Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

It’s funny you say that. We did the EXACT same thing. We have a confirmation for June 29-30 but I see nothing posted about those dates, just June 28-29. I called and they said they were new dates being opened that weren’t posted yet but I didn’t feel good about it. We moved ours to July 6-7 too!

I woke up this morning and got an email saying Tamu received my FAFSA. I checked my portal and it doesn’t say it’s been rejected anymore. I’m not sure what happened since I didn’t even get to talk to them about it.


We managed to talk to a former student at TAMU Galveston and came to the conclusion that Pacific and Atlantic will be best for us. Our primary concern for Oceans and Hullabaloo is the building is too old, the restroom configuration is not ideal, and the furnishing is not as good.
Maritime from what I heard is that it is not worth the extra cost.


@Yang_Liu2 I don’t know how dorm selection is done at Galveston, but I’m guessing based on seniority, since all students are required to live on campus. Applying in February means you’re most likely way down on the list. Student better be open to all housing options.
I hear nothing but great things at TAMUG, I hope you son will love it!

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So what happens now ? My daughter received same email ! But how or when do we check financial aid ??! It’s all so confusing

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I think I had a different problem! Tamu received my FAFSA but it got rejected. I called FAFSA and they gave me the processed date and a transaction number to tell TAMU. I was planning on calling Monday, but they sent me an email saying they received it and the rejection status went away.

@LourdesPl71 according to the parent pages, incoming freshman scholarships have posted, but financial aid hasn’t posted yet. There’s always a slight chance small scholarships could post during summer, but don’t count on it.
Student can log in to Howdy, scroll down to FinAid link, to see if anything has posted/been offered yet. Student isn’t always notified when things post to FinAid, it is up to them to check periodically.
I think I read FinAid will be offered in April?
Contact AggieOneStop for all financial, FAFSA questions (not easy to get in touch with).

I asked this before…

When would the student and parents get official email of acceptance with details such as Cost of Attendance, scholarships and financial aid?
With Team program, how does the departmental scholarship opportunities?
With Team program, does the cost of attendance come from both institutions?

I believe there are too many information online and thanks to this forum and expects but it’s time to receive information straight from the horse.

I believe that someone could take these posts and make a nice guide for prospective Aggie students/patents, with some things included that the university would never tell you. Just a thought.

Unfortunately, parents will never receive emails about cost or financial aid, etc. Many of these are part of the to-do list in either the students AIS or howdy. However there is a lot of information online.

It’s up to the students to apply for scholarships every year. There is one application, due in February

In the fall, if a parent makes a bill payment account, then they can sign up for notifications on when tuition is due and the details.

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@Murprasad I’ve read on parent pages, that incoming freshman financial aid will be posted March-April. All grants, scholarships, financial aid is posted on student Howdy, under FinAid tab/link.
It is student responsibility to check periodically.
All communication goes to the student.

Departmental scholarships/awards can come, extremely competitive (the standard theme at TAMU…) after freshman year. TEAM is a major, but not included in departmental scholarships.

You can Google Blinn TEAM, several very good links-both on A&M and Blinn websites.
AggieOneStop has social media pages + a website.


My son was also accepted for TEAB and signed up for housing at the Engineering Village LLC a few days ago. We received an email confirming that his spot was reserved. If you find out more information about the Engineering LLC and how it relates to TEAB, please let us know. Thanks!

He chose TEAB but he strongly considered Galveston, as well. Good luck to your son at TAMUG!

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@Murprasad this FB page is going to be your best
resource, for all things Blinn TEAM -

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Thank you all so much for all this information. It has been so helpful through this nail-biting process.
My daughter has been offered TEAM. She hasn’t yet accepted because she has offers from other schools and hasn’t decided which it best for her yet. I would like her to go ahead and apply for housing in hopes that she could get a dorm assignment if she decides to go the TEAM path. Is it possible to apply for housing without signing up for NSC just yet or do you have to sign up for the conference first? If that is the case, once you sign up for NSC you have to pay, correct? If she decides not to do TEAM and go to another school, would we be out the money for NSC and housing? Just wondering.

Reporting back on something that may seem obvious to others, but even to this mom of a junior Aggie, was not. I have been pestering my son to get his TAMU email set up and he has not been able to do so. We spent quite a while trying to figure it out.


We had been holding off on NSC registration while finalizing summer plans. My son is now registered.

Two things though, first- only NSC with my sons major (TEAB) were offered as options to him. Second, the TAMU tech desk was open at 10pm on Saturday night and was super helpful (student needs UIN).


@slhoneycutt congrats on TEAM!
It is IMPERATIVE your daughter stop what she’s doing RIGHT NOW, and register for Housing. $75 non-refundable, cancel by April 30 if she decides to go elsewhere. May 1st on, she’s on the hook to pay for the dorm.
Dorm selection is based on time stamp housing deposit is paid…so she literally needs to pay RIGHT NOW. Dorms won’t be guaranteed past 1st week in March, perhaps sooner.
Registering for NSC is considered ‘accepting’ to attend A&M. Wait to register for NSC…until she knows for certain where she’s going to attend.

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Housing application done. Thank you so much for this info.

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Anyone knows when and if there is a next AggieLand ? I know my daughter had A&M in her heart and after this agonizing waiting and getting TEAM she feels a little discouraged,

Aggieland Saturday is always in February. I don’t think there is anything else on that large of a scale scheduled for the Spring, but check the TAMU website. You can still schedule a campus tour though, it will just be more generic. Take her anyway. Let her see CStat and get excited. She’s an Aggie. Blinn Team still makes her an Aggie. Get her excited about Fish Camp and NSC. She’ll be fine!