Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

What surprises me is that he wasn’t offered his second choice major of Technology Management, either. I know TCMG was only recently moved to the College of Engineering but I didn’t think it was more competitive than General Engineering at Galveston…

TCMG is a relatively small program, and it is very competitive because of 100% job placement. Although small, TCMG cost is actually higher than CS because of equipment and small class size required and some courses need one to one training. TCMG is hard to expand as filling faculty is a major challenge. TCMG is currently bigger in transfer than freshmen enrollment.

The recent move to engineering cause issues in transfer and Blinn Team for TCMG as well. TCMG degree program will likely get completely revamped soon.

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I believe it was major specific but it’s ok. My son has decided it’s just not the school for him.


Trying to gauge and would like input.

1310 SAT
15 DC / AP Hours
3.75 GPA unweighted / 6.02 weighted
Top 25% ranking
Applied in September - Ag Business first major; Mays secondary

In Jan / Feb selected waitlist and Blinn Team. We were told 3/15 ish we would have decision, then told early this week and now the end of March. Any ideas what the likelihood is? She is interested in full admit or Blinn Team but would not likely do campuses outside CSTAT.

Is Blinn Team out of reach or otherwise not an option due to availability?

Thank you for any and all feedback.

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I don’t know if there will be any more team offers. Depending on how many agree to the new offer of opportunity majors, that might be off the table as well for full offers. We will see more decisions next week or early April. Many of those will probably be PSA

Your stats are decent. What’s your DC gpa?

Our son is TEAB admit for the Fall. I read on a previous post here ( perhaps @FriscoDad ) that we could register our Blinn courses prior to our NSC, and just add our TAMU classes at the orientation. The thought is we would have a better chance of configuring a T/Th and M/W/F schedule to minimize movement between campuses on any given day. Our son contacted Blinn to inquire and received a response: “You will register for Blinn and TAMU courses at your NSC.” then a copy/paste of generic information about the TEAB program. Did I misunderstand that we could register Blinn courses early, maybe something has changed this year, response we got from Blinn is not accurate? Any insights?

We attended a virtual info session yesterday, where the presenter said that students’d be assigned to cohorts of 25 with a pre-planned track. You sign up at your NSC.

Lauren Buth
Engineering Programs Director
Texas A&M Engineering at Blinn

I believe they specifically said they didn’t want students to apply directly to Blinn. If I understood correctly the classes are reserved for TEAB students only and they might not even be currently open for registration outside of NSC. They had created the tracks with convenience in mind, making sure that Blinn and A&M classes are on alternate days. I’d contact the program director above to confirm.

She also said that professors won’t be publicly assigned until days before schools starts. They said they stood by all their professors and didn’t want students to pick and choose.

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Your student can register Blinn and TAMU classes during NSC.

Normally Blinn Fall schedule opens earlier, so students can register Blinn first and just show to advisor during NSC. It is not really important in registering early but some students want to lock in with good professors’ sessions. But note that sometimes sessions can change (if good professors got overwhelmed) before classes begin.

Your student should have Blinn portal access by now. Once Fall schedule opens, make sure register classes at “RL” campus. Beware of the deadline of tuition payment or the classes will be dropped.

Yes…Lauren is the person my son contacted, and who responded by email. We also attended a virtual engineering session this week (hosted by Casey Ricketts - he was very good…and VERY patient! :slight_smile: But, nothing specific to TEAB was covered. Did you attend a Blinn virtual session? At any rate, Lauren is not wrong, students will register for both at NSC. But, @FriscoDad is indicating registering for Blinn prior to NSC remains a possibility. Our student’s NSC is later in June, so potentially grabbing some classes early is appealing (and if it no longer aligned at NSC, could just reschedule). At the end of the day, we’re just looking to understand the options available, our student will chart his course.

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Thank you…I’ve encouraged our son to call (email doesn’t always convey the art of the possible). We’ve reviewed the TAMU Fall course schedule on Howdy - there is definitely no shortage of ENGR102 and CLEN181 offerings! The rigor will be with the Blinn math and chemistry courses, so our student would like to prioritize his preferred times on those. I understood TAMU handles tuition payments through to Blinn for students, but we’ll keep an eye on that and pay directly if registering early puts due dates on a different schedule than the TAMU business office would managge.

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3.75 out of 4.) DC GPA

PSA is not of interest and the Opportunities Major seems to not allow for a great deal of flexibility in changing majors, as I understand.
We will hope for the best. Thank you for your feedback.

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This was a TEAB specific information session, for admitted students only, hosted by Lauren Buth yesterday. Based on that, I didn’t think signing up separately for Blinn classes made sense or it was even an option as she said the classes were not open for the general population. She didn’t explain it in detail, so there might be a way around it? Please let us know what you find out.

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Once having Blinn portal access, your student can go to “class search” to see if Fall schedule is opened.

Below shows 5 Rellis sessions for Calculus I already opened for Fall 2023. There is nothing to stop a student registering a session right now. TAMU Howdy portal is going to force TEAB students to take Math and Chemistry at Rellis buildings.

After Fall semester, TEAB students know they can start registering spring classes at November.


My DD23 is going to decline her BA biology offer and free up one spot for people on the waitlist.


Would love some advice! My son is from San Diego and is deciding between TAMU College Station engineering (in for aerospace but understand there’s the ETAM requirement)… as well as Penn State & Purdue (all aerospace engineering). He loves the idea of TAMU and has visited… just concerned about being a Californian in a place most of the kids are from Texas and if he’ll be able to find his peeps.

He also plans to balance rugby with engineering (but that’s true of anywhere he goes). He’s through all calc classes & linear algebra (took through San Diego State this year) so that helps… but advice as the ETAM thing is a bit scarcy?

Deciding between TAMU vs Penn State especially - those are two great schools for aerospace. Leaning toward TAMU but would love to hear pros and cons and any experiences! :pray:


Someone else can weigh in on A&M engineering/ETAM but I don’t think being California will be a problem in terms of making friends. It is true that the vast majority are from Texas but Texans (and especially Aggies) are a friendly bunch. A&M does have a unique culture sure you understand that relative to other schools but most kids that go like it.

I would say very different than Penn State starting with the weather. I lived in San Diego long ago…Penn State is cold :). Penn State has more of a ‘party’ environment (I mean this in the best way possible…not in the negative “party school” way). Similarities–both great schools with strong school spirit and football experience.

Great options both…good luck!

Editing to add we have no Texas/Texas A&M/PSU affiliation in our family.


They are all great schools. Purdue has a similar process to ETAM, while Penn State admits directly to major I believe, so Penn State should be the safest bet for AERO. However; it sounds like he’s very well prepared academically and should do well no matter where he goes. TAMU has a welcoming environment. He will have no problem making friends if he chooses to become an Aggie. All the best!


You mentioned your student already took all calculus classes at a college, the best thing to evaluation ETAM is review the degree plan and check if whatever left to take can secure 3.8GPA. Good Luck!


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My son attended a very small high school in Texas, and all of his friends at A&M are people he did not know when he got there. Lots of different types of people and a place for all in my opinion. It does not just come to you however but as a parent that is what I want.

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My son has found the school to be welcoming, but it is competitive in ALL things and from my perspective that is a plus as they prepare for life after college.

From my limited perspective, if someone is looking for a place that’s gonna blow sunshine up their skirt this may not be a match.