Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

Yeah I saw that it just worries me it could make my chances worse at this stage in the game


The waiting is so difficult. At this point it would be better to know so living arrangements and other plans can be made. Good luck to you!

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Sorry for this rudimentary question, I just started to pay attention to all the Engineering major discussions, it might be useful for my middle school son, who aspires to do electrical engineering - Do all students have to go through ETAM ? Some auto admit friends of my daughter already have admission to the engineering major of their choice. Will they need to still maintain that GPA requirement in 1st year of uni ? Thanks

When you apply to TAMU you apply for a specific engineering major. But, all students accepted in engineering are “general engineering” until after the first year when they apply for ETAM. If you have a 3.75 GPA you will automatically get your engineering major of choice. GPA below that goes through another holistic review process where you list 3-5 engineering choices (ranked) and the TAMU college of engineering decides which major they will place you in.


@duckfeet_1997 none of your daughters friends got into their chosen concentration…every Engineering major starts out as General Engineering, at A&M; then they go thru ETAM.
You can Google ‘ETAM’, look on TAMU Engineering website for all the details.


You can try. Because any choice with waitlist have to wait it out.

When do students hear about housing assignments? My daughter did all her applications in December.


@SlimJim005 students will all get notified, usually in April, when their actual dorm selection date/time is. They’ll have enough time to make alternate arrangements (parent, sibling, roomie, etc) if they have a conflict during their selection time. It’s quite common for the time to be during the school day, during AP exams, even during graduation.
With a December time slot, that’s pretty far down the selection list…she will need MANY dorm options.
Highly suggest taking an in person dorm tour between now & Easter. She will want to be well prepared on every style of dorm.
Dorms are not assigned.


Does A&M have a set number of spaces per major?
What is the major that the least number of students apply for?

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Great question!

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@cookra i can only answer for Mays. 1,125 admitted to Mays Business for the incoming freshman class.

I am sure there are charts & graphs that list the info you’re wanting-search TAMU websites and Google. Info could easily charge from year to year also.

I have been searching.

@cookra, I’m no expert, but if you look at the College of Arts & Sciences, you can probably guess that certain majors are going to be pretty heavily pursued, while others will be seen as less popular – particularly some of the exotic languages (Russian Major, maybe?). However, if you want to know in order to pursue that major, so that you get accepted, then it might be a different answer. Some of the Communications and Sociology majors may “easier”, but they may also have a lot of people pursuing those majors. I would check with someone in the College of Arts & Sciences to see if they can tell you which is the smallest department.

My son is a Statistics major. It’s probably one of the smallest departments in Arts & Sciences. It was the smallest when it was just science. There were about 25 freshman with that major his first year. Negatives about having a small major are no honors program and much fewer recruitment and research opportunities. There is only one advisor and it’s not hard to get in to see her.
My daughter applied to PH. Public Health is a small school with a 2300-2500 total cap of students (think that includes grad students), so maybe 500 freshmen slots. It fills fast, because it’s a common major for pre-professional school (pre-med/vet/pharmacy/pa/nursing).

Check TAMU Accountability report

A good resource to look at is the Applied, Admitted, & Enrolled page on the TAMU Accountability website, as FriscoDad just mentioned. There you can filter the college, major, etc to see how many applied, were admitted & then enrolled in classes. You can even filter out auto-admits to get a better idea of realistic expectations for those in holistic review.

One thing to consider is that I’m almost certain A&M considers Admitted to be any one who received an offer of acceptance…this could be Full Admission, Gateway, or PSA. Which would explain the delta between Admitted & Enrolled (people who actually registered).


Yes, enrolled to admitted ratio is what commonly referred as yield. Public universities only care about the total enrollment and don’t really care much about yield though. Yield is primiarly for forecast purposes for public universities. Only private universities “protect” their yield.

Small majors even with high acceptance rate can take a long time to get admission. Small majors also won’t allow students change major that easily. So it may not be a good idea to just try to “get in”.

Admitted data include Blinn Team and TEAB, Gateway and full admission. PSA is not in admitted data.


Oh awesome! Thank you for clarifying.

I just looked at the accountability website and I think there is a glitch with the data. On the applied, admitted, and enrolled page if you select just the school and college of vet and bio medicine it drops the enrolled from 1065 in 2021 to just 237 in 2022. That cannot be right.

@Mattowen select School of vet & bio med in addition to College of vet & bio med

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