Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

Thank you.

Is the book hand-engraved by candlelight by monks in Albania? :upside_down_face:

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We got 7 tabs today! it’s happening gif :partying_face:


How long does it usually take for TAMU to download the Common App?

Ha! Yes! I swear none of us in the room believed her at first. They get an updated NMF list every month through May as kids indicate TAMU as their top choice. And National Scholars (which is why we were there) are all electronic. She liked us best. Ha!


@ChristiR93 Can you explain what is 7 tabs on AIS. Sorry, if you already answered this before

7 tabs in Howdy, not AIS. You can search above but basically when your Howdy portal goes from 3 tabs to 7 tabs that means A&M has admitted and setup their internal systems even before they tell you.

Anybody gotten official acceptance yet? We have had 7 tabs for 2-3 weeks now. Just dying for the official :slight_smile:


in my daughter’s case, it took just a couple of days.

Thanks for your reply. These are the 7 tabs you are referring to ?


Yup. Congrats!


Look under major, and it will tell you status (ex:admitted fall23)and major.

For the “Tell us about the person who has most impacted your life and why” supplemental, can you choose more than one person? Can it be a musical group that has impacted your life?

safer to choose just one person because it says “the person” @kimseokjin1

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It says “My App is Complete and in Review”
Don’t think it means “admitted” though

If you get 7 tabs, they are setting up your Howdy student portal. Give two days it will be updated.


My son submitted his app Sunday evening. Today is the 3rd day, still not downloaded by TAMU…getting impatient here lol.

Our son applied on Aug 1 and everyone’s seemed to get uploaded on Friday. I bet tomorrow or Friday for u

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In my son’s case, the next day.

Go to Howdy, my dashboard, and somewhere under major you can see…. I think it is around comment 553 that Another mom posted another way to confirm in addition to the 7 tabs. :+1:

Howdy, dashboard, overview

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