E&M their senior year, etc. You’re at a disadvantage with a HS that offers tons of AP classes. To show rigor, you have to take full advantage of what is offered.

Also, band is absolutely fantastic and leadership is definitely important, but you didn’t mention any STEM/Engineering focused EC’s. Robotics no longer has ‘wow’ potential with admissions, but at least it shows interest in STEM. Same with NASA HAS program. How about a summer python or STEM camp?

Did he show continued interest in TAMU? Did you guys do housing tours in person, talk to local representatives, attend Aggieland Saturday, etc.?

What did he write in his essay? Did it show a lifelong passion for STEM?

Does your HS Class of 2025 know yet what they want for a college major? If engineering, the things I mentioned above might help. If business/economics, etc. consider active participation in DECA. Other clubs that might help are National Technical Honor Society, debate team, Skills USA, etc. Paid work experience of almost any type, internships, etc. would be a boost. AP statistics would be a great class to have on his/her transcript. Does your HS offer any business classes like entrepreneurship? At least one of the essays should tie all of this together to show a passion for business. Even a story about what was learned from something as simple as running a lemonade stand would be appropriate.

Always be sure to include lots of volunteering and community involvement.

For your Class of 2025, consider starting an online test prep course like Prep Scholar to see if you can bump up that SAT/ACT test score a little bit.

This post is definitely not at all meant to insult you or your Class of 2023. It’s just meant to help your Class of 2025 get where he/she wants to be.

Best of luck and best wishes to you and your kiddos! Your HS Class of 2023 will shine bright at Bama.


@fj23 By googling “tamu nsc”, you will see a list of all the 2023 nsc sessions. Expanding will give you the info below

FYI, so much can be found by googling “tamu (and the subject, nsc, ap, etc)”


Congrats to your daughter!

Meanwhile, I don’t even know why we bother continuing to check Howdy. Seems like an exercise in futility at this point.

Anyhoo, congrats to everyone who got their acceptances this week!