Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

How soon will the students with review admit see the magic 7 tabs if they submit on the first week of August?

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@forward6 it definitely gets confusing. A lot depends on how many AutoAdmit apply to Mays, then those with high stats and/or scores and they work their way thru the holistic applicants.
The past several years, Mays has been full in October/1st week November.
I’ll let @ChristiR93 try to explain the elusive holistic admission process.

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You are 100% correct on all counts. The caveat is admissions won’t look at holistic review candidates until later. They start with auto and then high scoring non bubble candidates. Many of those choose mays so they are first served. There are always a one one off where some random applicant gets in early that makes us scratch our heads, but we aren’t seeing the big picture of their application.

Come October/November we’ll start to see review students get into mays and some other majors. By early November, Mays is full. So when accepted to Tamu, you get second choice major if still open.

Hope that helps.

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Depends. Typically November/December there will be some, but majority come January-February and a smattering in early March.

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Therapy is key during this process. As for competitive, not sure how highly sought after meteorology is. That’s where the competitive part comes in.

How popular is visualization? My daughter has visualization first and communication BA as second choice. She is not top 10% but holistic review

Extremely small and super competitive. Now sure how many, if any, non Auto Admit get Viz.

Hi all.
plz Help my kid!! How can ‘the credit by exam’ put on SRAR? my kid almost done, but can’t find the choice for that.

Credit by exam normally is not done via SRAR, your student can submit exam scores or resulting grades to TAMU separately.

Thank you, FriscoDad.
She took the credit by exam for GEOM at 8th grade(middle school) and reported her high school. so it appears as JE with 1 credit on her transcript.
In this case, do I have to send the information to the university separately without entering it into the SRAR?

I would like your opinion on this @52AG82 @ChristiR93 @FriscoDad plus whoever can help.
The CommonApp has an Activities Section where you can list 10 Activities. How many hours/week is generally considered okay ? For 11th grade, (17 hr/wk for 3 school clubs, am officer in all 3; 6 hr/wk for 2 volunteer activities - leadership position in both; 2 hr/wk paid tutoring gig) = 25 hr/wk. Asking because counting hrs/wk is not an exact science but an estimate. Thanks!

Those are good ECs. And yes, they know this will be an on average kind of calculations. Be as accurate as possible but don’t stress too much on exact. Leadership or growth within a program/club is great as is dedication to a club/activity. Any competitive sports looks good too. Don’t discount a soccer league/team gymnastics/ competitive baseball etc.

Last cycle review admit applicants: 242, admitted 42. So among review admit, 17%. So there is a chance.

Auto admit 45 applicants, 45 accepted, 37 enrolled. Among these 37 auto-admit enrolled, 3 valedictorians, 13 top 5 of graduating class.


Leadership roles or full time job should be listed first, then activities with longevity, last will be listing volunteering hours.


The fifth and last tab in SRAR should be Test/Exam scores.

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Great!! Thank you for your help :slight_smile:

Wow, did not realize the program was this small! This is helpful, thank you! She has all the confidence in the world, so I hope she gets one of those very few spots!

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On the dar @FriscoDad - is the not applicable on ranking the non-ranks?

Which part of DARS?

Top 10% - last drop down box on right.

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