Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

I’m sorry I have no idea. Never heard of TAR.

Quick question, what is the best way to find out which classes to take for ETAM for an incoming freshman? Should we set up time with a college counsellor? thanks

The best way to learn about tamu is to search their website or google “tamu etam” to learn the requirements for etam and search “tamu engineering degree plan” to see a typical first year course plan. If you know, for example, you plan to do chemical engineering, then search “tamu chemical engineering degree plan” because the chemistry recommendation first year is different for chemical/biological/environmental than other engineering programs. Get familiar with the tamu website for up to date info as things are always changing.

Assume you’re the parent? If so, hands down, join this FB page-it’ll be your best guide for all areas of Aggie Engineering.
Also, WAIT to accept any/all AP exams. Advisor will go over this during NSC, many FB posts about this (on Aggie Mom/Dad FB page).

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Thanks @Eggscapgoats and @52AG82 I joined the FB page a few days ago and am just reading through the posts.

I read the Class of 2026 Course requirements, assume that 2027 courses will be similar. What I am not clear about is how to decide to accept AP Credits or not especially if one is trying to keep the GPA high for an auto admit.

That’s why student absolutely needs to WAIT to accept AP, go over with Advisor. It’s often beneficial for Engineering students to retake some math & science classes, to ‘boost’ gpa for ETAM.
Use the :mag_right: on all FB pages, to see more explanation.

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Aah I see, it seems like TAMU’s way to force kids to take classes at the college rather than use the AP credits. The language on TAMU engineering website is interesting.

Notice about Q-drops, credit by exam (AP, IB, CLEP) and dual credit

You will no longer be considered for automatic entry to your first choice major.

You may also unwittingly be jeopardizing your ability to meet ETAM eligibility requirements when you apply.

The basic premise behind repeating these classes at TAMU appears to be, given that the student has already taken them before, they would have a less harder time with them. Conversely, if they are taking courses which normally students at other universities exempt, Isn’t TAMU putting its engineering students at a disadvantage curriculum wise?

I’m a Mays parent. You asked about accepting AP credits. I don’t see it as A&M ‘forcing’ a student to retake a class. Every major is different. For example, my Mays student made a 5 on AP Stats. Mays doesn’t accept AP Stats, so it would’ve been pointless to accept that AP. Good news is, those that take AP Stats (in Mays) do overwhelmingly better vs those that didn’t.
In Engineering and the Science based majors, it’s possible some classes aren’t accepted. Again, why it’s strongly encouraged to WAIT to accept-your original question.


No it’s saying if you Q drop and take credit instead for a math or science. It doesn’t mean you can’t take dual credit or AP or IP. But you will have to find another math and science to take at Tamu. They want to be able to observe on an equal basis with other students. If someone uses AP credit or dual while someone else is plugging away at math 151 then they can’t truly compare them.

I’m not saying it’s a perfect system or even that I’m a fan, just trying to explain it as I know it to be.


I personally see it as TAMU’s way to ensure that all students are equally prepared for upper level courses. Sure, a kid can use their AP Calc score that they got two years ago from BFE High, but what if they’ve forgotten half of what they crammed since then and then Differential Equations drums them out of engineering? Listen to the advisors. They want to keep grad rates high, not lower them.

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My sons experience was that he learned additional material in chem/math/phys at tamu than what he learned in hs ap classes. So NOT taking ap credit and taking these classes again allowed him to build a strong foundation for later classes in phys/chem/math. The material definitely gets harder and more theoretical. Students from your hs might have different experiences so its good to talk to them.

If you plan to major in computers and are thinking about taking credit for ap chem, that makes sense since comp majors dont need a strong foundation in chemistry.

You can definitely eventually use ap credits for core curriculum or take at community college. But as others mentioned, wait till NSC when you will have a better understanding of the whole picture. Plus, who knows what might change.


Thanks for the advice. Of course we will wait. I also understand AP credit is not the same as taking the class at college. Being part of the ETAM is going to be stressful enough and if it helps to repeat the curriculum, we will do just that!

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ETAM is truly very stressful so definitely best to make it as successful as possible by retaking ap material. That was our thinking. Then again, many students take ap credit for calc 1 and 2, go on to take calc 3 and diff eq freshman year for etam, and do great. Its just impossible to predict how hard or easy it might be.


Another reason to wait and accept-if a student decides they want to change majors after a couple semesters, many majors have limits on how many max hours can be accepted. For example-Mays Business won’t accept change of major with more than 60 hours. If a student enters with 30+ dual credit (which applies automatically) and/or accepts 30 AP hours -or a combination of DC/AP equaling 30+ hours- and takes 15 hours each semester as a freshman, they wouldn’t be able to change majors into Mays (and I think Econ has a 60 hours max also).
Entering with a lot of hours definitely isn’t all that great, especially if student decides to change majors. That’s the beauty of AP vs DC…AP can be accepted anytime, where DC applies even if you don’t want it to.


TAR: Transfer Audit Report

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Oh lol thank you. And as far as I know anyone who has access to their howdy portal can see their TAR (look at me with the lingo) once completed by admissions. Not sure why it would be any different for an academy student.

housing selection time slots come out on Apr 29


My daughter received her time slot 20 minutes ago

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We received it just a minute ago. May 9 12:30 - is it a good time?

My daughter has 5/5 12:30. Sounds like you are one of the first spots as well