Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

She like Mathematics and Chemistry, she finished differential equations in sophomore. Her weakness is reading. She got high scores in all Math tests but could not finish reading section in SAT or ACT.
She is applying A&M, UT Austin and UT Dallas. She like A&M but I fear for her ETAM. Her choice of major will be Comp Science, CompE or ChemE.


Thank you for your @52AG82 input. Also, thanks much to @ChristiR93 and @FriscoDad


If your student is auto admit (top 10%) Applying to all three colleges are good options. (For UTD and UT I will leave that off this group)

ETAM in TAMU is very manageable for your daughter for the following reasons.

ETAM stresses on (1) ENGR (2)Math and (3) Science. ENGR includes one Python coding class and one Advanced Kinematics (similar to PHY206). Luckily for language(reading), your student can take it in local community colleges (make sure course code is ENGL1301/EMGL1302)

Normally I will not suggest claiming M151 away via AP, but if student’s Math is ultra-strong (taking differential equation in early high school?) And if Computer Science is her first choice major, then take M308 (Differential Eq) and CSCE 222 (Discrete Math) for the two Math courses for ETAM, use M152 as Core Curriculum elective, that way your daughter can enjoy more Math exposure and will be in strongest position in case of holistic review.

For the two science ETAM classes, I do not suggest claiming away PHY206/CHEM107/119 at TAMU even though your student had it in DC/DR. Having credit showing on TAMU DC credit doesn’t mean student cannot retake the TAMU classes. TAMU advisors always stress that TAMU classes are not the same (tougher) as AP or DC so they welcome students taking those classes again for ETAM. Your student may claim away 1 out of 3, however, in case of holistic review (GPA < 3.75), the stronger candidates are the ones taking most required (and tough) courses at TAMU.


Hi all, I just started my senior year of high school and have always had a heavy interest in TAMU. I’m writing here to learn about the best scholarships available for incoming students. Every time I look for scholarships I feel like only the Brockman foundation one from a couple of years back shows up (which after further research I found out definitely isn’t offered anymore), and I know about the Brown foundation for NM semifinalists, but I won’t know if I am one for another month or so.

I have really strong academics, with a 1530 SAT and 35 ACT, and I am currently sitting valedictorian in a class of 460. I’m interested in aero engineering if that adds any help.

Thank you

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@tristanforks great stats! Yes, Brockman definitely isn’t offered anymore. Brown is fantastic!! Highly competitive tho, and besides NM status, it also requires strong leadership and volunteerism/community service.

NM Semi & Finalist will definitely open doors at TAMU! Both are automatic for President’s Endowed Scholarship. There is at least one more, for Finalist (scroll thru the link below).
A&M is not known for offering much in the way of scholarships (compared to many schools), but NM Semi or Finalist will definitely help!

If you can stay Valedictorian, you’ll get the state of Texas 1st year tuition award, which is great!
Have you toured A&M; taken official campus & Engineering tours? If not, do that soon! I also suggest you meet with a local A&M rep-you’ve got great scores, get on the A&M radar!

Fingers crossed that PSAT gets you to Semi or Finalist!




Thank you for the helpful response!

I have not taken any tours yet, but I have been there for football games and I have seen the area. I plan to start taking my college tours soon, and I will for sure meet with a local rep. Thank you again!

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@tristanforks have you applied? If not, stop right now and start your application! One thing about A&M, it NEVER pays to wait…for anything. Get that application submitted! Yes, you’ll be Auto Admit, but down the road in April, when dorm selection opens, it’s all based on time stamp Housing deposit was paid. You can only pay Housing deposit when you’ve been given acceptance. You will want to be in the 1st wave of acceptances. I highly suggest having a 2nd set of eyes review your application before you submit-like a counselor, English teacher, professional tutor-to make sure everything is spelled correctly, submitted in the correct format.

