Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

OMG ! thanks for asking this question ! My daughter was so excited on seeing the Blinn acceptance, she immediately registered for NSC and chose the 1st available slot not aware that it did not list TEAM program. Had I not seen this post, we would’ve been clueless ! Note to self - read all relevant materials before filling out stuff !


@duckfeet_1997 NSC is registration/meeting with advisor. You can’t attend an NSC where your major isn’t offered. TEAM won’t be offered at every NSC.
Very important for student to read fine print on everything and check Howdy portal daily.

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I believe her son is moving on to Bama due to guaranteed direct admission to major there vs the low odds of getting into Computer Science through ETAM at A&M the second year.

My advice to new engineering applicants first and foremost would be to shoot for a 1450+ SAT score. Many students got offered TEAB or Galveston with 1400-1420 SAT, including mine with numerous AP classes including all the STEM choices you mentioned. With that said, TEAB & Galveston are great options, with amazing perks, and a blessing in disguise for many.


Just wondering if gateway offers had gone out yet.

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When my son went to register for NSC through AIS, he was only given a few options to select and not the full list. Assume this list represented what was still available for TEAM students.

Is everyone else seeing something different?

It might be that only NSC sessions with openings are being offered. They do fill up, esp june and july.

In the past, the fine print states that it is the students responsibility to register for an NSC that has their major

For those newly admitted to Blinn TEAM-

*student can only register for NSC (New Student Conference) during a session where TEAM is offered. Their admitted major is TEAM. (They will not meet with advisors from other colleges, TEAM advisors only)

*highly recommend parent(s) attend NSC with student. You MUST rsvp for parents to attend, and pay if more than 1 parent comes. Meals are provided, seating is limited, you can’t show up with an extra parent. Siblings NOT invited.

*be patient. Email and Housing buttons will open, banner will arrive in the mail.

*only student should be using & logging in to Howdy portal. Period. Parents should NEVER log in to Howdy-there’s an opportunity to get a limited Parent Howdy (they go over this during NSC) down the road.

*student should be in the driver seat from this point forward. It is their responsibility to pay Housing deposit, register for NSC, read Howdy daily and check TAMU email. Howdy will have a detailed Checklist of things that must be done, prior to NSC.

*all communication goes to the student. Highly recommend joining the Parents of Blinn TEAM FB page (I posted the link yesterday). Always good to hear tips from seasoned parents.

*Google and A&M websites can pretty much answer any questions, give you links to whatever you’re looking for.

If A&M is where your student has decided to attend, I hope they’ll love it as much as mine has! :+1:t3:
That being said, there are sooo many wonderful colleges & universities, A&M is just one of thousands.


My daughter chose Jun 29-30 slot. But that slot wasn’t even listed in the 'Freshman NSC Dates & Schedules ’ page ! I swear, i checked her registration multiple times.
So, we rescheduled to JUly 6-7
Now I’m thinking, maybe the description has a typo…I see 2 options that are not listed in the schedules page:
FR43 6/29/2023 ~ 6/30/2023
FR44 7/11/2023 ~ 7/12/2023



Tamu might be adding sessions as others fill up and all info isn’t updated right away. Theres been so many times when sites will have conflicting info in the past four years…what to do?


Ok- I should know how to figure this out with a student already at TAMU, but we can’t seem to get my newly admitted son’s TAMU email working. We spent about an hour on it over the weekend doing google searches and gave up. Is there something obvious we are missing on how to set up the TAMU email?

We saw the same thing and signed up for the 6/29 slot. This was part of the reason I posed the question above.

@nachomama @FriscoDad posted this last night.

FWIW, two years ago, setting up tamu google account and email was a to-do item on the main AIS page, which led to other links in howdy to get it done. There were numerous other items in the list on AIS.

oh, I see. Good to know. Thanks !


Thank you- I stupidly asked my question before reading through the responses from last night. I’m hoping that gets us there. If not, we will have to make a phone call to technology support.

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Oh noooo did my daughter made a mistake by signing NSC for June 27 and 28 ??? I think she was so excited she didn’t even realized the fine printing about the TEAM major , how can she find out if this was a mistake ? She is freaking out and so am I cause it’s already paid :sob:

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No need to freak out! Just expand the tab for the dates your daughter registered for and make sure her major is included for that date…if it’s not, just reschedule for another session. If she’s Blinn Team, make sure you pick a NSC date for Blinn Team



Is your son going to do Galveston? We got offered that as well…

I believe I read that when dates are offered to you through AIS, it would already have your daughter’s major on those dates that are offered to pick from. My daughter also signed up for June 27/28 and when I looked back (because we also freaked out)…

The dates June 27/28 does say:

College of Art & Science - TEAM Program

So we believe that would be the right date to choose for Blinn TEAM, from what we were reading. I think you are good.

If someone knows differently, please respond bc then I will freak again. :rofl:

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