Make sure you take the extra time to also submit the additional university scholarship application. I’d also suggest applying for Engineering Honors program (which may require being accepted into Engineering first? Not sure about that, but it does require an additional application).

Definitely take official campus tour, including touring & meeting with Engineering dept. And contact a local Admissions rep. You’ve got such great stats, depending on where you live, you have an opportunity to get some solid local scholarships. Ask your counselor for all opportunities she is aware of, Google local scholarships (even from years past, cause most likely they’ll offer them again).

We are assuming you live in Texas, correct?

If so, all @52ag82 said stands. If not, your stats are still flat out amazing and have no doubt you will get some money thrown at you.

Apply early, don’t wait. You want to be in the first round of Engineering!

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Agree with @ChristiR93 -I just assumed you’re in Texas? If so, there’s also Century Scholar, for those in identified high schools across the state. Ask your counselor if your high school is a Century school.

Absolutely apply NOW (that goes for all schools you’re applying to), to be in the 1st wave of acceptances. Never pays to wait.


Here we go! Common App filled out and submitted a few days ago :white_check_mark:. Test scores were ordered yesterday, an official HS transcript was ordered and, I believe, received. SRAR was completed and linked last night. Some items still have a red :x: next to them. Hopefully, everything will go through soon.

While my daughter is finishing up her TAMU app (engineering essays) she applied to Arkansas, Houston, and Trinity through the Common App.

Is it weird she hasn’t heard anything not a single email from either (3) and she applied 8/3?

My D23 applied to five schools on 8/3 and 8/4 and has only received confirmation/ next steps from A&M and one other school. I’m expecting more today and tomorrow as that would be the 4 business days some of them said… I think? Trying to let her do this but checking email is not a regular part of a GenZ’s day so she’s getting some gentle reminders. :sweat_smile:


My son applied to TAMU and Houston on 8/1. For TAMU he got all green checks after 5 days. He never received an email from Houston. Went on website on 8-6 and searched and he did get his UID but no email. But he cant upload Grades on their site due to no link and they say they don’t have his app fee. Well you pay when you use Apply Texas. Org. Called admissions a few times and they are horrible with poor customer service. Son likes Houston so hopefully it gets fixed soon. They stated even though you applied on Aug 1 they don’t look at apps until Sept. Doesn’t make sense to me and I asked why open the app on 1 Aug.


Son applied to Texas Tech a few days ago (maybe Tuesday) via Apply Texas and had already gotten 1-2 emails from them, confirming they got his application and giving him an advisor to contact, if needed. So they are on top of it. Not sure what is up with the other schools.

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My daughter applied last month to TTU and has already received her approval letter. She was not in top 10%
Their campus visit was phenomenal with a one on one college of interest meeting. She also received a birthday card from the communications dept. They are super impressive! Her heart is set on TAMU though

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My DD graduated from there. Loved it except for drive towards SAT. Suggestion, plan your hotels and visits for this year now. Especially on game days

My sons applied to Texas Tech, UTA, and UNT on Sunday through Common App and have yet to receive any emails from any of them. I’m giving it another day or so, but I did find it weird.


Maybe the common app does things differently? A friend told me a few days ago that her child did not get into several schools because the counselor forgot to send a mid-year/semester report card to the schools. (all out of state schools via common app). They only found out when they contacted the schools to ask the status. I don’t think Apply Texas requires that (or if it does, please let me know).

@ChristiR93 @FriscoDad @52AG82

Can you refresh my memory on the 6 tabs and what they say ….my aggie kiddos are 4 years apart so i forget what the 6 tabs say….this my third and last and hoping for the 6 tabs soon. :+1: Is it possible to have 6 tabs this early ?or is the 6 tabs even a thing anymore ?

Way too soon for 6 tabs (unless they’ve done something drastic), the past 3 years it’s been mid September (a day before/after the 19th).
Below is a screenshot I saved last year, when ppl were asking about the magical 6 tabs-